Source code for toil.test.src.jobTest

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import logging
import os
import random
import unittest

import pytest

from toil.common import Toil
from toil.exceptions import FailedJobsException
from toil.job import Job, JobFunctionWrappingJob, JobGraphDeadlockException
from toil.test import ToilTest, get_temp_file, slow

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class JobTest(ToilTest): """Tests the job class."""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
[docs] @slow def testStatic(self): r""" Create a DAG of jobs non-dynamically and run it. DAG is:: A -> F \------- B -> D \ \ \ ------- C -> E Follow on is marked by ``->`` """ outFile = get_temp_file(rootDir=self._createTempDir()) try: # Create the jobs A = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, "A", outFile) B = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, A.rv(), outFile) C = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, B.rv(), outFile) D = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, C.rv(), outFile) E = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, D.rv(), outFile) F = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, E.rv(), outFile) # Connect them into a workflow A.addChild(B) A.addChild(C) B.addChild(C) B.addFollowOn(E) C.addFollowOn(D) A.addFollowOn(F) # Create the runner for the workflow. options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._getTestJobStorePath()) options.logLevel = "INFO" options.retryCount = 100 options.badWorker = 0.5 options.badWorkerFailInterval = 0.01 # Run the workflow, the return value being the number of failed jobs Job.Runner.startToil(A, options) # Check output self.assertEqual(open(outFile).readline(), "ABCDEFG") finally: os.remove(outFile)
[docs] def testStatic2(self): r""" Create a DAG of jobs non-dynamically and run it. DAG is:: A -> F \------- B -> D \ \ \ ------- C -> E Follow on is marked by ``->`` """ outFile = get_temp_file(rootDir=self._createTempDir()) try: # Create the jobs A = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, "A", outFile) B = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, A.rv(), outFile) C = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, B.rv(), outFile) D = Job.wrapFn(fn1Test, C.rv(), outFile) # Connect them into a workflow A.addChild(B) A.addFollowOn(C) C.addChild(D) # Create the runner for the workflow. options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._getTestJobStorePath()) options.logLevel = "INFO" options.retryCount = 100 options.badWorker = 0.5 options.badWorkerFailInterval = 0.01 # Run the workflow, the return value being the number of failed jobs Job.Runner.startToil(A, options) # Check output self.assertEqual(open(outFile).readline(), "ABCDE") finally: os.remove(outFile)
[docs] @slow def testTrivialDAGConsistency(self): options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._createTempDir() + "/jobStore") options.clean = "always" options.logLevel = "debug" i = Job.wrapJobFn(trivialParent) with Toil(options) as toil: try: toil.start(i) except FailedJobsException: # we expect this exception to be raised pass else:
[docs] @pytest.mark.timeout(300) def testDAGConsistency(self): options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._createTempDir() + "/jobStore") options.clean = "always" options.logLevel = "debug" i = Job.wrapJobFn(parent) with Toil(options) as toil: try: toil.start(i) except FailedJobsException: # we expect this exception to be raised pass else:
[docs] @slow def testSiblingDAGConsistency(self): """ Slightly more complex case. The stranded job's predecessors are siblings instead of parent/child. """ options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._createTempDir() + "/jobStore") options.clean = "always" options.logLevel = "debug" i = Job.wrapJobFn(diamond) with Toil(options) as toil: try: toil.start(i) except FailedJobsException: # we expect this exception to be raised pass else:
[docs] def testDeadlockDetection(self): """ Randomly generate job graphs with various types of cycle in them and check they cause an exception properly. Also check that multiple roots causes a deadlock exception. """ for test in range(10): # Make a random DAG for the set of child edges nodeNumber = random.choice(range(2, 20)) childEdges = self.makeRandomDAG(nodeNumber) # Get an adjacency list representation and check is acyclic adjacencyList = self.getAdjacencyList(nodeNumber, childEdges) self.assertTrue(self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList)) # Add in follow-on edges - these are returned as a list, and as a set of augmented # edges in the adjacency list # edges in the adjacency list followOnEdges = self.addRandomFollowOnEdges(adjacencyList) self.assertTrue(self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList)) # Make the job graph rootJob = self.makeJobGraph(nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, None) rootJob.checkJobGraphAcylic() # This should not throw an exception rootJob.checkJobGraphConnected() # Nor this # Check root detection explicitly self.assertEqual(rootJob.getRootJobs(), {rootJob}) # Test making multiple roots childEdges2 = childEdges.copy() childEdges2.add( (nodeNumber, 1) ) # This creates an extra root at "nodeNumber" rootJob2 = self.makeJobGraph( nodeNumber + 1, childEdges2, followOnEdges, None, False ) try: rootJob2.checkJobGraphConnected() self.assertTrue(False) # Multiple roots were not detected except JobGraphDeadlockException: pass # This is the expected behaviour def checkChildEdgeCycleDetection(fNode, tNode): childEdges.add((fNode, tNode)) # Create a cycle adjacencyList[fNode].add(tNode) self.assertTrue(not self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList)) try: self.makeJobGraph( nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, None ).checkJobGraphAcylic() self.assertTrue(False) # A cycle was not detected except JobGraphDeadlockException: pass # This is the expected behaviour # Remove the edges childEdges.remove((fNode, tNode)) adjacencyList[fNode].remove(tNode) # Check is now acyclic again self.makeJobGraph( nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, None, False ).checkJobGraphAcylic() def checkFollowOnEdgeCycleDetection(fNode, tNode): followOnEdges.add((fNode, tNode)) # Create a cycle try: self.makeJobGraph( nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, None, False ).checkJobGraphAcylic() # self.assertTrue(False) #The cycle was not detected except JobGraphDeadlockException: pass # This is the expected behaviour # Remove the edges followOnEdges.remove((fNode, tNode)) # Check is now acyclic again self.makeJobGraph( nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, None, False ).checkJobGraphAcylic() # Now try adding edges that create a cycle # Pick a random existing order relationship fNode, tNode = self.getRandomEdge(nodeNumber) while tNode not in self.reachable(fNode, adjacencyList): fNode, tNode = self.getRandomEdge(nodeNumber) # Try creating a cycle of child edges checkChildEdgeCycleDetection(tNode, fNode) # Try adding a self child edge node = random.choice(range(nodeNumber)) checkChildEdgeCycleDetection(node, node) # Try adding a follow on edge from a descendant to an ancestor checkFollowOnEdgeCycleDetection(tNode, fNode) # Try adding a self follow on edge checkFollowOnEdgeCycleDetection(node, node) # Try adding a follow on edge between two nodes with shared descendants fNode, tNode = self.getRandomEdge(nodeNumber) if ( len( self.reachable(tNode, adjacencyList).intersection( self.reachable(fNode, adjacencyList) ) ) > 0 and (fNode, tNode) not in childEdges and (fNode, tNode) not in followOnEdges ): checkFollowOnEdgeCycleDetection(fNode, tNode)
[docs] @slow def testNewCheckpointIsLeafVertexNonRootCase(self): """ Test for issue #1465: Detection of checkpoint jobs that are not leaf vertices identifies leaf vertices incorrectly Test verification of new checkpoint jobs being leaf vertices, starting with the following baseline workflow:: Parent | Child # Checkpoint=True """ def createWorkflow(): rootJob = Job.wrapJobFn(simpleJobFn, "Parent") childCheckpointJob = rootJob.addChildJobFn( simpleJobFn, "Child", checkpoint=True ) return rootJob, childCheckpointJob self.runNewCheckpointIsLeafVertexTest(createWorkflow)
[docs] @slow def testNewCheckpointIsLeafVertexRootCase(self): """ Test for issue #1466: Detection of checkpoint jobs that are not leaf vertices omits the workflow root job Test verification of a new checkpoint job being leaf vertex, starting with a baseline workflow of a single, root job:: Root # Checkpoint=True """ def createWorkflow(): rootJob = Job.wrapJobFn(simpleJobFn, "Root", checkpoint=True) return rootJob, rootJob self.runNewCheckpointIsLeafVertexTest(createWorkflow)
