Source code for toil.utils.toilStats

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Reports statistical data about a given Toil workflow."""
import json
import logging
import math
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

from toil.common import Config, Toil, parser_with_common_options
from toil.job import Job
from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import AbstractJobStore, NoSuchJobStoreException
from toil.lib.expando import Expando
from toil.options.common import SYS_MAX_SIZE
from toil.statsAndLogging import set_logging_from_options

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# These categories of stat will be reported
CATEGORIES = ["time", "clock", "wait", "memory", "disk"]
# These are the units they are stored in
    "time": "s",
    "clock": "core-s",
    "wait": "core-s",
    "memory": "KiB",
    "disk": "B"
# These are what we call them to the user
    "time": "Real Time",
    "clock": "CPU Time",
    "wait": "CPU Wait",
    "memory": "Memory",
    "disk": "Disk"

# Of those, these are in time
TIME_CATEGORIES = {"time", "clock", "wait"}
# And these are in space
SPACE_CATEGORIES = {"memory", "disk"}
# These categories aren't stored and need to be computed

# The different kinds of summaries have both short and long names, and we need
# to convert between them.
    "med": "median",
    "ave": "average",
    "min": "min",
    "total": "total",
    "max": "max",

[docs] class ColumnWidths: """ Convenience object that stores the width of columns for printing. Helps make things pretty. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.categories = CATEGORIES self.fields_count = ["count", "min", "med", "ave", "max", "total"] self.fields = ["min", "med", "ave", "max", "total"] Dict[str, int] = {} for category in self.categories: for field in self.fields_count: self.set_width(category, field, 8)
[docs] def title(self, category: str) -> int: """Return the total printed length of this category item.""" return sum(self.get_width(category, x) for x in self.fields)
[docs] def get_width(self, category: str, field: str) -> int: category = category.lower() return[f"{category}_{field}"]
[docs] def set_width(self, category: str, field: str, width: int) -> None: category = category.lower()[f"{category}_{field}"] = width
[docs] def report(self) -> None: for c in self.categories: for f in self.fields: print("%s %s %d" % (c, f, self.get_width(c, f)))
[docs] def pad_str(s: str, field: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Pad the beginning of a string with spaces, if necessary.""" if field is None or len(s) >= field: return s else: return " " * (field - len(s)) + s
[docs] def pretty_space(k: float, field: Optional[int] = None, alone: bool = False) -> str: """Given input k as kibibytes, return a nicely formatted string.""" # If we don't have a header to say bytes, include the B. trailer = "B" if alone else "" if k < 1024: return pad_str("%gKi%s" % (k, trailer), field) if k < (1024 * 1024): return pad_str("%.1fMi%s" % (k / 1024.0, trailer), field) if k < (1024 * 1024 * 1024): return pad_str("%.1fGi%s" % (k / 1024.0 / 1024.0, trailer), field) if k < (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024): return pad_str("%.1fTi%s" % (k / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0, trailer), field) if k < (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024): return pad_str("%.1fPi%s" % (k / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0, trailer), field) # due to assert False
[docs] def pretty_time(t: float, field: Optional[int] = None, unit: str = "s", alone: bool = False) -> str: """ Given input t as seconds, return a nicely formatted string. """ assert unit in ("s", "core-s") # Qualify our CPU times as CPU time if we aren't in a table that does that unit_str = report_unit(unit) if alone else "s" from math import floor pluralDict = {True: "s", False: ""} if t < 120: return pad_str("%d%s" % (t, unit_str), field) if t < 120 * 60: m = floor(t / 60.0) s = t % 60 return pad_str("%dm%d%s" % (m, s, unit_str), field) if t < 25 * 60 * 60: h = floor(t / 60.0 / 60.0) m = floor((t - (h * 60.0 * 60.0)) / 60.0) s = t % 60 return pad_str("%dh%gm%d%s" % (h, m, s, unit_str), field) if t < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: d = floor(t / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0) h = floor((t - (d * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) / 60.0 / 60.0) m = floor((t - (d * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) - (h * 60.0 * 60.0)) / 60.0) s = t % 60 dPlural = pluralDict[d > 1] return pad_str("%dday%s%dh%dm%d%s" % (d, dPlural, h, m, s, unit_str), field) w = floor(t / 7.0 / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0) d = floor((t - (w * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60)) / 24.0 / 60.0 / 60.0) h = floor( (t - (w * 7.