Source code for toil.test.jobStores.jobStoreTest

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import hashlib
import http
import logging
import os
import shutil
import socketserver
import threading
import time
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import uuid
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import chain, islice
from queue import Queue
from tempfile import mkstemp
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

import pytest
from stubserver import FTPStubServer

from toil.common import Config, Toil
from toil.fileStores import FileID
from toil.job import Job, JobDescription, TemporaryID
from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import NoSuchFileException, NoSuchJobException
from toil.jobStores.fileJobStore import FileJobStore
from import mkdtemp
from toil.lib.memoize import memoize
from toil.lib.retry import retry
from toil.statsAndLogging import StatsAndLogging
from toil.test import (

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
# (installed by `make prepare`)

    from toil.jobStores.googleJobStore import google_retry
except ImportError:
    # Need google_retry decorator even if google is not available, so make one up.
[docs] def google_retry(x): return x
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def tearDownModule(): AbstractJobStoreTest.Test.cleanUpExternalStores()
[docs] class AbstractJobStoreTest: """ Hide abstract base class from unittest's test case loader """
[docs] class Test(ToilTest, metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("boto").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("boto").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("boto3.resources").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("botocore.auth").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("botocore.hooks").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
# The use of @memoize ensures that we only have one instance of per class even with the # generative import/export tests attempts to instantiate more. This in turn enables us to # share the external stores (buckets, blob store containers, local directory, etc.) used # for testing import export. While the constructor arguments are included in the # memoization key, I have only ever seen one case: ('test', ). The worst that can happen # if other values are also used is that there will be more external stores and less sharing # of them. They will still all be cleaned-up. @classmethod @memoize def __new__(cls, *args): return super().__new__(cls) def _createConfig(self): config = Config() return config @abstractmethod def _createJobStore(self): """ :rtype: AbstractJobStore """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.namePrefix = "jobstore-test-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.config = self._createConfig() # Jobstores to be used in testing. # jobstore_initialized is created with a particular configuration, as creating by self._createConfig() # jobstore_resume_noconfig is created with the resume() method. resume() will look for a previously # instantiated jobstore, and initialize the jobstore calling it with the found config. In this case, # jobstore_resume_noconfig will be initialized with the config from jobstore_initialized. self.jobstore_initialized = self._createJobStore() self.jobstore_initialized.initialize(self.config) self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig = self._createJobStore() self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig.resume() # Requirements for jobs to be created. self.arbitraryRequirements = { "memory": 1, "disk": 2, "cores": 1, "preemptible": False, } # Function to make an arbitrary new job self.arbitraryJob = lambda: JobDescription( jobName="arbitrary", requirements=self.arbitraryRequirements ) self.parentJobReqs = dict(memory=12, cores=34, disk=35, preemptible=True) self.childJobReqs1 = dict(memory=23, cores=45, disk=46, preemptible=True) self.childJobReqs2 = dict(memory=34, cores=56, disk=57, preemptible=False)
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.jobstore_initialized.destroy() self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig.destroy() super().tearDown()
[docs] def testInitialState(self): """Ensure proper handling of nonexistent files.""" self.assertFalse(self.jobstore_initialized.job_exists("nonexistentFile")) self.assertRaises( NoSuchJobException, self.jobstore_initialized.load_job, "nonexistentFile", )
[docs] def testJobCreation(self): """ Test creation of a job. Does the job exist in the jobstore it is supposed to be in? Are its attributes what is expected? """ jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized # Create a job and verify its existence/properties job = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onParent" ) self.assertTrue(isinstance(job.jobStoreID, TemporaryID)) jobstore.assign_job_id(job) self.assertFalse(isinstance(job.jobStoreID, TemporaryID)) created = jobstore.create_job(job) self.assertEqual(created, job) self.assertTrue(jobstore.job_exists(job.jobStoreID)) self.assertEqual(job.memory, self.parentJobReqs["memory"]) self.assertEqual(job.cores, self.parentJobReqs["cores"]) self.assertEqual(job.disk, self.parentJobReqs["disk"]) self.assertEqual(job.preemptible, self.parentJobReqs["preemptible"]) self.assertEqual(job.jobName, "test1") self.assertEqual(job.unitName, "onParent")
[docs] def testConfigEquality(self): """ Ensure that the command line configurations are successfully loaded and stored. In setUp() self.jobstore1 is created and initialized. In this test, after creating newJobStore, .resume() will look for a previously instantiated job store and load its config options. This is expected to be equal but not the same object. """ newJobStore = self._createJobStore() newJobStore.resume() self.assertEqual(newJobStore.config, self.config) self.assertIsNot(newJobStore.config, self.config)
