Source code for toil.options.common

import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action, _AppendAction
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Type, Callable, List, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING

from configargparse import SUPPRESS
import logging

from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from toil.lib.conversions import bytes2human, human2bytes, strtobool, opt_strtobool

from toil.batchSystems.options import add_all_batchsystem_options
from toil.provisioners import parse_node_types
from toil.statsAndLogging import add_logging_options
    from toil.job import AcceleratorRequirement

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# aim to pack autoscaling jobs within a 30 minute block before provisioning a new node
defaultTargetTime = 1800
SYS_MAX_SIZE = 9223372036854775807
# sys.max_size on 64 bit systems is 9223372036854775807, so that 32-bit systems
# use the same number

[docs] def parse_set_env(l: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """ Parse a list of strings of the form "NAME=VALUE" or just "NAME" into a dictionary. Strings of the latter from will result in dictionary entries whose value is None. >>> parse_set_env([]) {} >>> parse_set_env(['a']) {'a': None} >>> parse_set_env(['a=']) {'a': ''} >>> parse_set_env(['a=b']) {'a': 'b'} >>> parse_set_env(['a=a', 'a=b']) {'a': 'b'} >>> parse_set_env(['a=b', 'c=d']) {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} >>> parse_set_env(['a=b=c']) {'a': 'b=c'} >>> parse_set_env(['']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Empty name >>> parse_set_env(['=1']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Empty name """ d = {} v: Optional[str] = None for i in l: try: k, v = i.split('=', 1) except ValueError: k, v = i, None if not k: raise ValueError('Empty name') d[k] = v return d
[docs] def parse_str_list(s: str) -> List[str]: return [str(x) for x in s.split(",")]
[docs] def parse_int_list(s: str) -> List[int]: return [int(x) for x in s.split(",")]
[docs] def iC(min_value: int, max_value: Optional[int] = None) -> Callable[[int], bool]: """Returns a function that checks if a given int is in the given half-open interval.""" assert isinstance(min_value, int) if max_value is None: return lambda x: min_value <= x assert isinstance(max_value, int) return lambda x: min_value <= x < max_value
[docs] def fC(minValue: float, maxValue: Optional[float] = None) -> Callable[[float], bool]: """Returns a function that checks if a given float is in the given half-open interval.""" assert isinstance(minValue, float) if maxValue is None: return lambda x: minValue <= x assert isinstance(maxValue, float) return lambda x: minValue <= x < maxValue
[docs] def parse_accelerator_list(specs: Optional[str]) -> List['AcceleratorRequirement']: """ Parse a string description of one or more accelerator requirements. """ if specs is None or len(specs) == 0: # Not specified, so the default default is to not need any. return [] # Otherwise parse each requirement. from toil.job import parse_accelerator return [parse_accelerator(r) for r in specs.split(',')]
[docs] def parseBool(val: str) -> bool: if val.lower() in ['true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', '1']: return True elif val.lower() in ['false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', '0']: return False else: raise RuntimeError("Could not interpret \"%s\" as a boolean value" % val)
# This is kept in the outer scope as multiple batchsystem files use this
[docs] def make_open_interval_action(min: Union[int, float], max: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) -> Type[Action]: """ Returns an argparse action class to check if the input is within the given half-open interval. ex: Provided value to argparse must be within the interval [min, max) Types of min and max must be the same (max may be None) :param min: float/int :param max: optional float/int :return: argparse action class """ class IntOrFloatOpenAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: if isinstance(min, int): if max is not None: # for mypy assert isinstance(max, int) func = iC(min, max) else: func = fC(min, max) try: if not func(values): if max is None: raise parser.error( f"{option_string} ({values}) must be at least {min}" ) else: raise parser.error( f"{option_string} ({values}) must be at least {min} and strictly less than {max})" ) except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError(f"The {option_string} option has an invalid value: {values}") setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) return IntOrFloatOpenAction