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) - (d * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) / 60.0 / 60.0 ) m = floor( ( t - (w * 7.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) - (d * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0) - (h * 60.0 * 60.0) ) / 60.0 ) s = t % 60 wPlural = pluralDict[w > 1] dPlural = pluralDict[d > 1] return pad_str("%dweek%s%dday%s%dh%dm%d%s" % (w, wPlural, d, dPlural, h, m, s, unit_str), field)
[docs] def report_unit(unit: str) -> str: """ Format a unit name for display. """ if unit == "core-s": return "core·s" return unit
[docs] def report_time(t: float, options: Namespace, field: Optional[int] = None, unit: str = "s", alone: bool = False) -> str: """Given t seconds, report back the correct format as string.""" assert unit in ("s", "core-s") if options.pretty: return pretty_time(t, field=field, unit=unit, alone=alone) unit_text = f" {report_unit(unit)}" if alone else "" if field is not None: assert field >= len(unit_text) return "%*.2f%s" % (field - len(unit_text), t, unit_text) return "%.2f%s" % (t, unit_text)
[docs] def report_space( k: float, options: Namespace, field: Optional[int] = None, unit: str = "KiB", alone: bool = False ) -> str: """ Given k kibibytes, report back the correct format as string. If unit is set to B, convert to KiB first. """ if unit == "B": k /= 1024.0 unit = "KiB" assert unit == "KiB" if options.pretty: return pretty_space(int(k), field=field, alone=alone) else: # If we don't have a heading to say bytes, include the B trailer = "KiB" if alone else "Ki" if field is not None: assert field >= len(trailer) return "%*d%s" % (field - len(trailer), k, trailer) else: return "%d%s" % (int(k), trailer)
[docs] def report_number(n: Union[int, float, None], field: Optional[int] = None, nan_value: str = "NaN") -> str: """ Given a number, report back the correct format as string. If it is a NaN or None, use nan_value to represent it instead. """ if n is None or math.isnan(n): return pad_str(nan_value, field=field) else: # Make sure not to format with too much precision for the field size; # leave room for . and the spacing to the previous field. return "%*.*g" % (field, field - 2, n) if field else "%g" % n
[docs] def report(v: float, category: str, options: Namespace, field: Optional[int] = None, alone=False) -> str: """ Report a value of the given category formatted as a string. Uses the given field width if set. If alone is set, the field is being formatted outside a table and might need a unit. """ unit = CATEGORY_UNITS.get(category) if unit in ("s", "core-s"): # This is time. return report_time(v, options, field=field, unit=unit, alone=alone) elif unit in ("B", "KiB"): # This is space. return report_space(v, options, field=field, unit=unit, alone=alone) else: raise ValueError(f"Unimplemented unit {unit} for category {category}")
[docs] def sprint_tag( key: str, tag: Expando, options: Namespace, columnWidths: Optional[ColumnWidths] = None, ) -> str: """Generate a pretty-print ready string from a JTTag().""" if columnWidths is None: columnWidths = ColumnWidths() header = " %7s " % decorate_title("count", "Count", options) sub_header = " %7s " % "n" tag_str = f" {report_number(n=tag.total_number, field=7)}" out_str = "" if key == "job": out_str += " {:<12} | {:>7}{:>7}{:>7}{:>7}\n".format( "Worker Jobs", "min", "med", "ave", "max" ) worker_str = "%s| " % (" " * 14) for t in [ tag.min_number_per_worker, tag.median_number_per_worker, tag.average_number_per_worker, tag.max_number_per_worker, ]: worker_str += report_number(n=t, field=7) out_str += worker_str + "\n" for category in CATEGORIES: if category not in options.categories: continue header += "| %*s " % ( columnWidths.title(category), decorate_title(category, TITLES[category], options), ) sub_header += decorate_subheader(category, columnWidths, options) tag_str += " | " for field in ["min", "med", "ave", "max", "total"]: t = getattr(tag, f"{LONG_FORMS[field]}_{category}") width = columnWidths.get_width(category, field) s = report(t, category, options, field=width) tag_str += s out_str += header + "\n" out_str += sub_header + "\n" out_str += tag_str + "\n" return out_str