[docs] def testJobLoadEquality(self): """Tests that a job created via one JobStore instance can be loaded from another.""" # Create a job on the first jobstore. jobDesc1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onJS1" ) self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(jobDesc1) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(jobDesc1) # Load it from the second jobstore jobDesc2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig.load_job(jobDesc1.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(jobDesc1._body, jobDesc2._body)
[docs] def testChildLoadingEquality(self): """Test that loading a child job operates as expected.""" job = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onParent" ) childJob = JobDescription( requirements=self.childJobReqs1, jobName="test2", unitName="onChild1" ) self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(childJob) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(childJob) job.addChild(childJob.jobStoreID) self.jobstore_initialized.update_job(job) self.assertEqual( self.jobstore_initialized.load_job(list(job.allSuccessors())[0])._body, childJob._body, )
[docs] def testPersistantFilesToDelete(self): """ Make sure that updating a job persists filesToDelete. The following demonstrates the job update pattern, where files to be deleted atomically with a job update are referenced in "filesToDelete" array, which is persisted to disk first. If things go wrong during the update, this list of files to delete is used to ensure that the updated job and the files are never both visible at the same time. """ # Create a job. job = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onJS1" ) self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) job.filesToDelete = ["1", "2"] self.jobstore_initialized.update_job(job) self.assertEqual( self.jobstore_initialized.load_job(job.jobStoreID).filesToDelete, ["1", "2"], )
[docs] def testUpdateBehavior(self): """Tests the proper behavior during updating jobs.""" jobstore1 = self.jobstore_initialized jobstore2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig job1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onParent" ) childJob1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.childJobReqs1, jobName="test2", unitName="onChild1" ) childJob2 = JobDescription( requirements=self.childJobReqs2, jobName="test3", unitName="onChild2" ) jobstore1.assign_job_id(job1) jobstore1.create_job(job1) job2 = jobstore2.load_job(job1.jobStoreID) # Create child jobs. jobstore2.assign_job_id(childJob1) jobstore2.create_job(childJob1) jobstore2.assign_job_id(childJob2) jobstore2.create_job(childJob2) # Add them to job2. job2.addChild(childJob1.jobStoreID) job2.addChild(childJob2.jobStoreID) jobstore2.update_job(job2) # Check equivalence between jobstore1 and jobstore2. # While job1 and job2 share a jobStoreID, job1 has not been "refreshed" to show the newly added child jobs. self.assertNotEqual( sorted(job2.allSuccessors()), sorted(job1.allSuccessors()) ) # Reload parent job on jobstore, "refreshing" the job. job1 = jobstore1.load_job(job1.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(sorted(job2.allSuccessors()), sorted(job1.allSuccessors())) # Jobs still shouldn't *actually* be equal, even if their contents are the same. self.assertNotEqual(job2, job1) # Load children on jobstore and check against equivalence self.assertNotEqual(jobstore1.load_job(childJob1.jobStoreID), childJob1) self.assertNotEqual(jobstore1.load_job(childJob2.jobStoreID), childJob2)
[docs] def testJobDeletions(self): """Tests the consequences of deleting jobs.""" # A local jobstore object for testing. jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized job = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onJob" ) # Create job jobstore.assign_job_id(job) jobstore.create_job(job) # Create child Jobs child1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.childJobReqs1, jobName="test2", unitName="onChild1" ) child2 = JobDescription( requirements=self.childJobReqs2, jobName="test3", unitName="onChild2" ) # Add children to parent. jobstore.assign_job_id(child1) jobstore.create_job(child1) jobstore.assign_job_id(child2) jobstore.create_job(child2) job.addChild(child1.jobStoreID) job.addChild(child2.jobStoreID) jobstore.update_job(job) # Parent must have no body to start on children assert not job.has_body() # Go get the children childJobs = [jobstore.load_job(childID) for childID in job.nextSuccessors()] # Test job iterator - the results of the iterator are effected by eventual # consistency. We cannot guarantee all jobs will appear but we can assert that all # jobs that show up are a subset of all existing jobs. If we had deleted jobs before # this we would have to worry about ghost jobs appearing and this assertion would not # be valid self.assertTrue( {j.jobStoreID for j in (childJobs + [job])} >= {j.jobStoreID for j in} ) # Test job deletions # First delete parent, this should have no effect on the children self.assertTrue(jobstore.job_exists(job.jobStoreID)) jobstore.delete_job(job.jobStoreID) self.assertFalse(jobstore.job_exists(job.jobStoreID)) # Check the deletion of children for childJob in childJobs: self.assertTrue(jobstore.job_exists(childJob.jobStoreID)) jobstore.delete_job(childJob.jobStoreID) self.assertFalse(jobstore.job_exists(childJob.jobStoreID)) self.assertRaises( NoSuchJobException, jobstore.load_job, childJob.jobStoreID ) try: with jobstore.read_shared_file_stream("missing") as _: pass"Expecting NoSuchFileException") except NoSuchFileException: pass
