Source code for toil.bus

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Message types and message bus for leader component coordination.

Historically, the Toil Leader has been organized around functions calling other
functions to "handle" different things happening. Over time, it has become very
brittle: exactly the right handling functions need to be called in exactly the
right order, or it gets confused and does the wrong thing.

The MessageBus is meant to let the leader avoid this by more loosely coupling
its components together, by having them communicate by sending messages instead
of by calling functions.

When events occur (like a job coming back from the batch system with a failed
exit status), this will be translated into a message that will be sent to the
bus. Then, all the leader components that need to react to this message in some
way (by, say, decrementing the retry count) would listen for the relevant
messages on the bus and react to them. If a new component needs to be added, it
can be plugged into the message bus and receive and react to messages without
interfering with existing components' ability to react to the same messages.

Eventually, the different aspects of the Leader could become separate objects.

By default, messages stay entirely within the Toil leader process, and are not
persisted anywhere, not even in the JobStore.

The Message Bus also provides an extension point: its messages can be
serialized to a file by the leader (see the --writeMessages option), and they
can then be decoded using MessageBus.scan_bus_messages() (as is done in the
Toil WES server backend). By replaying the messages and tracking their effects
on job state, you can get an up-to-date view of the state of the jobs in a
workflow. This includes information, such as whether jobs are issued or
running, or what jobs have completely finished, which is not persisted in the

The MessageBus instance for the leader process is owned by the Toil leader, but
the BatchSystem has an opportunity to connect to it, and can send (or listen
for) messages. Right now the BatchSystem deos not *have* to send or receive any
messages; the Leader is responsible for polling it via the BatchSystem API and
generating the events. But a BatchSystem implementation *may* send additional
events (like JobAnnotationMessage).

Currently, the MessageBus is implemented using pypubsub, and so messages are
always handled in a single Thread, the Toil leader's main loop thread. If other
components send events, they will be shipped over to that thread inside the
MessageBus. Communication between processes is allowed using
MessageBus.connect_output_file() and MessageBus.scan_bus_messages().

import collections
import json
import logging
import os
import queue
import tempfile
import threading
from import Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, NamedTuple, Optional, TypeVar, cast

from pubsub.core import Publisher
from pubsub.core.listener import Listener
from pubsub.core.topicobj import Topic
from pubsub.core.topicutils import ALL_TOPICS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We define some ways to talk about jobs.

