Source code for toil.batchSystems.contained_executor

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Executor for running inside a container.

Useful for Kubernetes batch system and TES batch system plugin.
import base64
import logging
import os
import pickle
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from toil.batchSystems.abstractBatchSystem import EXIT_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE_VALUE
from toil.resource import Resource
from toil.statsAndLogging import configure_root_logger, set_log_level

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def pack_job(command: str, user_script: Optional[Resource] = None, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> List[str]: """ Create a command that runs the given command in an environment. :param command: Worker command to run to run the job. :param user_script: User script that will be loaded before the job is run. :param environment: Environment variable dict that will be applied before the job is run. :returns: Command to run the job, as an argument list that can be run inside the Toil appliance container. """ # Make a job dict to send to the executor. # TODO: Factor out executor setup from here and Kubernetes and TES job: Dict[str, Any] = {"command": command} if user_script is not None: # If there's a user script resource be sure to send it along job['userScript'] = user_script if environment is not None: # We also may have an environment to send. job['environment'] = environment # Encode it in a form we can send in a command-line argument. Pickle in # the highest protocol to prevent mixed-Python-version workflows from # trying to work. Make sure it is text so we can ship it via JSON. encoded_job = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(job, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)).decode('utf-8') # Make a command to run it in the executor command_list = ['_toil_contained_executor', encoded_job] return command_list
[docs] def executor() -> None: """ Main function of the _toil_contained_executor entrypoint. Runs inside the Toil container. Responsible for setting up the user script and running the command for the job (which may in turn invoke the Toil worker entrypoint). """ configure_root_logger() set_log_level("DEBUG") logger.debug("Starting executor") # If we don't manage to run the child, what should our exit code be? exit_code = EXIT_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE_VALUE if len(sys.argv) != 2: logger.error('Executor requires exactly one base64-encoded argument') sys.exit(exit_code) # Take in a base64-encoded pickled dict as our first argument and decode it try: # Make sure to encode the text arguments to bytes before base 64 decoding job = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[1].encode('utf-8'))) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() logger.error('Exception while unpickling task: ', exc_info=exc_info) sys.exit(exit_code) if 'environment' in job: # Adopt the job environment into the executor. # This lets us use things like TOIL_WORKDIR when figuring out how to talk to other executors. logger.debug('Adopting environment: %s', str(job['environment'].keys())) for var, value in job['environment'].items(): os.environ[var] = value # Set JTRES_ROOT and other global state needed for resource # downloading/deployment to work. # TODO: Every worker downloads resources independently. # We should have a way to share a resource directory. logger.debug('Preparing system for resource download') Resource.prepareSystem() try: if 'userScript' in job: job['userScript'].register() # Start the child process logger.debug("Invoking command: '%s'", job['command']) child = subprocess.Popen(job['command'], preexec_fn=lambda: os.setpgrp(), shell=True) # Reproduce child's exit code exit_code = child.wait() except: # This will print a traceback for us, since exit() in the finally # will bypass the normal way of getting one. logger.exception('Encountered exception running child') finally: logger.debug('Cleaning up resources') # TODO: Change resource system to use a shared resource directory for everyone. # Then move this into worker cleanup somehow Resource.cleanSystem() logger.debug('Shutting down') sys.exit(exit_code)