[docs] def testSharedFiles(self): """Tests the sharing of files.""" jobstore1 = self.jobstore_initialized jobstore2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig bar = b"bar" with jobstore1.write_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: f.write(bar) # ... read that file on worker, ... with jobstore2.read_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: self.assertEqual(bar, # ... and read it again on jobstore1. with jobstore1.read_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: self.assertEqual(bar, with jobstore1.write_shared_file_stream( "nonEncrypted", encrypted=False ) as f: f.write(bar) self.assertUrl(jobstore1.get_shared_public_url("nonEncrypted")) self.assertRaises( NoSuchFileException, jobstore1.get_shared_public_url, "missing" )
[docs] def testReadWriteSharedFilesTextMode(self): """Checks if text mode is compatible for shared file streams.""" jobstore1 = self.jobstore_initialized jobstore2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig bar = "bar" with jobstore1.write_shared_file_stream("foo", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(bar) with jobstore2.read_shared_file_stream("foo", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.assertEqual(bar, with jobstore1.read_shared_file_stream("foo", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.assertEqual(bar,
[docs] def testReadWriteFileStreamTextMode(self): """Checks if text mode is compatible for file streams.""" jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized job = self.arbitraryJob() jobstore.assign_job_id(job) jobstore.create_job(job) foo = "foo" bar = "bar" with jobstore.write_file_stream(job.jobStoreID, encoding="utf-8") as ( f, fileID, ): f.write(foo) with jobstore.read_file_stream(fileID, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.assertEqual(foo, with jobstore.update_file_stream(fileID, encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(bar) with jobstore.read_file_stream(fileID, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.assertEqual(bar,
[docs] def testPerJobFiles(self): """Tests the behavior of files on jobs.""" jobstore1 = self.jobstore_initialized jobstore2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig # Create jobNodeOnJS1 jobOnJobStore1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onJobStore1" ) # First recreate job jobstore1.assign_job_id(jobOnJobStore1) jobstore1.create_job(jobOnJobStore1) fileOne = jobstore2.get_empty_file_store_id( jobOnJobStore1.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) # Check file exists self.assertTrue(jobstore2.file_exists(fileOne)) self.assertTrue(jobstore1.file_exists(fileOne)) one = b"one" two = b"two" three = b"three" # ... write to the file on jobstore2, ... with jobstore2.update_file_stream(fileOne) as f: f.write(one) # ... read the file as a stream on the jobstore1, .... with jobstore1.read_file_stream(fileOne) as f: self.assertEqual(, one) # ... and copy it to a temporary physical file on the jobstore1. fh, path = mkstemp() try: os.close(fh) tmpPath = path + ".read-only" jobstore1.read_file(fileOne, tmpPath) try: shutil.copyfile(tmpPath, path) finally: os.unlink(tmpPath) with open(path, "rb+") as f: self.assertEqual(, one) # Write a different string to the local file ... f.truncate(0) f.write(two) # ... and create a second file from the local file. fileTwo = jobstore1.write_file( path, jobOnJobStore1.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) with jobstore2.read_file_stream(fileTwo) as f: self.assertEqual(, two) # Now update the first file from the local file ... jobstore1.update_file(fileOne, path) with jobstore2.read_file_stream(fileOne) as f: self.assertEqual(, two) finally: os.unlink(path) # Create a third file to test the last remaining method. with jobstore2.write_file_stream( jobOnJobStore1.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) as (f, fileThree): f.write(three) with jobstore1.read_file_stream(fileThree) as f: self.assertEqual(, three) # Delete a file explicitly but leave files for the implicit deletion through the parent jobstore2.delete_file(fileOne) # Check the file is gone # for store in jobstore2, jobstore1: self.assertFalse(store.file_exists(fileOne)) self.assertRaises(NoSuchFileException, store.read_file, fileOne, "") try: with store.read_file_stream(fileOne) as _: pass"Expecting NoSuchFileException") except NoSuchFileException: pass
[docs] def testStatsAndLogging(self): """Tests behavior of reading and writing stats and logging.""" jobstore1 = self.jobstore_initialized jobstore2 = self.jobstore_resumed_noconfig jobOnJobStore1 = JobDescription( requirements=self.parentJobReqs, jobName="test1", unitName="onJobStore1" ) jobstore1.assign_job_id(jobOnJobStore1) jobstore1.create_job(jobOnJobStore1) # Test stats and logging stats = None one = b"one" two = b"two" # Allows stats to be read/written to/from in read/writeStatsAndLogging. def callback(f2): stats.add( # Collects stats and logging messages. stats = set() # No stats or logging added yet. Expect nothing. self.assertEqual(0, jobstore1.read_logs(callback)) self.assertEqual(set(), stats) # Test writing and reading. jobstore2.write_logs(one) self.assertEqual(1, jobstore1.read_logs(callback)) self.assertEqual({one}, stats) self.assertEqual( 0, jobstore1.read_logs(callback) ) # read_logs purges saved stats etc jobstore2.write_logs(one) jobstore2.write_logs(two) stats = set() self.assertEqual(2, jobstore1.read_logs(callback)) self.assertEqual({one, two}, stats) largeLogEntry = os.urandom(self._largeLogEntrySize()) stats = set() jobstore2.write_logs(largeLogEntry) self.assertEqual(1, jobstore1.read_logs(callback)) self.assertEqual({largeLogEntry}, stats) # test the readAll parameter self.assertEqual(4, jobstore1.read_logs(callback, read_all=True)) # Delete parent jobstore1.delete_job(jobOnJobStore1.jobStoreID) self.assertFalse(jobstore1.job_exists(jobOnJobStore1.jobStoreID))