[docs] def parse_jobstore(jobstore_uri: str) -> str: """ Turn the jobstore string into it's corresponding URI ex: /path/to/jobstore -> file:/path/to/jobstore If the jobstore string already is a URI, return the jobstore: aws:/path/to/jobstore -> aws:/path/to/jobstore :param jobstore_uri: string of the jobstore :return: URI of the jobstore """ from toil.common import Toil name, rest = Toil.parseLocator(jobstore_uri) if name == 'file': # We need to resolve relative paths early, on the leader, because the worker process # may have a different working directory than the leader, e.g. under Mesos. return Toil.buildLocator(name, os.path.abspath(rest)) else: return jobstore_uri
JOBSTORE_HELP = ("The location of the job store for the workflow. " "A job store holds persistent information about the jobs, stats, and files in a " "workflow. If the workflow is run with a distributed batch system, the job " "store must be accessible by all worker nodes. Depending on the desired " "job store implementation, the location should be formatted according to " "one of the following schemes:\n\n" "file:<path> where <path> points to a directory on the file system\n\n" "aws:<region>:<prefix> where <region> is the name of an AWS region like " "us-west-2 and <prefix> will be prepended to the names of any top-level " "AWS resources in use by job store, e.g. S3 buckets.\n\n " "google:<project_id>:<prefix> TODO: explain\n\n" "For backwards compatibility, you may also specify ./foo (equivalent to " "file:./foo or just file:foo) or /bar (equivalent to file:/bar).")
[docs] def add_base_toil_options(parser: ArgumentParser, jobstore_as_flag: bool = False, cwl: bool = False) -> None: """ Add base Toil command line options to the parser. :param parser: Argument parser to add options to :param jobstore_as_flag: make the job store option a --jobStore flag instead of a required jobStore positional argument. :param cwl: whether CWL should be included or not """ # This is necessary as the config file must have at least one valid key to parse properly and we want to use a # dummy key config = parser.add_argument_group() config.add_argument("--config_version", default=None, help=SUPPRESS) # If using argparse instead of configargparse, this should just not parse when calling parse_args() # default config value is set to none as defaults should already be populated at config init config.add_argument('--config', dest='config', is_config_file_arg=True, default=None, metavar="PATH", help="Get options from a config file.") add_logging_options(parser) parser.register("type", "bool", parseBool) # Custom type for arg=True/False. # Core options core_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil core options.", description="Options to specify the location of the Toil workflow and " "turn on stats collation about the performance of jobs." ) if jobstore_as_flag: core_options.add_argument('--jobstore', '--jobStore', dest='jobStore', type=parse_jobstore, default=None, help=JOBSTORE_HELP) else: core_options.add_argument('jobStore', type=parse_jobstore, help=JOBSTORE_HELP) class WorkDirAction(Action): """ Argparse action class to check that the provided --workDir exists """ def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: workDir = values if workDir is not None: workDir = os.path.abspath(workDir) if not os.path.exists(workDir): raise RuntimeError(f"The path provided to --workDir ({workDir}) does not exist.") if len(workDir) > 80: logger.warning(f'Length of workDir path "{workDir}" is {len(workDir)} characters. ' f'Consider setting a shorter path with --workPath or setting TMPDIR to something ' f'like "/tmp" to avoid overly long paths.') setattr(namespace, self.dest, workDir) class CoordinationDirAction(Action): """ Argparse action class to check that the provided --coordinationDir exists """ def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: coordination_dir = values if coordination_dir is not None: coordination_dir = os.path.abspath(coordination_dir) if not os.path.exists(coordination_dir): raise RuntimeError( f"The path provided to --coordinationDir ({coordination_dir}) does not exist.") setattr(namespace, self.dest, coordination_dir) def make_closed_interval_action(min: Union[int, float], max: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) -> Type[Action]: """ Returns an argparse action class to check if the input is within the given half-open interval. ex: Provided value to argparse must be within the interval [min, max] :param min: int/float :param max: optional int/float :return: argparse action """ class ClosedIntOrFloatAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: def is_within(x: Union[int, float]) -> bool: if max is None: return min <= x else: return min <= x <= max try: if not is_within(values): raise parser.error( f"{option_string} ({values}) must be within the range: [{min}, {'infinity' if max is None else max}]") except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError(f"The {option_string} option has an invalid value: {values}") setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) return ClosedIntOrFloatAction core_options.add_argument("--workDir", dest="workDir", default=None, env_var="TOIL_WORKDIR", action=WorkDirAction, metavar="PATH", help="Absolute path to directory where temporary files generated during the Toil " "run should be placed. Standard output and error from batch system jobs " "(unless --noStdOutErr is set) will be placed in this directory. A cache directory " "may be placed in this directory. Temp files and folders will be placed in a " "directory toil-<workflowID> within workDir. The workflowID is generated by " "Toil and will be reported in the workflow logs. Default is determined by the " "variables (TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP) via mkdtemp. This directory needs to exist on " "all machines running jobs; if capturing standard output and error from batch " "system jobs is desired, it will generally need to be on a shared file system. " "When sharing a cache between containers on a host, this directory must be " "shared between the containers.") core_options.add_argument("--coordinationDir", dest="coordination_dir", default=None, env_var="TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR", action=CoordinationDirAction, metavar="PATH", help="Absolute path to directory where Toil will keep state and lock files." "When sharing a cache between containers on a host, this directory must be " "shared between the containers.") core_options.add_argument("--noStdOutErr", dest="noStdOutErr", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not capture standard output and error from batch system jobs.") core_options.add_argument("--stats", dest="stats", default=False, action="store_true", help="Records statistics about the toil workflow to be used by 'toil stats'.") clean_choices = ['always', 'onError', 'never', 'onSuccess'] core_options.add_argument("--clean", dest="clean", choices=clean_choices, default="onSuccess", help=f"Determines the deletion of the jobStore upon completion of the program. " f"Choices: {clean_choices}. The --stats option requires information from the " f"jobStore upon completion so the jobStore will never be deleted with that flag. " f"If you wish to be able to restart the run, choose \'never\' or \'onSuccess\'. " f"Default is \'never\' if stats is enabled, and \'onSuccess\' otherwise.") core_options.add_argument("--cleanWorkDir", dest="cleanWorkDir", choices=clean_choices, default='always', help=f"Determines deletion of temporary worker directory upon completion of a job. " f"Choices: {clean_choices}. Default = always. WARNING: This option should be " f"changed for debugging only. Running a full pipeline with this option could " f"fill your disk with excessive intermediate data.") core_options.add_argument("--clusterStats", dest="clusterStats", nargs='?', action='store', default=None, metavar="OPT_PATH", const=os.getcwd(), help="If enabled, writes out JSON resource usage statistics to a file. " "The default location for this file is the current working directory, but an " "absolute path can also be passed to specify where this file should be written. " "This options only applies when using scalable batch systems.") # Restarting the workflow options restart_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for restarting an existing workflow.", description="Allows the restart of an existing workflow" ) restart_options.add_argument("--restart", dest="restart", default=False, action="store_true", help="If --restart is specified then will attempt to restart existing workflow " "at the location pointed to by the --jobStore option. Will raise an exception " "if the workflow does not exist") # Batch system options batchsystem_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for specifying the batch system.", description="Allows the specification of the batch system." ) add_all_batchsystem_options(batchsystem_options) # File store options file_store_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for configuring storage.", description="Allows configuring Toil's data storage." ) link_imports = file_store_options.add_mutually_exclusive_group() link_imports_help = ("When using a filesystem based job store, CWL input files are by default symlinked in. " "Setting this option to True instead copies the files into the job store, which may protect " "them from being modified externally. When set to False, as long as caching is enabled, " "Toil will protect the file automatically by changing the permissions to read-only." "default=%(default)s") link_imports.add_argument("--symlinkImports", dest="symlinkImports", type=strtobool, default=True, metavar="BOOL", help=link_imports_help) move_exports = file_store_options.add_mutually_exclusive_group() move_exports_help = ('When using a filesystem based job store, output files are by default moved to the ' 'output directory, and a symlink to the moved exported file is created at the initial ' 'location. Setting this option to True instead copies the files into the output directory. ' 'Applies to filesystem-based job stores only.' 'default=%(default)s') move_exports.add_argument("--moveOutputs", dest="moveOutputs", type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help=move_exports_help) caching = file_store_options.add_mutually_exclusive_group() caching_help = "Enable or disable caching for your workflow, specifying this overrides default from job store" caching.add_argument('--caching', dest='caching', type=opt_strtobool, default=None, metavar="BOOL", help=caching_help) # default is None according to PR 4299, seems to be generated at runtime # Auto scaling options autoscaling_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for autoscaling the cluster of worker nodes.", description="Allows the specification of the minimum and maximum number of nodes in an autoscaled cluster, " "as well as parameters to control the level of provisioning." ) provisioner_choices = ['aws', 'gce', None] # TODO: Better consolidate this provisioner arg and the one in provisioners/ autoscaling_options.add_argument('--provisioner', '-p', dest="provisioner", choices=provisioner_choices, default=None, help=f"The provisioner for cluster auto-scaling. This is the main Toil " f"'--provisioner' option, and defaults to None for running on single " f"machine and non-auto-scaling batch systems. The currently supported " f"choices are {provisioner_choices}. The default is %(default)s.") autoscaling_options.add_argument('--nodeTypes', default=[], dest="nodeTypes", type=parse_node_types, action="extend", help="Specifies a list of comma-separated node types, each of which is " "composed of slash-separated instance types, and an optional spot " "bid set off by a colon, making the node type preemptible. Instance " "types may appear in multiple node types, and the same node type " "may appear as both preemptible and non-preemptible.\n" "Valid argument specifying two node types:\n" "\tc5.4xlarge/c5a.4xlarge:0.42,t2.large\n" "Node types:\n" "\tc5.4xlarge/c5a.4xlarge:0.42 and t2.large\n" "Instance types:\n" "\tc5.4xlarge, c5a.4xlarge, and t2.large\n" "Semantics:\n" "\tBid $0.42/hour for either c5.4xlarge or c5a.4xlarge instances,\n" "\ttreated interchangeably, while they are available at that price,\n" "\tand buy t2.large instances at full price.\n" "default=%(default)s") class NodeExtendAction(_AppendAction): """ argparse Action class to remove the default value on first call, and act as an extend action after """ # with action=append/extend, the argparse default is always prepended to the option # so make the CLI have priority by rewriting the option on the first run def __init__(self, option_strings: Any, dest: Any, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) self.is_default = True def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: if self.is_default: setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) self.is_default = False else: super().__call__(parser, namespace, values, option_string) autoscaling_options.add_argument('--maxNodes', default=[10], dest="maxNodes", type=parse_int_list, action=NodeExtendAction, metavar="INT[,INT...]", help=f"Maximum number of nodes of each type in the cluster, if using autoscaling, " f"provided as a comma-separated list. The first value is used as a default " f"if the list length is less than the number of nodeTypes. " f"default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument('--minNodes', default=[0], dest="minNodes", type=parse_int_list, action=NodeExtendAction, metavar="INT[,INT...]", help="Mininum number of nodes of each type in the cluster, if using " "auto-scaling. This should be provided as a comma-separated list of the " "same length as the list of node