Toil Utilities

Toil includes some utilities for inspecting or manipulating workflows during and after their execution. (There are additional Toil Cluster Utilities available for working with Toil-managed clusters in the cloud.)

The generic toil subcommand utilities are:

stats — Reports runtime and resource usage for all jobs in a specified jobstore (workflow must have originally been run using the --stats option).

status — Inspects a job store to see which jobs have failed, run successfully, etc.

clean — Delete the job store used by a previous Toil workflow invocation.

kill — Kills any running jobs in a rogue toil.

For information on a specific utility, run it with the --help option:

toil stats --help

Stats Command

To use the stats command, a workflow must first be run using the --stats option. Using this command makes certain that toil does not delete the job store, no matter what other options are specified (i.e. normally the option --clean=always would delete the job store, but --stats will override this).

Running an Example

We can run an example workflow and record stats:

python3 file:my-jobstore --stats

Where is the following:

import os

from toil.common import Toil
from toil.job import Job

import math
import time

from multiprocessing import Process

def think(seconds):
    start = time.time()
    while time.time() - start < seconds:
        # Use CPU

class TimeWaster(Job):
    def __init__(self, time_to_think, time_to_waste, space_to_waste, *args, **kwargs):
        self.time_to_think = time_to_think
        self.time_to_waste = time_to_waste
        self.space_to_waste = space_to_waste
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def run(self, fileStore):
        # Waste some space
        file_path = fileStore.getLocalTempFile()
        with open(file_path, 'w') as stream:
            for i in range(self.space_to_waste):
        # Do some "useful" compute
        processes = []
        for core_number in range(max(1, self.cores)):
            # Use all the assigned cores to think
            p = Process(target=think, args=(self.time_to_think,))
        for p in processes:

        # Also waste some time

def main():
    options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args()

    job1 = TimeWaster(0, 0, 0, displayName='doNothing')
    job2 = TimeWaster(10, 0, 4096, displayName='efficientJob')
    job3 = TimeWaster(10, 0, 1024, cores=4, displayName='multithreadedJob')
    job4 = TimeWaster(1, 9, 65536, displayName='inefficientJob')


    with Toil(options) as toil:
        if not toil.options.restart:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Notice the displayName key, which can rename a job, giving it an alias when it is finally displayed in stats.

Displaying Stats

To see the runtime and resources used for each job when it was run, type

toil stats file:my-jobstore

This should output something like the following:

Batch System: single_machine
Default Cores: 1  Default Memory: 2097152KiB
Max Cores: unlimited
Local CPU Time: 55.54 core·s  Overall Runtime: 26.23 s
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        3 |     0.34   10.83   10.80   21.23   32.40 |     0.33   10.43   17.94   43.07   53.83 |     0.01    0.40   14.08   41.85   42.25 |  177168Ki 179312Ki 178730Ki 179712Ki 536192Ki |      0Ki     4Ki    22Ki    64Ki    68Ki
 Worker Jobs  |     min    med    ave    max
              |       1      1 1.3333      2
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        4 |     0.33   10.83    8.10   10.85   32.38 |     0.33   10.43   13.46   41.70   53.82 |     0.01    1.68    2.78    9.02   11.10 |  177168Ki 179488Ki 178916Ki 179696Ki 715664Ki |      0Ki     4Ki    18Ki    64Ki    72Ki
    Total Cores: 4.0
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        1 |    10.85   10.85   10.85   10.85   10.85 |    41.70   41.70   41.70   41.70   41.70 |     1.68    1.68    1.68    1.68    1.68 |  179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki |      4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki
    Total Cores: 1.0
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        1 |    10.83   10.83   10.83   10.83   10.83 |    10.43   10.43   10.43   10.43   10.43 |     0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40 |  179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki |      4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki
    Total Cores: 1.0
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        1 |    10.38   10.38   10.38   10.38   10.38 |     1.36    1.36    1.36    1.36    1.36 |     9.02    9.02    9.02    9.02    9.02 |  179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki |     64Ki    64Ki    64Ki    64Ki    64Ki
    Total Cores: 1.0
    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        1 |     0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33 |     0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33 |     0.01    0.01    0.01    0.01    0.01 |  177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki |      0Ki     0Ki     0Ki     0Ki     0Ki

This report gives information on the resources used by your workflow. Note that right now it does NOT track CPU and memory used inside Docker containers, only Singularity containers.

There are three parts to this report.

Overall Summary

At the top is a section with overall summary statistics for the run:

Batch System: single_machine
Default Cores: 1  Default Memory: 2097152KiB
Max Cores: unlimited
Local CPU Time: 55.54 core·s  Overall Runtime: 26.23 s

This lists some important the settings for the Toil batch system that actually executed jobs. It also lists:

  • The CPU time used on the local machine, in core seconds. This includes time used by the Toil leader itself (excluding some startup time), and time used by jobs that run under the leader (which, for the single_machine batch system, is all jobs). It does not include CPU used by jobs that ran on other machines.

  • The overall wall-clock runtime of the workflow in seconds, as measured by the leader.

These latter two numbers don’t count some startup/shutdown time spent loading and saving files, so you still may want to use the time shell built-in to time your Toil runs overall.

Worker Summary

After the overall summary, there is a section with statistics about the Toil worker processes, which Toil used to execute your workflow’s jobs:

    Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
        n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
        3 |     0.34   10.83   10.80   21.23   32.40 |     0.33   10.43   17.94   43.07   53.83 |     0.01    0.40   14.08   41.85   42.25 |  177168Ki 179312Ki 178730Ki 179712Ki 536192Ki |      0Ki     4Ki    22Ki    64Ki    68Ki
  • The Count column shows that, to run this workflow, Toil had to submit 3 Toil worker processes to the backing scheduler. (In this case, it ran them all on the local machine.)