[docs] class Names(NamedTuple): """ Stores all the kinds of name a job can have. """ # Name of the kind of job this is job_name: str # Name of this particular work unit unit_name: str # Human-readable name for the job display_name: str # What the job prints as, used for stats-and-logging log management stats_name: str # Job store ID of the job for the work unit job_store_id: str
[docs] def get_job_kind(names: Names) -> str: """ Return an identifying string for the job. The result may contain spaces. Returns: Either the unit name, job name, or display name, which identifies the kind of job it is to toil. Otherwise "Unknown Job" in case no identifier is available """ if names.unit_name: return names.unit_name elif names.job_name: return names.job_name elif names.display_name: return names.display_name else: return "Unknown Job"
# We define a bunch of named tuple message types. # These all need to be plain data: only hold ints, strings, etc.
[docs] class JobIssuedMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when a job is issued to run on the batch system. """ # The kind of job issued, for statistics aggregation job_type: str # The job store ID of the job job_id: str # The toil batch ID of the job toil_batch_id: int
[docs] class JobUpdatedMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when a job is "updated" and ready to have something happen to it. """ # The job store ID of the job job_id: str # The error code/return code for the job, which is nonzero if something has # gone wrong, and 0 otherwise. result_status: int
[docs] class JobCompletedMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when a job is completed, whether successful or not. """ # The kind of job issued, for statistics aggregation job_type: str # The job store ID of the job job_id: str # Exit code for job_id exit_code: int
[docs] class JobFailedMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when a job is completely failed, and will not be retried again. """ # The kind of job issued, for statistics aggregation job_type: str # The job store ID of the job job_id: str
[docs] class JobMissingMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when a job goes missing and should be in the batch system but isn't. """ # The job store ID of the job job_id: str
[docs] class JobAnnotationMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when extra information (such as an AWS Batch job ID from the AWSBatchBatchSystem) is available that goes with a job. """ # The job store ID of the job job_id: str # The name of the annotation annotation_name: str # The annotation data annotation_value: str
[docs] class ExternalBatchIdMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced when using a batch system, links toil assigned batch ID to Batch system ID (Whatever's returned by local implementation, PID, batch ID, etc) """ # Assigned toil batch job id toil_batch_id: int # Batch system scheduler identity external_batch_id: str # Batch system name batch_system: str
[docs] class QueueSizeMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced to describe the size of the queue of jobs issued but not yet completed. Theoretically recoverable from other messages. """ # The size of the queue queue_size: int
[docs] class ClusterSizeMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced by the Toil-integrated autoscaler describe the number of instances of a certain type in a cluster. """ # The instance type name, like t4g.medium instance_type: str # The number of instances of that type that the Toil autoscaler thinks # there are current_size: int
[docs] class ClusterDesiredSizeMessage(NamedTuple): """ Produced by the Toil-integrated autoscaler to describe the number of instances of a certain type that it thinks will be needed. """ # The instance type name, like t4g.medium instance_type: str # The number of instances of that type that the Toil autoscaler wants there # to be desired_size: int
# Then we define a serialization format.
[docs] def message_to_bytes(message: NamedTuple) -> bytes: """ Convert a plain-old-data named tuple into a byte string. """ parts = [] for item in message: if isinstance(item, (int, float, bool)) or item is None: # This also handles e.g. values from an IntEnum, where the type extends int. # They might replace __str__() but we hope they use a compatible __format__() parts.append(f"{item}".encode()) elif isinstance(item, str): parts.append(item.encode("unicode_escape")) else: # We haven't implemented this type yet. raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot store message argument of type {type(item)}: {item}" ) return b"\t".join(parts)
# TODO: Messages have to be named tuple types. MessageType = TypeVar("MessageType")
[docs] def bytes_to_message(message_type: type[MessageType], data: bytes) -> MessageType: """ Convert bytes from message_to_bytes back to a message of the given type. """ parts = data.split(b"\t") # Get a mapping from field name to type in the named tuple. # We need to check a couple different fields because this moved in a recent # Python 3 release. field_to_type: Optional[dict[str, type]] = cast( Optional[dict[str, type]], getattr( message_type, "__annotations__", getattr(message_type, "_field_types", None) ), ) if field_to_type is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot get field types from {message_type}") field_names: list[str] = getattr(message_type, "_fields") if len(field_names) != len(parts): raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot parse {field_names} from {parts}") # Parse each part according to its type and put it in here typed_parts = [] for name, part in zip(field_names, parts): field_type = field_to_type[name] if field_type in [int, float, bool]: typed_parts.append(field_type(part.decode("utf-8"))) elif field_type == str: # Decode, accounting for escape sequences typed_parts.append(part.decode("unicode_escape")) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot read message argument of type {field_type}") # Build the parts back up into the named tuple. return message_type(*typed_parts)