types. default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--targetTime", dest="targetTime", default=defaultTargetTime, type=int, action=make_closed_interval_action(0), metavar="INT", help=f"Sets how rapidly you aim to complete jobs in seconds. Shorter times mean " f"more aggressive parallelization. The autoscaler attempts to scale up/down " f"so that it expects all queued jobs will complete within targetTime " f"seconds. default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--betaInertia", dest="betaInertia", default=0.1, type=float, action=make_closed_interval_action(0.0, 0.9), metavar="FLOAT", help=f"A smoothing parameter to prevent unnecessary oscillations in the number " f"of provisioned nodes. This controls an exponentially weighted moving " f"average of the estimated number of nodes. A value of 0.0 disables any " f"smoothing, and a value of 0.9 will smooth so much that few changes will " f"ever be made. Must be between 0.0 and 0.9. default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--scaleInterval", dest="scaleInterval", default=60, type=int, metavar="INT", help=f"The interval (seconds) between assessing if the scale of " f"the cluster needs to change. default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--preemptibleCompensation", "--preemptableCompensation", dest="preemptibleCompensation", default=0.0, type=float, action=make_closed_interval_action(0.0, 1.0), metavar="FLOAT", help=f"The preference of the autoscaler to replace preemptible nodes with " f"non-preemptible nodes, when preemptible nodes cannot be started for some " f"reason. This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. " f"A value of 0.0 disables such " f"compensation, a value of 0.5 compensates two missing preemptible nodes " f"with a non-preemptible one. A value of 1.0 replaces every missing " f"pre-emptable node with a non-preemptible one. default=%(default)s") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--nodeStorage", dest="nodeStorage", default=50, type=int, metavar="INT", help="Specify the size of the root volume of worker nodes when they are launched " "in gigabytes. You may want to set this if your jobs require a lot of disk " f"space. (default=%(default)s).") autoscaling_options.add_argument('--nodeStorageOverrides', dest="nodeStorageOverrides", default=[], type=parse_str_list, action="extend", metavar="NODETYPE:NODESTORAGE[,NODETYPE:NODESTORAGE...]", help="Comma-separated list of nodeType:nodeStorage that are used to override " "the default value from --nodeStorage for the specified nodeType(s). " "This is useful for heterogeneous jobs where some tasks require much more " "disk than others.") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--metrics", dest="metrics", default=False, type=strtobool, metavar="BOOL", help="Enable the prometheus/grafana dashboard for monitoring CPU/RAM usage, " "queue size, and issued jobs.") autoscaling_options.add_argument("--assumeZeroOverhead", dest="assume_zero_overhead", default=False, type=strtobool, metavar="BOOL", help="Ignore scheduler and OS overhead and assume jobs can use every last byte " "of memory and disk on a node when autoscaling.") # Parameters to limit service jobs / detect service deadlocks service_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for limiting the number of service jobs and detecting service deadlocks", description="Allows the specification of the maximum number of service jobs in a cluster. By keeping " "this limited we can avoid nodes occupied with services causing deadlocks." ) service_options.add_argument("--maxServiceJobs", dest="maxServiceJobs", default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, type=int, metavar="INT", help=SUPPRESS if cwl else f"The maximum number of service jobs that can be run " f"concurrently, excluding service jobs running on " f"preemptible nodes. default=%(default)s") service_options.add_argument("--maxPreemptibleServiceJobs", dest="maxPreemptibleServiceJobs", default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, type=int, metavar="INT", help=SUPPRESS if cwl else "The maximum number of service jobs that can run " "concurrently on preemptible nodes. default=%(default)s") service_options.add_argument("--deadlockWait", dest="deadlockWait", default=60, type=int, metavar="INT", help=SUPPRESS if cwl else f"Time, in seconds, to tolerate the workflow running only " f"the same service jobs, with no jobs to use them, " f"before declaring the workflow to be deadlocked and " f"stopping. default=%(default)s") service_options.add_argument("--deadlockCheckInterval", dest="deadlockCheckInterval", default=30, type=int, metavar="INT", help=SUPPRESS