  • The Real Time column shows satistics about the wall clock times that all the worker process took. All the sub-column values are in seconds.

  • The CPU Time column shows statistics about the CPU usage amounts of all the worker processes. All the sub-column values are in core seconds.

  • The CPU Wait column shows statistics about CPU time reserved for but not consumed by worker processes. In this example, the max and total are relatively high compared to both real time and CPU time, indicating that a lot of reserved CPU time went unused. This can indicate that the workflow is overestimating its required cores, that small jobs are running in the same resource reservations as large jobs via chaining, or that the workflow is having to wait around for slow disk I/O.

  • The Memory column shows the peak memory usage of each worker process and its child processes.

  • The Disk column shows the disk usage in each worker. This is polled at the end of each job that is run by the worker, so it may not always reflect the actual peak disk usage.

Job Breakdown

Finally, there is the breakdown of resource usage by jobs. This starts with a table summarizing the counts of jobs that ran on each worker:

 Worker Jobs  |     min    med    ave    max
              |       1      1 1.3333      2

In this example, most of the workers ran one job each, but one worker managed to run two jobs, via chaining. (Jobs will chain when a job has only one dependant job, which in turn depends on only that first job, and the second job needs no more resources than the first job did.)

Next, we have statistics for resource usage over all jobs together:

Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
    n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
    4 |     0.33   10.83    8.10   10.85   32.38 |     0.33   10.43   13.46   41.70   53.82 |     0.01    1.68    2.78    9.02   11.10 |  177168Ki 179488Ki 178916Ki 179696Ki 715664Ki |      0Ki     4Ki    18Ki    64Ki    72Ki

And finally, for each kind of job (as determined by the job’s displayName), we have statistics summarizing the resources used by the instances of that kind of job:

   Total Cores: 4.0
   Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
       n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
       1 |    10.85   10.85   10.85   10.85   10.85 |    41.70   41.70   41.70   41.70   41.70 |     1.68    1.68    1.68    1.68    1.68 |  179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki 179488Ki |      4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki
   Total Cores: 1.0
   Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
       n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
       1 |    10.83   10.83   10.83   10.83   10.83 |    10.43   10.43   10.43   10.43   10.43 |     0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40 |  179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki 179312Ki |      4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki     4Ki
   Total Cores: 1.0
   Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
       n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
       1 |    10.38   10.38   10.38   10.38   10.38 |     1.36    1.36    1.36    1.36    1.36 |     9.02    9.02    9.02    9.02    9.02 |  179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki 179696Ki |     64Ki    64Ki    64Ki    64Ki    64Ki
   Total Cores: 1.0
   Count |                           Real Time (s)* |                        CPU Time (core·s) |                        CPU Wait (core·s) |                                    Memory (B) |                                 Disk (B)
       n |      min    med*     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |      min     med     ave     max   total |       min      med      ave      max    total |      min     med     ave     max   total
       1 |     0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33 |     0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33 |     0.01    0.01    0.01    0.01    0.01 |  177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki 177168Ki |      0Ki     0Ki     0Ki     0Ki     0Ki

For each job, we first list its name, and then the total cores that it asked for, summed across all instances of it. Then we show a table of statistics.

Here the * marker in the table headers becomes relevant; it shows that jobs are being sorted by the median of the real time used. You can control this with the --sortCategory option.

The columns meanings are the same as for the workers:

  • The Count column shows the number of jobs of each type that ran.

  • The Real Time column shows satistics about the wall clock times that instances of the job type took. All the sub-column values are in seconds.

  • The CPU Time column shows statistics about the CPU usage amounts of each job. Note that multithreadedJob managed to use CPU time at faster than one core second per second, because it reserved multiple cores and ran multiple threads.

  • The CPU Wait column shows statistics about CPU time reserved for but not consumed by jobs. Note that inefficientJob used hardly any of the cores it requested for most of its real time.

  • The Memory column shows the peak memory usage of each job.

  • The Disk column shows the disk usage at the end of each job. It may not always reflect the actual peak disk usage.

Example Cleanup

Once we’re done looking at the stats, we can clean up the job store by running:

toil clean file:my-jobstore

Status Command

Continuing the example from the stats section above, if we ran our workflow with the command

python3 file:my-jobstore --stats

We could interrogate our jobstore with the status command, for example:

toil status file:my-jobstore

If the run was successful, this would not return much valuable information, something like

2018-01-11 19:31:29,739 - toil.lib.bioio - INFO - Root logger is at level 'INFO', 'toil' logger at level 'INFO'.
2018-01-11 19:31:29,740 - toil.utils.toilStatus - INFO - Parsed arguments
2018-01-11 19:31:29,740 - toil.utils.toilStatus - INFO - Checking if we have files for Toil
The root job of the job store is absent, the workflow completed successfully.

Otherwise, the status command should return the following:

There are x unfinished jobs, y parent jobs with children, z jobs with services, a services, and b totally failed jobs currently in c.

Clean Command

If a Toil pipeline didn’t finish successfully, or was run using --clean=always or --stats, the job store will exist until it is deleted. toil clean <jobStore> ensures that all artifacts associated with a job store are removed. This is particularly useful for deleting AWS job stores, which reserves an SDB domain as well as an S3 bucket.

The deletion of the job store can be modified by the --clean argument, and may be set to always, onError, never, or onSuccess (default).

Temporary directories where jobs are running can also be saved from deletion using the --cleanWorkDir, which has the same options as --clean. This option should only be run when debugging, as intermediate jobs will fill up disk space.

Kill Command

To kill all currently running jobs for a given jobstore, use the command

toil kill file:my-jobstore