[docs] def decorate_title(category: str, title: str, options: Namespace) -> str: """ Add extra parts to the category titles. Add units to title if they won't appear in the formatted values. Add a marker to TITLE if the TITLE is sorted on. """ unit = CATEGORY_UNITS.get(category) if unit in ("s", "core-s") and not options.pretty: # This is a time and we won't write it out as text, so add a unit. title = f"{title} ({report_unit(unit)})" elif unit == "core-s" and options.pretty: # This is a core-second category and we won't be putting the core unit # in the value, so note that here. title = f"{title} (core)" elif unit in ("B", "KiB"): # The Ki part will appear in the cell so we need a B title = f"{title} (B)" if category.lower() == options.sortCategory: return "%s*" % title else: return title
[docs] def decorate_subheader( category: str, columnWidths: ColumnWidths, options: Namespace ) -> str: """Add a marker to the correct field if the TITLE is sorted on.""" if category != options.sortCategory: s = "| %*s%*s%*s%*s%*s " % ( columnWidths.get_width(category, "min"), "min", columnWidths.get_width(category, "med"), "med", columnWidths.get_width(category, "ave"), "ave", columnWidths.get_width(category, "max"), "max", columnWidths.get_width(category, "total"), "total", ) return s else: s = "| " for field, width in [ ("min", columnWidths.get_width(category, "min")), ("med", columnWidths.get_width(category, "med")), ("ave", columnWidths.get_width(category, "ave")), ("max", columnWidths.get_width(category, "max")), ("total", columnWidths.get_width(category, "total")), ]: if options.sortField == field: s += "%*s*" % (width - 1, field) else: s += "%*s" % (width, field) s += " " return s
[docs] def get(tree: Expando, name: str) -> float: """Return a float value attribute NAME from TREE.""" try: return float(tree.get(name, "nan")) except ValueError: return float("nan")
[docs] def sort_jobs(jobTypes: List[Any], options: Namespace) -> List[Any]: """Return a jobTypes all sorted.""" sortField = LONG_FORMS[options.sortField] if ( options.sortCategory in CATEGORIES ): return sorted( jobTypes, key=lambda tag: getattr(tag, "%s_%s" % (sortField, options.sortCategory)), reverse=options.sort == "decending", ) elif options.sortCategory == "alpha": return sorted( jobTypes, key=lambda tag:, # type: ignore reverse=options.sort == "decending", ) elif options.sortCategory == "count": return sorted( jobTypes, key=lambda tag: tag.total_number, # type: ignore reverse=options.sort == "decending", ) # due to assert False
[docs] def report_pretty_data( root: Expando, worker: Expando, job: Expando, job_types: List[Any], options: Namespace, ) -> str: """Print the important bits out.""" out_str = "Batch System: %s\n" % root.batch_system out_str += "Default Cores: %s Default Memory: %s\n" "Max Cores: %s\n" % ( report_number(n=get(root, "default_cores")), # Although per-job memory usage is in KiB, our default is stored in bytes. report_space(get(root, "default_memory"), options, unit="B", alone=True), report_number(n=get(root, "max_cores"), nan_value="unlimited"), ) out_str += "Local CPU Time: {} Overall Runtime: {}\n".format( report(get(root, "total_clock"), "clock", options, alone=True), report(get(root, "total_run_time"), "time", options, alone=True), ) job_types = sort_jobs(job_types, options) columnWidths = compute_column_widths(job_types, worker, job, options) out_str += "Worker\n" out_str += sprint_tag("worker", worker, options, columnWidths=columnWidths) out_str += "Job\n" out_str += sprint_tag("job", job, options, columnWidths=columnWidths) for t in job_types: out_str += f" {}\n" out_str += f" Total Cores: {t.total_cores}\n" out_str += sprint_tag(, t, options, columnWidths=columnWidths) return out_str
[docs] def compute_column_widths( job_types: List[Any], worker: Expando, job: Expando, options: Namespace ) -> ColumnWidths: """Return a ColumnWidths() object with the correct max widths.""" cw = ColumnWidths() for t in job_types: update_column_widths(t, cw, options) update_column_widths(worker, cw, options) update_column_widths(job, cw, options) return cw