[docs] def runNewCheckpointIsLeafVertexTest(self, createWorkflowFn): """ Test verification that a checkpoint job is a leaf vertex using both valid and invalid cases. :param createWorkflowFn: function to create and new workflow and return a tuple of: 0) the workflow root job 1) a checkpoint job to test within the workflow """ logger.debug("Test checkpoint job that is a leaf vertex") self.runCheckpointVertexTest(*createWorkflowFn(), expectedException=None) logger.debug( "Test checkpoint job that is not a leaf vertex due to the presence of a service" ) self.runCheckpointVertexTest( *createWorkflowFn(), checkpointJobService=TrivialService("LeafTestService"), expectedException=JobGraphDeadlockException ) logger.debug( "Test checkpoint job that is not a leaf vertex due to the presence of a child job" ) self.runCheckpointVertexTest( *createWorkflowFn(), checkpointJobChild=Job.wrapJobFn(simpleJobFn, "LeafTestChild"), expectedException=JobGraphDeadlockException ) logger.debug( "Test checkpoint job that is not a leaf vertex due to the presence of a follow-on job" ) self.runCheckpointVertexTest( *createWorkflowFn(), checkpointJobFollowOn=Job.wrapJobFn(simpleJobFn, "LeafTestFollowOn"), expectedException=JobGraphDeadlockException )
[docs] def runCheckpointVertexTest( self, workflowRootJob, checkpointJob, checkpointJobService=None, checkpointJobChild=None, checkpointJobFollowOn=None, expectedException=None, ): """ Modifies the checkpoint job according to the given parameters then runs the workflow, checking for the expected exception, if any. """ self.assertTrue(checkpointJob.checkpoint) if checkpointJobService is not None: checkpointJob.addService(checkpointJobService) if checkpointJobChild is not None: checkpointJob.addChild(checkpointJobChild) if checkpointJobFollowOn is not None: checkpointJob.addFollowOn(checkpointJobFollowOn) # Run the workflow and check for the expected behavior options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions(self._getTestJobStorePath()) options.logLevel = "INFO" if expectedException is None: Job.Runner.startToil(workflowRootJob, options) else: try: Job.Runner.startToil(workflowRootJob, options)"The expected exception was not thrown") except expectedException as ex: logger.debug("The expected exception was thrown: %s", repr(ex))
[docs] @slow def testEvaluatingRandomDAG(self): """ Randomly generate test input then check that the job graph can be run successfully, using the existence of promises to validate the run. """ jobStore = self._getTestJobStorePath() for test in range(5): # Temporary file tempDir = self._createTempDir(purpose="tempDir") # Make a random DAG for the set of child edges nodeNumber = random.choice(range(2, 8)) childEdges = self.makeRandomDAG(nodeNumber) # Get an adjacency list representation and check is acyclic adjacencyList = self.getAdjacencyList(nodeNumber, childEdges) self.assertTrue(self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList)) # Add in follow on edges - these are returned as a list, and as a set of augmented # edges in the adjacency list followOnEdges = self.addRandomFollowOnEdges(adjacencyList) self.assertTrue(self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList)) # Make the job graph rootJob = self.makeJobGraph(nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, tempDir) # Run the job graph options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions("%s.%i" % (jobStore, test)) options.logLevel = "DEBUG" options.retryCount = 1 options.badWorker = 0.25 options.badWorkerFailInterval = 0.01 # Because we're going to be killing the services all the time for # restarts, make sure they are paying attention. options.servicePollingInterval = 1 # Now actually run the workflow try: with Toil(options) as toil: toil.start(rootJob) numberOfFailedJobs = 0 except FailedJobsException as e: numberOfFailedJobs = e.numberOfFailedJobs # Restart until successful or failed totalTrys = 1 options.restart = True while numberOfFailedJobs != 0: try: with Toil(options) as toil: toil.restart() numberOfFailedJobs = 0 except FailedJobsException as e: numberOfFailedJobs = e.numberOfFailedJobs if totalTrys > 32: # p(fail after this many restarts) ~= 0.5**32 # Exceeded a reasonable number of restarts totalTrys += 1 # For each job check it created a valid output file and add the ordering # relationships contained within the output file to the ordering relationship, # so we can check they are compatible with the relationships defined by the job DAG. ordering = None for i in range(nodeNumber): with open(os.path.join(tempDir, str(i))) as fH: ordering = list(map(int, fH.readline().split())) self.assertEqual(int(ordering[-1]), i) for j in ordering[:-1]: adjacencyList[int(j)].add(i) # Check the ordering retains an acyclic graph if not self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList): print("ORDERING", ordering) print("CHILD EDGES", childEdges) print("FOLLOW ON EDGES", followOnEdges) print("ADJACENCY LIST", adjacencyList) self.assertTrue(self.isAcyclic(adjacencyList))
[docs] @staticmethod def getRandomEdge(nodeNumber): assert nodeNumber > 1 fNode = random.choice(range(nodeNumber - 1)) return fNode, random.choice(range(fNode + 1, nodeNumber))
[docs] @staticmethod def makeRandomDAG(nodeNumber): """ Makes a random dag with "nodeNumber" nodes in which all nodes are connected. Return value is list of edges, each of form (a, b), where a and b are integers >= 0 < nodeNumber referring to nodes and the edge is from a to b. """ # Pick number of total edges to create edgeNumber = random.choice( range(nodeNumber - 1, 1 + (nodeNumber * (nodeNumber - 1) // 2)) ) # Make a spanning tree of edges so that nodes are connected edges = {(random.choice(range(i)), i) for i in range(1, nodeNumber)} # Add extra random edges until there are edgeNumber edges while len(edges) < edgeNumber: edges.add(JobTest.getRandomEdge(nodeNumber)) return edges
[docs] @staticmethod def getAdjacencyList(nodeNumber, edges): """ Make adjacency list representation of edges """ adjacencyList = [set() for _ in range(nodeNumber)] for fNode, tNode in edges: adjacencyList[fNode].add(tNode) return adjacencyList
[docs] def reachable(self, node, adjacencyList, followOnAdjacencyList=None): """ Find the set of nodes reachable from this node (including the node). Return is a set of integers. """ visited = set() def dfs(fNode): if fNode not in visited: visited.add(fNode) list(map(dfs, adjacencyList[fNode])) if followOnAdjacencyList is not None: list(map(dfs, followOnAdjacencyList[fNode])) dfs(node) return visited
[docs] def addRandomFollowOnEdges(self, childAdjacencyList): """ Adds random follow on edges to the graph, represented as an adjacency list. The follow on edges are returned as a set and their augmented edges are added to the adjacency list. """ def makeAugmentedAdjacencyList(): augmentedAdjacencyList = [ childAdjacencyList[i].union(followOnAdjacencyList[i]) for i in range(len(childAdjacencyList)) ] def addImpliedEdges(node, followOnEdges): # Let node2 be a child of node or a successor of a child of node. # For all node2 the following adds an edge to the augmented # adjacency list from node2 to each followOn of node visited = set() def f(node2): if node2 not in visited: visited.add(node2) for i in followOnEdges: augmentedAdjacencyList[node2].add(i) list(map(f, childAdjacencyList[node2])) list(map(f, followOnAdjacencyList[node2])) list(map(f, childAdjacencyList[node])) for node in range(len(followOnAdjacencyList)): addImpliedEdges(node, followOnAdjacencyList[node]) return augmentedAdjacencyList followOnEdges = set() followOnAdjacencyList = [set() for i in childAdjacencyList] # Loop to create the follow on edges (try 1000 times) while random.random() > 0.001: fNode, tNode = JobTest.getRandomEdge(len(childAdjacencyList)) # Make an adjacency list including augmented edges and proposed # follow on edge # Add the new follow on edge followOnAdjacencyList[fNode].add(tNode) augmentedAdjacencyList = makeAugmentedAdjacencyList() # If the augmented adjacency doesn't contain a cycle then add the follow on edge to # the list of follow ons else remove the follow on edge from the follow on adjacency # list. if self.isAcyclic(augmentedAdjacencyList): followOnEdges.add((fNode, tNode)) else: followOnAdjacencyList[fNode].remove(tNode) # Update adjacency list adding in augmented edges childAdjacencyList[:] = makeAugmentedAdjacencyList()[:] return followOnEdges