# TODO: Who deletes the shared files?
[docs] def testWriteLogFiles(self): """Test writing log files.""" jobNames = ["testStatsAndLogging_writeLogFiles"] jobLogList = ["string", b"bytes", "", b"newline\n"] config = self._createConfig() setattr(config, "writeLogs", self._createTempDir()) setattr(config, "writeLogsGzip", None) StatsAndLogging.writeLogFiles(jobNames, jobLogList, config) jobLogFile = os.path.join(config.writeLogs, jobNames[0] + "_000.log") # The log directory should get exactly one file, names after this # easy job name with no replacements needed. self.assertEqual( os.listdir(config.writeLogs), [os.path.basename(jobLogFile)] ) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(jobLogFile)) with open(jobLogFile) as f: self.assertEqual(, "string\nbytes\n\nnewline\n")
[docs] def testBatchCreate(self): """Test creation of many jobs.""" jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized jobRequirements = dict(memory=12, cores=34, disk=35, preemptible=True) jobs = [] with jobstore.batch(): for i in range(100): overlargeJob = JobDescription( requirements=jobRequirements, jobName="test-overlarge", unitName="onJobStore", ) jobstore.assign_job_id(overlargeJob) jobstore.create_job(overlargeJob) jobs.append(overlargeJob) for job in jobs: self.assertTrue(jobstore.job_exists(job.jobStoreID))
[docs] def testGrowingAndShrinkingJob(self): """Make sure jobs update correctly if they grow/shrink.""" # Make some very large data, large enough to trigger # overlarge job creation if that's a thing # (i.e. AWSJobStore) arbitraryLargeData = os.urandom(500000) job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) # Make the job grow job.foo_attribute = arbitraryLargeData self.jobstore_initialized.update_job(job) check_job = self.jobstore_initialized.load_job(job.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(check_job.foo_attribute, arbitraryLargeData) # Make the job shrink back close to its original size job.foo_attribute = None self.jobstore_initialized.update_job(job) check_job = self.jobstore_initialized.load_job(job.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(check_job.foo_attribute, None)
def _prepareTestFile(self, store, size=None): """ Generates a URL that can be used to point at a test file in the storage mechanism used by the job store under test by this class. Optionally creates a file at that URL. :param: store: an object referencing the store, same type as _createExternalStore's return value :param int size: The size of the test file to be created. :return: the URL, or a tuple (url, md5) where md5 is the file's hexadecimal MD5 digest :rtype: str|(str,str) """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _hashTestFile(self, url): """ Returns hexadecimal MD5 digest of the contents of the file pointed at by the URL. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _createExternalStore(self): raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _cleanUpExternalStore(self, store): """ :param: store: an object referencing the store, same type as _createExternalStore's return value """ raise NotImplementedError() externalStoreCache = {} def _externalStore(self): try: store = self.externalStoreCache[self] except KeyError: logger.debug("Creating new external store for %s", self) store = self.externalStoreCache[self] = self._createExternalStore() else: logger.debug("Reusing external store for %s", self) return store
[docs] @classmethod def cleanUpExternalStores(cls): for test, store in cls.externalStoreCache.items(): logger.debug("Cleaning up external store for %s.", test) test._cleanUpExternalStore(store)
mpTestPartSize = 5 << 20
[docs] @classmethod def makeImportExportTests(cls): testClasses = [FileJobStoreTest, AWSJobStoreTest, GoogleJobStoreTest] activeTestClassesByName = { testCls.__name__: testCls for testCls in testClasses if not getattr(testCls, "__unittest_skip__", False) } def testImportExportFile(self, otherCls, size, moveExports): """ :param AbstractJobStoreTest.Test self: the current test case :param AbstractJobStoreTest.Test otherCls: the test case class for the job store to import from or export to :param int size: the size of the file to test importing/exporting with """ # Prepare test file in other job store self.jobstore_initialized.part_size = cls.mpTestPartSize self.jobstore_initialized.moveExports = moveExports # Test assumes imports are not linked self.jobstore_initialized.linkImports = False # The string in otherCls() is arbitrary as long as it returns a class that has access # to ._externalStore() and ._prepareTestFile() other = otherCls("testSharedFiles") store = other._externalStore() srcUrl, srcMd5 = other._prepareTestFile(store, size) # Import into job store under test jobStoreFileID = self.jobstore_initialized.import_file(srcUrl) self.assertTrue(isinstance(jobStoreFileID, FileID)) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(jobStoreFileID) as f: fileMD5 = hashlib.md5( self.assertEqual(fileMD5, srcMd5) # Export back into other job store dstUrl = other._prepareTestFile(store) self.jobstore_initialized.export_file(jobStoreFileID, dstUrl) self.assertEqual(fileMD5, other._hashTestFile(dstUrl)) if otherCls.__name__ == "FileJobStoreTest": if isinstance(self.jobstore_initialized, FileJobStore): jobStorePath = self.jobstore_initialized._get_file_path_from_id( jobStoreFileID ) jobStoreHasLink = os.path.islink(jobStorePath) if self.jobstore_initialized.moveExports: # Ensure the export performed a move / link self.assertTrue(jobStoreHasLink) self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(jobStorePath), dstUrl[7:]) else: # Ensure the export has not moved the job store file self.assertFalse(jobStoreHasLink) # Remove local Files os.remove(srcUrl[7:]) os.remove(dstUrl[7:]) make_tests( testImportExportFile, cls, otherCls=activeTestClassesByName, size=dict( zero=0, one=1, oneMiB=2**20, partSizeMinusOne=cls.mpTestPartSize - 1, partSize=cls.mpTestPartSize, partSizePlusOne=cls.mpTestPartSize + 1, ), moveExports={"deactivated": None, "activated": True}, ) def testImportSharedFile(self, otherCls): """ :param AbstractJobStoreTest.Test self: the current test case :param AbstractJobStoreTest.Test otherCls: the test case class for the job store to import from or export to """ # Prepare test file in other job store self.jobstore_initialized.part_size = cls.mpTestPartSize other = otherCls("testSharedFiles") store = other._externalStore() srcUrl, srcMd5 = other._prepareTestFile(store, 42) # Import into job store under test self.assertIsNone( self.jobstore_initialized.import_file( srcUrl, shared_file_name="foo" ) ) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: fileMD5 = hashlib.md5( self.assertEqual(fileMD5, srcMd5) if otherCls.__name__ == "FileJobStoreTest": # Remove local Files os.remove(srcUrl[7:]) make_tests(testImportSharedFile, cls, otherCls=activeTestClassesByName)