[docs] def update_column_widths(tag: Expando, cw: ColumnWidths, options: Namespace) -> None: """Update the column width attributes for this tag's fields.""" # TODO: Deduplicate with actual printing code! for category in CATEGORIES: if category in options.categories: for field in ["min", "med", "ave", "max", "total"]: t = getattr(tag, f"{LONG_FORMS[field]}_{category}") width = cw.get_width(category, field) s = report(t, category, options, field=width).strip() if len(s) >= cw.get_width(category, field): # this string is larger than max, width must be increased cw.set_width(category, field, len(s) + 1)
[docs] def build_element(element: Expando, items: List[Job], item_name: str, defaults: Dict[str, float]) -> Expando: """Create an element for output.""" def assertNonnegative(i: float, name: str) -> float: if i < 0: raise RuntimeError("Negative value %s reported for %s" % (i, name)) else: return float(i) # Make lists of all values for all items in each category, plus requested cores. item_values = {category: [] for category in (CATEGORIES + ["cores"])} for item in items: # If something lacks an entry, assume it used none of that thing. # This avoids crashing when jobs e.g. aren't done. for category, values in item_values.items(): if category in COMPUTED_CATEGORIES: continue category_key = category if category != "cores" else "requested_cores" category_value = assertNonnegative(float(item.get(category_key, defaults[category])), category) values.append(category_value) for index in range(0, len(item_values[CATEGORIES[0]])): # For each item, compute the computed categories item_values["wait"].append(item_values["time"][index] * item_values["cores"][index] - item_values["clock"][index]) for category, values in item_values.items(): values.sort() if len(item_values[CATEGORIES[0]]) == 0: # Nothing actually there so make a 0 value for k, v in item_values.items(): v.append(0) item_element = Expando( total_number=float(len(items)), name=item_name ) for category, values in item_values.items(): item_element["total_" + category] = float(sum(values)) item_element["median_" + category] = float(values[len(values) // 2]) item_element["average_" + category] = float(sum(values) / len(values)) item_element["min_" + category] = float(min(values)) item_element["max_" + category] = float(max(values)) element[item_name] = item_element return item_element
[docs] def create_summary( element: Expando, containingItems: List[Expando], containingItemName: str, count_contained: Callable[[Expando], int], ) -> None: """ Figure out how many jobs (or contained items) ran on each worker (or containing item). Stick a bunch of xxx_number_per_xxx stats into element to describe this. :param count_contained: function that maps from containing item to number of contained items. """ # TODO: this still thinks like the old XML stats, even though now the # worker records no longer actually contain the job records. itemCounts = [count_contained(containingItem) for containingItem in containingItems] itemCounts.sort() if len(itemCounts) == 0: itemCounts.append(0) element["median_number_per_%s" % containingItemName] = itemCounts[ len(itemCounts) // 2 ] element["average_number_per_%s" % containingItemName] = float( sum(itemCounts) / len(itemCounts) ) element["min_number_per_%s" % containingItemName] = min(itemCounts) element["max_number_per_%s" % containingItemName] = max(itemCounts)
[docs] def get_stats(jobStore: AbstractJobStore) -> Expando: """ Sum together all the stats information in the job store. Produces one object containing lists of the values from all the summed objects. """ def aggregate_stats(fileHandle: TextIO, aggregateObject: Expando) -> None: try: stats = json.load(fileHandle, object_hook=Expando) for key in list(stats.keys()): if key in aggregateObject: aggregateObject[key].append(stats[key]) else: aggregateObject[key] = [stats[key]] except ValueError: logger.critical( "File %s contains corrupted json. Skipping file." % fileHandle ) pass # The file is corrupted. aggregateObject = Expando() callBack = partial(aggregate_stats, aggregateObject=aggregateObject) jobStore.read_logs(callBack, read_all=True) return aggregateObject