[docs] class MessageBus: """ Holds messages that should cause jobs to change their scheduling states. Messages are put in and buffered, and can be taken out and handled as batches when convenient. All messages are NamedTuple objects of various subtypes. Message order is guaranteed to be preserved within a type. """ def __init__(self) -> None: # Each MessageBus has an independent PyPubSub instance self._pubsub = Publisher() # We will deliver messages to the thread we were constructed in self._owning_thread = threading.get_ident() # Messages from other threads go in this queue self._queue: queue.Queue[Any] = queue.Queue() @classmethod def _type_to_name(cls, message_type: type) -> str: """ Convert a type to a name that can be a PyPubSub topic (all normal characters, hierarchically dotted). """ return ".".join([message_type.__module__, message_type.__name__]) # All our messages are NamedTuples, but NamedTuples don't actually inherit # from NamedTupe, so MyPy complains if we require that here.
[docs] def publish(self, message: Any) -> None: """ Put a message onto the bus. Can be called from any thread. """ if threading.get_ident() == self._owning_thread: # We can deliver this now self._deliver(message) # Also do any waiting messages self.check() else: # We need to put it in the queue for the main thread self._queue.put(message)
[docs] def check(self) -> None: """ If we are in the owning thread, deliver any messages that are in the queue for us. Must be called every once in a while in the main thread, possibly through inbox objects. """ if threading.get_ident() == self._owning_thread: # We are supposed to receive messages while True: # Until we can't get a message, get one message: Optional[Any] = None try: message = self._queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: # No messages are waiting return # Handle the message self._deliver(message)
def _deliver(self, message: Any) -> None: """ Runs only in the owning thread. Delivers a message to its listeners. """ topic = self._type_to_name(type(message)) logger.debug("Notifying %s with message: %s", topic, message) self._pubsub.sendMessage(topic, message=message) # This next function takes callables that take things of the type that was passed in as a # runtime argument, which we can explain to MyPy using a TypeVar and Type[] MessageType = TypeVar("MessageType", bound="NamedTuple")
[docs] def subscribe( self, message_type: type[MessageType], handler: Callable[[MessageType], Any] ) -> Listener: """ Register the given callable to be called when messages of the given type are sent. It will be called with messages sent after the subscription is created. Returns a subscription object; when the subscription object is GC'd the subscription will end. """ topic = self._type_to_name(message_type) logger.debug("Listening for message topic: %s", topic) # Make sure to wrap the handler so we get the right argument name and # we can control lifetime. def handler_wraper(message: MessageBus.MessageType) -> None: handler(message) # The docs says this returns the listener but really it seems to return # a listener and something else. listener, _ = self._pubsub.subscribe(handler_wraper, topic) # Hide the handler function in the pubsub listener to keep it alive. # If it goes out of scope the subscription expires, and the pubsub # system only uses weak references. setattr(listener, "handler_wrapper", handler_wraper) return listener
[docs] def connect(self, wanted_types: list[type]) -> "MessageBusConnection": """ Get a connection object that serves as an inbox for messages of the given types. Messages of those types will accumulate in the inbox until it is destroyed. You can check for them at any time. """ connection = MessageBusConnection() # We call this private method, really we mean this to be module scope. connection._set_bus_and_message_types(self, wanted_types) return connection
[docs] def outbox(self) -> "MessageOutbox": """ Get a connection object that only allows sending messages. """ connection = MessageOutbox() connection._set_bus(self) return connection
[docs] def connect_output_file(self, file_path: str) -> Any: """ Send copies of all messages to the given output file. Returns connection data which must be kept alive for the connection to persist. That data is opaque: the user is not supposed to look at it or touch it or do anything with it other than store it somewhere or delete it. """ stream = open(file_path, "wb") # Type of the ** is the value type of the dictionary; key type is always string. def handler( topic_object: Topic = Listener.AUTO_TOPIC, **message_data: NamedTuple ) -> None: """ Log the message in the given message data, associated with the given topic. """ # There should always be a "message" if len(message_data) != 1 or "message" not in message_data: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot log the bus message. The message is either empty/malformed or there are too many messages provided." ) message = message_data["message"] topic = topic_object.getName() stream.write(topic.encode("utf-8")) stream.write(b"\t") stream.write(message_to_bytes(message)) stream.write(b"\n") stream.flush() listener, _ = self._pubsub.subscribe(handler, ALL_TOPICS) # To keep this alive, we need to keep the handler alive, and we might # want the pypubsub Listener. return (handler, listener)