if cwl else "Time, in seconds, to wait between checks to see if the " "workflow is stuck running only service jobs, with no jobs " "to use them. Should be shorter than --deadlockWait. May " "need to be increased if the batch system cannot enumerate " "running jobs quickly enough, or if polling for running " "jobs is placing an unacceptable load on a shared cluster." f"default=%(default)s") # Resource requirements resource_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for cores/memory requirements.", description="The options to specify default cores/memory requirements (if not specified by the jobs " "themselves), and to limit the total amount of memory/cores requested from the batch system." ) resource_help_msg = ('The {} amount of {} to request for a job. ' 'Only applicable to jobs that do not specify an explicit value for this requirement. ' '{}. ' 'Default is {}.') cpu_note = 'Fractions of a core (for example 0.1) are supported on some batch systems [mesos, single_machine]' disk_mem_note = 'Standard suffixes like K, Ki, M, Mi, G or Gi are supported' accelerators_note = ( 'Each accelerator specification can have a type (gpu [default], nvidia, amd, cuda, rocm, opencl, ' 'or a specific model like nvidia-tesla-k80), and a count [default: 1]. If both a type and a count ' 'are used, they must be separated by a colon. If multiple types of accelerators are ' 'used, the specifications are separated by commas') h2b = lambda x: human2bytes(str(x)) resource_options.add_argument('--defaultMemory', dest='defaultMemory', default="2.0 Gi", type=h2b, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=resource_help_msg.format('default', 'memory', disk_mem_note, bytes2human(2147483648))) resource_options.add_argument('--defaultCores', dest='defaultCores', default=1, metavar='FLOAT', type=float, action=make_open_interval_action(1.0), help=resource_help_msg.format('default', 'cpu', cpu_note, str(1))) resource_options.add_argument('--defaultDisk', dest='defaultDisk', default="2.0 Gi", metavar='INT', type=h2b, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=resource_help_msg.format('default', 'disk', disk_mem_note, bytes2human(2147483648))) resource_options.add_argument('--defaultAccelerators', dest='defaultAccelerators', default=[], metavar='ACCELERATOR[,ACCELERATOR...]', type=parse_accelerator_list, action="extend", help=resource_help_msg.format('default', 'accelerators', accelerators_note, [])) resource_options.add_argument('--defaultPreemptible', '--defaultPreemptable', dest='defaultPreemptible', metavar='BOOL', type=strtobool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='Make all jobs able to run on preemptible (spot) nodes by default.') resource_options.add_argument('--maxCores', dest='maxCores', default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, metavar='INT', type=int, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=resource_help_msg.format('max', 'cpu', cpu_note, str(SYS_MAX_SIZE))) resource_options.add_argument('--maxMemory', dest='maxMemory', default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, metavar='INT', type=h2b, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=resource_help_msg.format('max', 'memory', disk_mem_note, bytes2human(SYS_MAX_SIZE))) resource_options.add_argument('--maxDisk', dest='maxDisk', default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, metavar='INT', type=h2b, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=resource_help_msg.format('max', 'disk', disk_mem_note, bytes2human(SYS_MAX_SIZE))) # Retrying/rescuing jobs job_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil options for rescuing/killing/restarting jobs.", description="The options for jobs that either run too long/fail or get lost (some batch systems have issues!)." ) job_options.add_argument("--retryCount", dest="retryCount", default=1, type=int, action=make_open_interval_action(0), metavar="INT", help=f"Number of times to retry a failing job before giving up and " f"labeling job failed. default={1}") job_options.add_argument("--enableUnlimitedPreemptibleRetries", "--enableUnlimitedPreemptableRetries", dest="enableUnlimitedPreemptibleRetries", type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help="If set, preemptible failures (or any failure due to an instance getting " "unexpectedly terminated) will not count towards job failures and --retryCount.") job_options.add_argument("--doubleMem", dest="doubleMem", type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help="If set, batch jobs which die to