[docs] def process_data(config: Config, stats: Expando) -> Expando: """ Collate the stats and report """ if "total_time" not in stats or "total_clock" not in stats: # toil job not finished yet stats.total_time = [0.0] stats.total_clock = [0.0] # This is actually the sum of *overall* wall clock time as measured by the # leader in each leader invocation, not a sum over jobs. stats.total_time = sum(float(number) for number in stats.total_time) # And this is CPU clock as measured by the leader, so it will count time # used in local jobs but not remote ones. stats.total_clock = sum(float(number) for number in stats.total_clock) collatedStatsTag = Expando( total_run_time=stats.total_time, total_clock=stats.total_clock, batch_system=config.batchSystem, default_memory=str(config.defaultMemory), default_cores=str(config.defaultCores), max_cores=str(config.maxCores if config.maxCores != SYS_MAX_SIZE else None), ) # Add worker info worker = [_f for _f in getattr(stats, "workers", []) if _f] jobs = [_f for _f in getattr(stats, "jobs", []) if _f] jobs = [item for sublist in jobs for item in sublist] # Work out what usage to assume for things that didn't report defaults = {category: 0 for category in CATEGORIES} defaults["cores"] = config.defaultCores build_element(collatedStatsTag, worker, "worker", defaults) create_summary( build_element(collatedStatsTag, jobs, "jobs", defaults), getattr(stats, "workers", []), "worker", lambda worker: getattr(worker, "jobs_run", 0) ) # Get info for each job jobNames = set() for job in jobs: jobNames.add(job.class_name) jobTypesTag = Expando() collatedStatsTag.job_types = jobTypesTag for jobName in jobNames: jobTypes = [job for job in jobs if job.class_name == jobName] build_element(jobTypesTag, jobTypes, jobName, defaults) = "collatedStatsTag" return collatedStatsTag
[docs] def report_data(tree: Expando, options: Namespace) -> None: # Now dump it all out to file if options.raw: out_str = json.dumps(tree, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) else: out_str = report_pretty_data( tree, tree.worker,, tree.job_types.values(), options ) if options.outputFile is not None: with open(options.outputFile, "w") as f: f.write(out_str) # Now dump onto the screen print(out_str)
sort_category_choices = CATEGORIES + ["alpha", "count"] sort_field_choices = ["min", "med", "ave", "max", "total"]
[docs] def add_stats_options(parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "--outputFile", dest="outputFile", default=None, help="File in which to write results.", ) parser.add_argument( "--raw", action="store_true", default=False, help="Return raw json data." ) parser.add_argument( "--pretty", "--human", action="store_true", default=False, help="if not raw, prettify the numbers to be human readable.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sort", default="decending", choices=["ascending", "decending"], help="Sort direction.", ) parser.add_argument( "--categories", default=",".join(CATEGORIES), type=str, help=f"Comma separated list of any of the following: {CATEGORIES}.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sortCategory", default="time", choices=sort_category_choices, help=f"How to sort job categories.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sortField", default="med", choices=sort_field_choices, help=f"How to sort job fields.", )
[docs] def main() -> None: """Reports stats on the workflow, use with --stats option to toil.""" parser = parser_with_common_options(prog="toil stats") add_stats_options(parser) options = parser.parse_args() for c in options.categories.split(","): if c.strip().lower() not in CATEGORIES: logger.critical("Cannot use category %s, options are: %s", c.strip().lower(), CATEGORIES) sys.exit(1) options.categories = [x.strip().lower() for x in options.categories.split(",")] set_logging_from_options(options) config = Config() config.setOptions(options) try: jobStore = Toil.resumeJobStore(config.jobStore) except NoSuchJobStoreException: logger.critical("The job store %s does not exist", config.jobStore) sys.exit(1)'Gathering stats from jobstore... depending on the number of jobs, this may take a while (e.g. 10 jobs ~= 3 seconds; 100,000 jobs ~= 3,000 seconds or 50 minutes).') stats = get_stats(jobStore) collatedStatsTag = process_data(jobStore.config, stats) report_data(collatedStatsTag, options)