[docs] def testImportHttpFile(self): """Test importing a file over HTTP.""" http = socketserver.TCPServer(("", 0), StubHttpRequestHandler) try: httpThread = threading.Thread(target=http.serve_forever) httpThread.start() try: assignedPort = http.server_address[1] url = "http://localhost:%d" % assignedPort with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream( self.jobstore_initialized.import_file(url) ) as readable: f1 = f2 = StubHttpRequestHandler.fileContents if isinstance(f1, bytes) and not isinstance(f2, bytes): f1 = f1.decode() if isinstance(f2, bytes) and not isinstance(f1, bytes): f1 = f1.encode() self.assertEqual(f1, f2) finally: http.shutdown() httpThread.join() finally: http.server_close()
[docs] def testImportFtpFile(self): """Test importing a file over FTP""" ftpfile = {"name": "foo", "content": "foo bar baz qux"} ftp = FTPStubServer(0) try: ftp.add_file(**ftpfile) assignedPort = ftp.server.server_address[1] url = "ftp://user1:passwd@localhost:%d/%s" % ( assignedPort, ftpfile["name"], ) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream( self.jobstore_initialized.import_file(url) ) as readable: imported_content = # python 2/3 string/bytestring compat if isinstance(imported_content, bytes): imported_content = imported_content.decode("utf-8") self.assertEqual(imported_content, ftpfile["content"]) finally: ftp.stop()
[docs] @slow def testFileDeletion(self): """ Intended to cover the batch deletion of items in the AWSJobStore, but it doesn't hurt running it on the other job stores. """ n = self._batchDeletionSize() for numFiles in (1, n - 1, n, n + 1, 2 * n): job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) fileIDs = [ self.jobstore_initialized.get_empty_file_store_id( job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) for _ in range(0, numFiles) ] self.jobstore_initialized.delete_job(job.jobStoreID) for fileID in fileIDs: # NB: the fooStream() methods return context managers self.assertRaises( NoSuchFileException, self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(fileID).__enter__, )
[docs] @slow def testMultipartUploads(self): """ This test is meant to cover multi-part uploads in the AWSJobStore but it doesn't hurt running it against the other job stores as well. """ # bufSize = 65536 partSize = self._partSize() self.assertEqual(partSize % bufSize, 0) job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) # Test file/stream ending on part boundary and within a part for partsPerFile in (1, 2.33): checksum = hashlib.md5() checksumQueue = Queue(2) # FIXME: Having a separate thread is probably overkill here def checksumThreadFn(): while True: _buf = checksumQueue.get() if _buf is None: break checksum.update(_buf) # Multipart upload from stream checksumThread = Thread(target=checksumThreadFn) checksumThread.start() try: # Should not block. On Linux, /dev/random blocks when it's running low on entropy with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as readable: with self.jobstore_initialized.write_file_stream( job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) as (writable, fileId): for i in range(int(partSize * partsPerFile / bufSize)): buf = checksumQueue.put(buf) writable.write(buf) finally: checksumQueue.put(None) checksumThread.join() before = checksum.hexdigest() # Verify checksum = hashlib.md5() with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(fileId) as readable: while True: buf = if not buf: break checksum.update(buf) after = checksum.hexdigest() self.assertEqual(before, after) # Multi-part upload from file checksum = hashlib.md5() fh, path = mkstemp() try: with os.fdopen(fh, "wb+") as writable: with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as readable: for i in range(int(partSize * partsPerFile / bufSize)): buf = writable.write(buf) checksum.update(buf) fileId = self.jobstore_initialized.write_file( path, job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) finally: os.unlink(path) before = checksum.hexdigest() # Verify checksum = hashlib.md5() with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(fileId) as readable: while True: buf = if not buf: break checksum.update(buf) after = checksum.hexdigest() self.assertEqual(before, after) self.jobstore_initialized.delete_job(job.jobStoreID)
[docs] def testZeroLengthFiles(self): """Test reading and writing of empty files.""" job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) nullFile = self.jobstore_initialized.write_file( "/dev/null", job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(nullFile) as f: assert not with self.jobstore_initialized.write_file_stream( job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) as (f, nullStream): pass with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(nullStream) as f: assert not self.jobstore_initialized.delete_job(job.jobStoreID)
[docs] @slow def testLargeFile(self): """Test the reading and writing of large files.""" # Write a large file. dirPath = self._createTempDir() filePath = os.path.join(dirPath, "large") hashIn = hashlib.md5() with open(filePath, "wb") as f: for i in range(0, 10): buf = os.urandom(self._partSize()) f.write(buf) hashIn.update(buf) # Load the file into a jobstore. job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) jobStoreFileID = self.jobstore_initialized.write_file( filePath, job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) # Remove the local file. os.unlink(filePath) # Write a local copy of the file from the jobstore. self.jobstore_initialized.read_file(jobStoreFileID, filePath) # Reread the file to confirm success. hashOut = hashlib.md5() with open(filePath, "rb") as f: while True: buf = if not buf: break hashOut.update(buf) self.assertEqual(hashIn.digest(), hashOut.digest())
[docs] @retry(errors=[ConnectionError]) def fetch_url(self, url: str) -> None: """ Fetch the given URL. Throw an error if it cannot be fetched in a reasonable number of attempts. """ urlopen(Request(url))
[docs] def assertUrl(self, url): prefix, path = url.split(":", 1) if prefix == "file": self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) else: try: self.fetch_url(url) except:
[docs] @slow def testCleanCache(self): # Make a bunch of jobs jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized # Create parent job rootJob = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(rootJob) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(rootJob) # Create a bunch of child jobs for i in range(100): child = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(child) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(child) rootJob.addChild(child.jobStoreID) jobstore.update_job(rootJob) # Make the parent the root jobstore.set_root_job(rootJob.jobStoreID) # See how long it takes to clean with no cache noCacheStart = time.time() jobstore.clean() noCacheEnd = time.time() noCacheTime = noCacheEnd - noCacheStart # Make sure we have all the jobs: root and children. self.assertEqual(len(list(, 101) # See how long it takes to clean with cache jobCache = {job.jobStoreID: job for job in} cacheStart = time.time() jobstore.clean(jobCache) cacheEnd = time.time() cacheTime = cacheEnd - cacheStart logger.debug("Without cache: %f, with cache: %f.", noCacheTime, cacheTime) # Running with the cache should be faster. self.assertTrue(cacheTime <= noCacheTime)
# NB: the 'thread' method seems to be needed here to actually # ensure the timeout is raised, probably because the only # "live" thread doesn't hold the GIL.