# TODO: If we annotate this as returning an Iterator[NamedTuple], MyPy # complains when we loop over it that the loop variable is a <nothing>, # ifen in code protected by isinstance(). Using a typevar makes it complain # that we "need type annotation" for the loop variable, because it can't # get it from the types in the (possibly empty?) list. # TODO: Find a good way to annotate this as returning an iterator of a # union of the types passed in message_types, in a way that MyPy can # understand.
[docs] @classmethod def scan_bus_messages( cls, stream: IO[bytes], message_types: list[type[NamedTuple]] ) -> Iterator[Any]: """ Get an iterator over all messages in the given log stream of the given types, in order. Discard any trailing partial messages. """ # We know all the message types we care about, so build the mapping from topic name to message type name_to_type = {cls._type_to_name(t): t for t in message_types} for line in stream: logger.debug("Got message: %s", line) if not line.endswith(b"\n"): # Skip unterminated line continue # Drop the newline and split on first tab parts = line[:-1].split(b"\t", 1) # Get the type of the message message_type = name_to_type.get(parts[0].decode("utf-8")) if message_type is None: # We aren't interested in this kind of message. continue # Decode the actual message message = bytes_to_message(message_type, parts[1]) # And produce it yield message
[docs] class MessageBusClient: """ Base class for clients (inboxes and outboxes) of a message bus. Handles keeping a reference to the message bus. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Make a disconnected client. """ # We might be given a reference to the message bus self._bus: Optional[MessageBus] = None def _set_bus(self, bus: MessageBus) -> None: """ Connect to the given bus. Should only ever be called once on a given instance. """ self._bus = bus
[docs] class MessageInbox(MessageBusClient): """ A buffered connection to a message bus that lets us receive messages. Buffers incoming messages until you are ready for them. Does not preserve ordering between messages of different types. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Make a disconnected inbox. """ super().__init__() # This holds all the messages on the bus, organized by type. self._messages_by_type: dict[type, list[Any]] = {} # This holds listeners for all the types, when we connect to a bus self._listeners_by_type: dict[type, Listener] = {} # We define a handler for messages def on_message(message: Any) -> None: self._messages_by_type[type(message)].append(message) self._handler = on_message def _set_bus_and_message_types( self, bus: MessageBus, wanted_types: list[type] ) -> None: """ Connect to the given bus and collect the given message types. Should only ever be called once on a given instance. """ self._set_bus(bus) for t in wanted_types: # For every kind of message we are subscribing to # Make a queue for the messages self._messages_by_type[t] = [] # Make and save a subscription self._listeners_by_type[t] = bus.subscribe(t, self._handler) def _check_bus(self) -> None: """ Make sure we are connected to a bus, and let the bus check for messages and deliver them to us. We call this before we access our delivered messages. """ if self._bus is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot receive message when not connected to a bus") # Make sure to check for messages form other threads first self._bus.check()
[docs] def count(self, message_type: type) -> int: """ Get the number of pending messages of the given type. """ self._check_bus() return len(self._messages_by_type[message_type])
[docs] def empty(self) -> bool: """ Return True if no messages are pending, and false otherwise. """ self._check_bus() return all(len(v) == 0 for v in self._messages_by_type.values())
# This next function returns things of the type that was passed in as a # runtime argument, which we can explain to MyPy using a TypeVar and Type[] MessageType = TypeVar("MessageType")
[docs] def for_each(self, message_type: type[MessageType]) -> Iterator[MessageType]: """ Loop over all messages currently pending of the given type. Each that is handled without raising an exception will be removed. Messages sent while this function is running will not be yielded by the current call. """ self._check_bus() # Grab the message buffer for this kind of message. message_list = self._messages_by_type[message_type] # Make a new buffer. TODO: Will be hard to be thread-safe because other # threads could have a reference to the old buffer. self._messages_by_type[message_type] = [] # Flip around to chronological order message_list.reverse() try: while len(message_list) > 0: # We need to handle the case where a new message of this type comes # in while we're looping, from the handler. So we take each off the # list from the end while we handle it, and put it back if # something goes wrong. message = message_list.pop() handled = False try: # Emit the message if not isinstance(message, message_type): raise RuntimeError( f"Unacceptable message type {type(message)} in list for type {message_type}" ) yield message # If we get here it was handled without error. handled = True finally: if not handled: # An exception happened, and we're bailing out of the # while loop. Make sure the message isn't dropped, in # case someone wants to recover and handle it again # later with another for_each call. message_list.append(message) finally: # Dump anything remaining in our buffer back into the main buffer, # in the right order, and before the later messages. message_list.reverse() self._messages_by_type[message_type] = ( message_list + self._messages_by_type[message_type] )