reaching memory limit on batch schedulers " "will have their memory doubled and they will be retried. The remaining " "retry count will be reduced by 1. Currently supported by LSF.") job_options.add_argument("--maxJobDuration", dest="maxJobDuration", default=SYS_MAX_SIZE, type=int, action=make_open_interval_action(1), metavar="INT", help=f"Maximum runtime of a job (in seconds) before we kill it (this is a lower bound, " f"and the actual time before killing the job may be longer). " f"default=%(default)s") job_options.add_argument("--rescueJobsFrequency", dest="rescueJobsFrequency", default=60, type=int, action=make_open_interval_action(1), metavar="INT", help=f"Period of time to wait (in seconds) between checking for missing/overlong jobs, " f"that is jobs which get lost by the batch system. Expert parameter. " f"default=%(default)s") job_options.add_argument("--jobStoreTimeout", dest="job_store_timeout", default=30, type=float, action=make_open_interval_action(0), metavar="FLOAT", help=f"Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a job's update to the job store " f"before declaring it failed. default=%(default)s") # Log management options log_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil log management options.", description="Options for how Toil should manage its logs." ) log_options.add_argument("--maxLogFileSize", dest="maxLogFileSize", default=100 * 1024 * 1024, type=h2b, action=make_open_interval_action(1), help=f"The maximum size of a job log file to keep (in bytes), log files larger than " f"this will be truncated to the last X bytes. Setting this option to zero will " f"prevent any truncation. Setting this option to a negative value will truncate " f"from the beginning. Default={bytes2human(100 * 1024 * 1024)}") log_options.add_argument("--writeLogs", dest="writeLogs", nargs='?', action='store', default=None, const=os.getcwd(), metavar="OPT_PATH", help="Write worker logs received by the leader into their own files at the specified " "path. Any non-empty standard output and error from failed batch system jobs will " "also be written into files at this path. The current working directory will be " "used if a path is not specified explicitly. Note: By default only the logs of " "failed jobs are returned to leader. Set log level to 'debug' or enable " "'--writeLogsFromAllJobs' to get logs back from successful jobs, and adjust " "'maxLogFileSize' to control the truncation limit for worker logs.") log_options.add_argument("--writeLogsGzip", dest="writeLogsGzip", nargs='?', action='store', default=None, const=os.getcwd(), metavar="OPT_PATH", help="Identical to --writeLogs except the logs files are gzipped on the leader.") log_options.add_argument("--writeLogsFromAllJobs", dest="writeLogsFromAllJobs", type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help="Whether to write logs from all jobs (including the successful ones) without " "necessarily setting the log level to 'debug'. Ensure that either --writeLogs " "or --writeLogsGzip is set if enabling this option.") log_options.add_argument("--writeMessages", dest="write_messages", default=None, type=lambda x: None if x is None else os.path.abspath(x), metavar="PATH", help="File to send messages from the leader's message bus to.") log_options.add_argument("--realTimeLogging", dest="realTimeLogging", type=strtobool, default=False, help="Enable real-time logging from workers to leader") # Misc options misc_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil miscellaneous options.", description="Everything else." ) misc_options.add_argument('--disableChaining', dest='disableChaining', type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help="Disables chaining of jobs (chaining uses one job's resource allocation " "for its successor job if possible).") misc_options.add_argument("--disableJobStoreChecksumVerification", dest="disableJobStoreChecksumVerification", default=False, type=strtobool, metavar="BOOL", help="Disables checksum verification for files transferred to/from the job store. " "Checksum verification is a safety check to ensure the data is not corrupted " "during transfer. Currently only supported for non-streaming AWS files.") class SSEKeyAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: if values is not None: sse_key = values if sse_key is None: return with open(sse_key) as f: assert len(f.readline().rstrip()) == 32, 'SSE key appears to be invalid.' setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) misc_options.add_argument("--sseKey", dest="sseKey", default=None, action=SSEKeyAction, metavar="PATH", help="Path