[docs] @pytest.mark.timeout(45, method="thread") def testPartialReadFromStream(self): """Test whether readFileStream will deadlock on a partial read.""" job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) with self.jobstore_initialized.write_file_stream( job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) as (f, fileID): # Write enough data to make sure the writer thread # will get blocked on the write. Technically anything # greater than the pipe buffer size plus the libc # buffer size (64K + 4K(?)) should trigger this bug, # but this gives us a lot of extra room just to be sure. # python 3 requires self.fileContents to be a bytestring a = b"a" f.write(a * 300000) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(fileID) as f: self.assertEqual(, a)
# If it times out here, there's a deadlock @abstractmethod def _corruptJobStore(self): """ Deletes some part of the physical storage represented by a job store. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @slow def testDestructionOfCorruptedJobStore(self): self._corruptJobStore() jobstore = self._createJobStore() jobstore.destroy()
# Note that self.jobstore_initialized.destroy() is done as part of shutdown
[docs] def testDestructionIdempotence(self): # Jobstore is fully initialized self.jobstore_initialized.destroy() # Create a second instance for the same physical storage but do not .initialize() or # .resume() it. cleaner = self._createJobStore() cleaner.destroy() # And repeat self.jobstore_initialized.destroy() cleaner = self._createJobStore() cleaner.destroy()
[docs] def testEmptyFileStoreIDIsReadable(self): """Simply creates an empty fileStoreID and attempts to read from it.""" id = self.jobstore_initialized.get_empty_file_store_id() fh, path = mkstemp() try: self.jobstore_initialized.read_file(id, path) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) finally: os.unlink(path)
def _largeLogEntrySize(self): """ Sub-classes may want to override these in order to maximize test coverage """ return 1 * 1024 * 1024 def _batchDeletionSize(self): return 10 def _partSize(self): return 5 * 1024 * 1024
[docs] class AbstractEncryptedJobStoreTest: # noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs] class Test(AbstractJobStoreTest.Test, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A test of job stores that use encryption """
[docs] def setUp(self): # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self.sseKeyDir = mkdtemp() super().setUp()
[docs] def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() shutil.rmtree(self.sseKeyDir)
def _createConfig(self): config = super()._createConfig() sseKeyFile = os.path.join(self.sseKeyDir, "keyFile") with open(sseKeyFile, "w") as f: f.write("01234567890123456789012345678901") config.sseKey = sseKeyFile # config.attrib['sse_key'] = sseKeyFile return config
[docs] def testEncrypted(self): """ Create an encrypted file. Read it in encrypted mode then try with encryption off to ensure that it fails. """ phrase = b"This file is encrypted." fileName = "foo" with self.jobstore_initialized.write_shared_file_stream( fileName, encrypted=True ) as f: f.write(phrase) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_shared_file_stream(fileName) as f: self.assertEqual(phrase, # disable encryption self.jobstore_initialized.config.sseKey = None try: with self.jobstore_initialized.read_shared_file_stream(fileName) as f: self.assertEqual(phrase, except AssertionError as e: self.assertEqual( "Content is encrypted but no key was provided.", e.args[0] ) else:"Read encryption content with encryption off.")
