Source code for toil.options.wdl

from argparse import ArgumentParser

from configargparse import SUPPRESS

[docs] def add_wdl_options(parser: ArgumentParser, suppress: bool = True) -> None: """ Add WDL options to a parser. This only adds nonpositional WDL arguments :param parser: Parser to add options to :param suppress: Suppress help output :return: None """ suppress_help = SUPPRESS if suppress else None # include arg names without a wdl specifier if suppress is False # this is to avoid possible duplicate options in custom toil scripts, ex outputFile can be a common argument name # TODO: Why do we even need them at all in other Toil scripts? Do we have to worry about dest= collisions? # TODO: Can the better option name be first? output_dialect_arguments = ["--wdlOutputDialect"] + (["--outputDialect"] if not suppress else []) parser.add_argument(*output_dialect_arguments, dest="output_dialect", type=str, default='cromwell', choices=['cromwell', 'miniwdl'], help=suppress_help or ("JSON output format dialect. 'cromwell' just returns the workflow's " "output values as JSON, while 'miniwdl' nests that under an 'outputs' " "key, and includes a 'dir' key where files are written.")) output_directory_arguments = ["--wdlOutputDirectory"] + (["--outputDirectory", "-o"] if not suppress else []) parser.add_argument(*output_directory_arguments, dest="output_directory", type=str, default=None, help=suppress_help or ( "Directory or URI prefix to save output files at. By default a new directory is created " "in the current directory.")) output_file_arguments = ["--wdlOutputFile"] + (["--outputFile", "-m"] if not suppress else []) parser.add_argument(*output_file_arguments, dest="output_file", type=str, default=None, help=suppress_help or "File or URI to save output JSON to.") reference_inputs_arguments = ["--wdlReferenceInputs"] + (["--referenceInputs"] if not suppress else []) parser.add_argument(*reference_inputs_arguments, dest="reference_inputs", type=bool, default=False, help=suppress_help or "Pass input files by URL") container_arguments = ["--wdlContainer"] + (["--container"] if not suppress else []) parser.add_argument(*container_arguments, dest="container", type=str, choices=["singularity", "docker", "auto"], default="auto", help=suppress_help or "Container engine to use to run WDL tasks")