to file containing 32 character key to be used for server-side encryption on " "awsJobStore or googleJobStore. SSE will not be used if this flag is not passed.") # yaml.safe_load is being deprecated, this is the suggested workaround def yaml_safe_load(stream: Any) -> Any: yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) d = yaml.load(stream) if isinstance(d, dict): # this means the argument was a dictionary and is valid yaml (for configargparse) return d else: # this means the argument is likely in it's string format (for CLI) return parse_set_env(parse_str_list(stream)) class ExtendActionDict(Action): """ Argparse action class to implement the action="extend" functionality on dictionaries """ def __call__(self, parser: Any, namespace: Any, values: Any, option_string: Any = None) -> None: items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) assert items is not None # for mypy. This should never be None, esp. if called in setEnv # note: this will overwrite existing entries items.update(values) misc_options.add_argument("--setEnv", '-e', metavar='NAME=VALUE or NAME', dest="environment", default={}, type=yaml_safe_load, action=ExtendActionDict, help="Set an environment variable early on in the worker. If VALUE is null, it will " "be looked up in the current environment. Independently of this option, the worker " "will try to emulate the leader's environment before running a job, except for " "some variables known to vary across systems. Using this option, a variable can " "be injected into the worker process itself before it is started.") misc_options.add_argument("--servicePollingInterval", dest="servicePollingInterval", default=60.0, type=float, action=make_open_interval_action(0.0), metavar="FLOAT", help=f"Interval of time service jobs wait between polling for the existence of the " f"keep-alive flag. Default: {60.0}") misc_options.add_argument('--forceDockerAppliance', dest='forceDockerAppliance', type=strtobool, default=False, metavar="BOOL", help='Disables sanity checking the existence of the docker image specified by ' 'TOIL_APPLIANCE_SELF, which Toil uses to provision mesos for autoscaling.') misc_options.add_argument('--statusWait', dest='statusWait', type=int, default=3600, metavar="INT", help="Seconds to wait between reports of running jobs.") misc_options.add_argument('--disableProgress', dest='disableProgress', action="store_true", default=False, help="Disables the progress bar shown when standard error is a terminal.") # Debug options debug_options = parser.add_argument_group( title="Toil debug options.", description="Debug options for finding problems or helping with testing." ) debug_options.add_argument("--debugWorker", dest="debugWorker", default=False, action="store_true", help="Experimental no forking mode for local debugging. Specifically, workers " "are not forked and stderr/stdout are not redirected to the log.") debug_options.add_argument("--disableWorkerOutputCapture", dest="disableWorkerOutputCapture", default=False, action="store_true", help="Let worker output go to worker's standard out/error instead of per-job logs.") debug_options.add_argument("--badWorker", dest="badWorker", default=0.0, type=float, action=make_closed_interval_action(0.0, 1.0), metavar="FLOAT", help=f"For testing purposes randomly kill --badWorker proportion of jobs using " f"SIGKILL. default={0.0}") debug_options.add_argument("--badWorkerFailInterval", dest="badWorkerFailInterval", default=0.01, type=float, action=make_open_interval_action(0.0), metavar="FLOAT", # might be cyclical? help=f"When killing the job pick uniformly within the interval from 0.0 to " f"--badWorkerFailInterval seconds after the worker starts. " f"default={0.01}") # All deprecated options: # These are deprecated in favor of a simpler option # ex: noLinkImports and linkImports can be simplified into a single link_imports argument link_imports.add_argument("--noLinkImports", dest="linkImports", action="store_false", help=SUPPRESS) link_imports.add_argument("--linkImports", dest="linkImports", action="store_true", help=SUPPRESS) link_imports.set_defaults(linkImports=None) move_exports.add_argument("--moveExports", dest="moveExports", action="store_true", help=SUPPRESS) move_exports.add_argument("--noMoveExports", dest="moveExports", action="store_false", help=SUPPRESS) link_imports.set_defaults(moveExports=None) # dest is set to enableCaching to not conflict with the current --caching destination caching.add_argument('--disableCaching', dest='enableCaching', action='store_false', help=SUPPRESS) caching.set_defaults(enableCaching=None)