[docs] class FileJobStoreTest(AbstractJobStoreTest.Test): def _createJobStore(self): # Make a FileJobStore with an artificially low fan out threshold, to # make sure to test fan out logic return FileJobStore(self.namePrefix, fanOut=2) def _corruptJobStore(self): assert isinstance(self.jobstore_initialized, FileJobStore) # type hint shutil.rmtree(self.jobstore_initialized.jobStoreDir) def _prepareTestFile(self, dirPath, size=None): fileName = "testfile_%s" % uuid.uuid4() localFilePath = dirPath + fileName url = "file://%s" % localFilePath if size is None: return url else: content = os.urandom(size) with open(localFilePath, "wb") as writable: writable.write(content) return url, hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() def _hashTestFile(self, url): localFilePath = FileJobStore._extract_path_from_url(urlparse.urlparse(url)) with open(localFilePath, "rb") as f: return hashlib.md5( def _createExternalStore(self): return mkdtemp() def _cleanUpExternalStore(self, dirPath): shutil.rmtree(dirPath, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def testPreserveFileName(self): """Check that the fileID ends with the given file name.""" fh, path = mkstemp() try: os.close(fh) job = self.arbitraryJob() self.jobstore_initialized.assign_job_id(job) self.jobstore_initialized.create_job(job) fileID = self.jobstore_initialized.write_file( path, job.jobStoreID, cleanup=True ) self.assertTrue(fileID.endswith(os.path.basename(path))) finally: os.unlink(path)
[docs] @needs_google_project @needs_google_storage @pytest.mark.xfail class GoogleJobStoreTest(AbstractJobStoreTest.Test): projectID = os.getenv("TOIL_GOOGLE_PROJECTID") headers = {"x-goog-project-id": projectID} def _createJobStore(self): from toil.jobStores.googleJobStore import GoogleJobStore return GoogleJobStore(GoogleJobStoreTest.projectID + ":" + self.namePrefix) def _corruptJobStore(self): # The Google job store has only one resource, the bucket, so we can't corrupt it without # fully deleting it. pass def _prepareTestFile(self, bucket, size=None): from toil.jobStores.googleJobStore import GoogleJobStore fileName = "testfile_%s" % uuid.uuid4() url = f"gs://{}/{fileName}" if size is None: return url with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as readable: contents = str( GoogleJobStore._write_to_url( BytesIO(bytes(contents, "utf-8")), urlparse.urlparse(url) ) return url, hashlib.md5(contents.encode()).hexdigest() def _hashTestFile(self, url): from toil.jobStores.googleJobStore import GoogleJobStore contents = GoogleJobStore._get_blob_from_url( urlparse.urlparse(url) ).download_as_string() return hashlib.md5(contents).hexdigest() @google_retry def _createExternalStore(self): from import storage bucketName = "import-export-test-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) storageClient = storage.Client() return storageClient.create_bucket(bucketName) @google_retry def _cleanUpExternalStore(self, bucket): # this is copied from googleJobStore.destroy try: bucket.delete(force=True) # throws ValueError if bucket has more than 256 objects. Then we must delete manually except ValueError: bucket.delete_blobs(bucket.list_blobs) bucket.delete()
[docs] @needs_aws_s3 class AWSJobStoreTest(AbstractJobStoreTest.Test): def _createJobStore(self): from import AWSJobStore partSize = self._partSize() return AWSJobStore(self.awsRegion() + ":" + self.namePrefix, partSize=partSize) def _corruptJobStore(self): from import AWSJobStore assert isinstance(self.jobstore_initialized, AWSJobStore) # type hinting self.jobstore_initialized.destroy()
[docs] def testSDBDomainsDeletedOnFailedJobstoreBucketCreation(self): """ This test ensures that SDB domains bound to a jobstore are deleted if the jobstore bucket failed to be created. We simulate a failed jobstore bucket creation by using a bucket in a different region with the same name. """ from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from import BucketLocationConflictException from import establish_boto3_session from import retry_s3 externalAWSLocation = "us-west-1" for testRegion in "us-east-1", "us-west-2": # We run this test twice, once with the default s3 server us-east-1 as the test region # and once with another server (us-west-2). The external server is always us-west-1. # This incidentally tests that the BucketLocationConflictException is thrown when using # both the default, and a non-default server. testJobStoreUUID = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Create the bucket at the external region bucketName = "domain-test-" + testJobStoreUUID + "--files" client = establish_boto3_session().client( "s3", region_name=externalAWSLocation ) resource = establish_boto3_session().resource( "s3", region_name=externalAWSLocation ) for attempt in retry_s3(delays=(2, 5, 10, 30, 60), timeout=600): with attempt: # Create the bucket at the home region client.create_bucket( Bucket=bucketName, CreateBucketConfiguration={ "LocationConstraint": externalAWSLocation }, ) owner_tag = os.environ.get("TOIL_OWNER_TAG") if owner_tag: for attempt in retry_s3(delays=(1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16), timeout=33): with attempt: bucket_tagging = resource.BucketTagging(bucketName) bucket_tagging.put( Tagging={"TagSet": [{"Key": "Owner", "Value": owner_tag}]} ) options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions( "aws:" + testRegion + ":domain-test-" + testJobStoreUUID ) options.logLevel = "DEBUG" try: with Toil(options) as toil: pass except BucketLocationConflictException: # Catch the expected BucketLocationConflictException and ensure that the bound # domains don't exist in SDB. sdb = establish_boto3_session().client( region_name=self.awsRegion(), service_name="sdb" ) next_token = None allDomainNames = [] while True: if next_token is None: domains = sdb.list_domains(MaxNumberOfDomains=100) else: domains = sdb.list_domains( MaxNumberOfDomains=100, NextToken=next_token ) allDomainNames.extend(domains["DomainNames"]) next_token = domains.get("NextToken") if next_token is None: break self.assertFalse([d for d in allDomainNames if testJobStoreUUID in d]) else: finally: try: for attempt in retry_s3(): with attempt: client.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucketName) except ClientError as e: # The actual HTTP code of the error is in status. if ( e.response.get("ResponseMetadata", {}).get("HTTPStatusCode") == 404 ): # The bucket doesn't exist; maybe a failed delete actually succeeded. pass else: raise