[docs] class MessageOutbox(MessageBusClient): """ A connection to a message bus that lets us publish messages. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Make a disconnected outbox. """ super().__init__()
[docs] def publish(self, message: Any) -> None: """ Publish the given message to the connected message bus. We have this so you don't need to store both the bus and your connection. """ if self._bus is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot send message when not connected to a bus") self._bus.publish(message)
[docs] class MessageBusConnection(MessageInbox, MessageOutbox): """ A two-way connection to a message bus. Buffers incoming messages until you are ready for them, and lets you send messages. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Make a MessageBusConnection that is not connected yet. """ super().__init__() def _set_bus_and_message_types( self, bus: MessageBus, wanted_types: list[type] ) -> None: """ Connect to the given bus and collect the given message types. We must not have connected to anything yet. """ # We need to call the two inherited connection methods super()._set_bus_and_message_types(bus, wanted_types) self._set_bus(bus)
[docs] @dataclass class JobStatus: """ Records the status of a job. When exit_code is -1, this means the job is either not observed or currently running. """ job_store_id: str name: str exit_code: int annotations: dict[str, str] toil_batch_id: int external_batch_id: str batch_system: str
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4)
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: return ( self.exit_code < 0 and self.job_store_id != "" ) # if the exit code is -1 and the job id is specified, we assume the job is running
[docs] def replay_message_bus(path: str) -> dict[str, JobStatus]: """ Replay all the messages and work out what they mean for jobs. We track the state and name of jobs here, by ID. We would use a list of two items but MyPy can't understand a list of items of multiple types, so we need to define a new class. Returns a dictionary from the job_id to a dataclass, JobStatus. A JobStatus contains information about a job which we have gathered from the message bus, including the job store id, name of the job the exit code, any associated annotations, the toil batch id the external batch id, and the batch system on which the job is running. """ job_statuses: dict[str, JobStatus] = collections.defaultdict( lambda: JobStatus("", "", -1, {}, -1, "", "") ) batch_to_job_id = {} try: with open(path, "rb") as log_stream: # Read all the full, properly-terminated messages about job updates for event in MessageBus.scan_bus_messages( log_stream, [ JobUpdatedMessage, JobIssuedMessage, JobCompletedMessage, JobFailedMessage, JobAnnotationMessage, ExternalBatchIdMessage, ], ): # And for each of them logger.debug("Got message from workflow: %s", event) if isinstance(event, JobUpdatedMessage): # Apply the latest return code from the job with this ID. job_statuses[event.job_id].exit_code = event.result_status elif isinstance(event, JobIssuedMessage): job_statuses[event.job_id].job_store_id = event.job_id job_statuses[event.job_id].name = event.job_type job_statuses[event.job_id].toil_batch_id = event.toil_batch_id job_statuses[event.job_id].exit_code = -1 batch_to_job_id[event.toil_batch_id] = event.job_id elif isinstance(event, JobCompletedMessage): job_statuses[event.job_id].name = event.job_type job_statuses[event.job_id].exit_code = event.exit_code elif isinstance(event, JobFailedMessage): job_statuses[event.job_id].name = event.job_type if job_statuses[event.job_id].exit_code == 0: # Record the failure if we never got a failed exit code. job_statuses[event.job_id].exit_code = 1 elif isinstance(event, JobAnnotationMessage): # Remember the last value of any annotation that is set job_statuses[event.job_id].annotations[ event.annotation_name ] = event.annotation_value elif isinstance(event, ExternalBatchIdMessage): if event.toil_batch_id in batch_to_job_id: job_statuses[ batch_to_job_id[event.toil_batch_id] ].external_batch_id = event.external_batch_id job_statuses[ batch_to_job_id[event.toil_batch_id] ].batch_system = event.batch_system except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("We were unable to access the file") return job_statuses
[docs] def gen_message_bus_path(tmpdir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Return a file path in tmp to store the message bus at. Calling function is responsible for cleaning the generated file. The tmpdir argument will override the directory that the message bus will be made in. If not provided, the standard tempfile order will be used. """ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir) os.close(fd) return path
# TODO Might want to clean up the tmpfile at some point after running the workflow