[docs] def makeJobGraph( self, nodeNumber, childEdges, followOnEdges, outPath, addServices=True ): """ Converts a DAG into a job graph. childEdges and followOnEdges are the lists of child and followOn edges. """ # Map of jobs to the list of promises they have jobsToPromisesMap = {} def makeJob(string): promises = [] job = Job.wrapFn( fn2Test, promises, string, None if outPath is None else os.path.join(outPath, string), cores=0.1, memory="0.5G", disk="0.1G", ) jobsToPromisesMap[job] = promises return job # Make the jobs jobs = [makeJob(str(i)) for i in range(nodeNumber)] # Record predecessors for sampling predecessors = collections.defaultdict(list) # Make the edges for fNode, tNode in childEdges: jobs[fNode].addChild(jobs[tNode]) predecessors[jobs[tNode]].append(jobs[fNode]) for fNode, tNode in followOnEdges: jobs[fNode].addFollowOn(jobs[tNode]) predecessors[jobs[tNode]].append(jobs[fNode]) # Map of jobs to return values jobsToRvs = { job: ( job.addService( TrivialService(job.rv(), cores=0.1, memory="0.5G", disk="0.1G") ) if addServices else job.rv() ) for job in jobs } def getRandomPredecessor(job): predecessor = random.choice(list(predecessors[job])) while random.random() > 0.5 and len(predecessors[predecessor]) > 0: predecessor = random.choice(list(predecessors[predecessor])) return predecessor # Connect up set of random promises compatible with graph while random.random() > 0.01: job = random.choice(list(jobsToPromisesMap.keys())) promises = jobsToPromisesMap[job] if len(predecessors[job]) > 0: predecessor = getRandomPredecessor(job) promises.append(jobsToRvs[predecessor]) return jobs[0]
[docs] def isAcyclic(self, adjacencyList): """ Returns true if there are any cycles in the graph, which is represented as an adjacency list. """ def cyclic(fNode, visited, stack): if fNode not in visited: visited.add(fNode) assert fNode not in stack stack.append(fNode) for tNode in adjacencyList[fNode]: if cyclic(tNode, visited, stack): return True assert stack.pop() == fNode return fNode in stack visited = set() for i in range(len(adjacencyList)): if cyclic(i, visited, []): return False return True
[docs] def simpleJobFn(job, value): job.fileStore.log_to_leader(value)
[docs] def fn1Test(string, outputFile): """ Function appends the next character after the last character in the given string to the string, writes the string to a file, and returns it. For example, if string is "AB", we will write and return "ABC". """ rV = string + chr(ord(string[-1]) + 1) with open(outputFile, "w") as fH: fH.write(rV) return rV
[docs] def fn2Test(pStrings, s, outputFile): """ Function concatenates the strings in pStrings and s, in that order, and writes the result to the output file. Returns s. """ with open(outputFile, "w") as fH: fH.write(" ".join(pStrings) + " " + s) return s
[docs] def trivialParent(job): strandedJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(child) failingJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(errorChild) job.addChild(failingJob) job.addChild(strandedJob) failingJob.addChild(strandedJob)
[docs] def parent(job): childJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(child) strandedJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(child) failingJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(errorChild) job.addChild(childJob) job.addChild(strandedJob) childJob.addChild(failingJob) failingJob.addChild(strandedJob)
[docs] def diamond(job): childJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(child) strandedJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(child) failingJob = JobFunctionWrappingJob(errorChild) job.addChild(childJob) job.addChild(failingJob) childJob.addChild(strandedJob) failingJob.addChild(strandedJob)
[docs] def child(job): assert job.cores is not None assert job.disk is not None assert job.memory is not None assert job.preemptible is not None
[docs] def errorChild(job): raise RuntimeError("Child failure")
[docs] class TrivialService(Job.Service): def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs): """Service that does nothing, used to check for deadlocks""" Job.Service.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.message = message
[docs] def start(self, job): return self.message
[docs] def stop(self, job): pass
[docs] def check(self): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()