[docs] @slow def testInlinedFiles(self): from import AWSJobStore jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized for encrypted in (True, False): n = AWSJobStore.FileInfo.maxInlinedSize() sizes = (1, n // 2, n - 1, n, n + 1, 2 * n) for size in chain(sizes, islice(reversed(sizes), 1)): s = os.urandom(size) with jobstore.write_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: f.write(s) with jobstore.read_shared_file_stream("foo") as f: self.assertEqual(s,
[docs] def testOverlargeJob(self): jobstore = self.jobstore_initialized jobRequirements = dict(memory=12, cores=34, disk=35, preemptible=True) overlargeJob = JobDescription( requirements=jobRequirements, jobName="test-overlarge", unitName="onJobStore", ) # Make the pickled size of the job larger than 256K with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as random: overlargeJob.jobName = str( * 1024)) jobstore.assign_job_id(overlargeJob) jobstore.create_job(overlargeJob) self.assertTrue(jobstore.job_exists(overlargeJob.jobStoreID)) overlargeJobDownloaded = jobstore.load_job(overlargeJob.jobStoreID) # Because jobs lack equality comparison, we stringify for comparison. jobsInJobStore = [str(job) for job in] self.assertEqual(jobsInJobStore, [str(overlargeJob)]) jobstore.delete_job(overlargeJob.jobStoreID)
[docs] def testMultiThreadImportFile(self) -> None: """Tests that importFile is thread-safe.""" from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from toil.lib.threading import cpu_count threads: tuple[int, ...] = (2, cpu_count()) if cpu_count() > 2 else (2,) num_of_files: int = 5 size: int = 1 << 16 + 1 # The string in otherCls() is arbitrary as long as it returns a class that has access # to ._externalStore() and ._prepareTestFile() other: AbstractJobStoreTest.Test = AWSJobStoreTest("testSharedFiles") store: Any = other._externalStore() # prepare test files to import logger.debug( f"Preparing {num_of_files} test files for testMultiThreadImportFile()." ) test_files = [other._prepareTestFile(store, size) for _ in range(num_of_files)] for thread_count in threads: with self.subTest( f'Testing threaded importFile with "{thread_count}" threads.' ): results = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=thread_count) as executor: for url, expected_md5 in test_files: # run jobStore.importFile() asynchronously future = executor.submit( self.jobstore_initialized.import_file, url ) results.append((future, expected_md5)) self.assertEqual(len(results), num_of_files) for future, expected_md5 in results: file_id = future.result() self.assertIsInstance(file_id, FileID) with self.jobstore_initialized.read_file_stream(file_id) as f: self.assertEqual( hashlib.md5(, expected_md5 )
def _prepareTestFile(self, bucket, size=None): from import retry_s3 file_name = "testfile_%s" % uuid.uuid4() url = f"s3://{}/{file_name}" if size is None: return url with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as readable: for attempt in retry_s3(): with attempt: bucket.put_object(Key=file_name, Body=str( return ( url, hashlib.md5(bucket.Object(file_name).get().get("Body").read()).hexdigest(), ) def _hashTestFile(self, url: str) -> str: from import AWSJobStore from import get_object_for_url str(AWSJobStore) # to prevent removal of that import key = get_object_for_url(urlparse.urlparse(url), existing=True) contents = key.get().get("Body").read() return hashlib.md5(contents).hexdigest() def _createExternalStore(self): """A S3.Bucket instance is returned""" from import establish_boto3_session from import create_s3_bucket, retry_s3 resource = establish_boto3_session().resource( "s3", region_name=self.awsRegion() ) bucket_name = f"import-export-test-{uuid.uuid4()}" location = self.awsRegion() for attempt in retry_s3(): with attempt: bucket = create_s3_bucket(resource, bucket_name, location) bucket.wait_until_exists() return bucket def _cleanUpExternalStore(self, bucket): from import establish_boto3_session from import delete_s3_bucket resource = establish_boto3_session().resource( "s3", region_name=self.awsRegion() ) delete_s3_bucket(resource, def _largeLogEntrySize(self): from import AWSJobStore # So we get into the else branch of reader() in uploadStream(multiPart=False): return AWSJobStore.FileInfo.maxBinarySize() * 2 def _batchDeletionSize(self): from import AWSJobStore return AWSJobStore.itemsPerBatchDelete
[docs] @needs_aws_s3 class InvalidAWSJobStoreTest(ToilTest):
[docs] def testInvalidJobStoreName(self): from import AWSJobStore self.assertRaises(ValueError, AWSJobStore, "us-west-2:a--b") self.assertRaises(ValueError, AWSJobStore, "us-west-2:" + ("a" * 100)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, AWSJobStore, "us-west-2:a_b")
[docs] @needs_aws_s3 @needs_encryption @slow class EncryptedAWSJobStoreTest(AWSJobStoreTest, AbstractEncryptedJobStoreTest.Test): pass
[docs] class StubHttpRequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): fileContents = "A good programmer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street"
[docs] def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain") self.send_header("Content-length", len(self.fileContents)) self.end_headers() self.fileContents = self.fileContents.encode("utf-8") self.wfile.write(self.fileContents)