Source code for toil.utils.toilDebugJob

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Debug tool for running a toil job locally."""
import logging

import pprint
import sys

from toil.common import Config, Toil, parser_with_common_options
from toil.jobStores.fileJobStore import FileJobStore
from toil.statsAndLogging import set_logging_from_options
from toil.utils.toilDebugFile import printContentsOfJobStore
from toil.utils.toilStatus import ToilStatus
from toil.worker import workerScript

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def main() -> None: parser = parser_with_common_options(jobstore_option=True, prog="toil debug-job") parser.add_argument("job", type=str, help="The job store id or job name of a job within the provided jobstore") parser.add_argument("--printJobInfo", action="store_true", help="Dump debugging info about the job instead of runnign it") options = parser.parse_args() set_logging_from_options(options) jobStore = Toil.resumeJobStore(options.jobStore) # Get the config with the workflow ID from the job store config = jobStore.config # But override its options config.setOptions(options) # Find the job if jobStore.job_exists(options.job): # The user asked for a particular job and it exists job_id = options.job else: # Go search by name and fill in job_id # TODO: break out job store scan logic so it doesn't need to re-connect # to the job store. status = ToilStatus(options.jobStore) hits = [] suggestion = None for job in status.jobsToReport: if options.job in (job.jobName, job.unitName, job.displayName): # Find all the jobs that sort of match hits.append(job) if suggestion is None and job.remainingTryCount == 0: # How about this nice failing job instead? suggestion = job if len(hits) == 0: # No hits if suggestion is None: logger.critical("No job found with ID or name \"%s\". No jobs are completely failed.", options.job) else: logger.critical("No job found with ID or name \"%s\". How about the failed job %s instead?", options.job, suggestion) sys.exit(1) elif len(hits) > 1: # Several hits, maybe only one has failed completely_failed_hits = [job for job in hits if job.remainingTryCount == 0] if len(completely_failed_hits) == 0: logger.critical("Multiple jobs match \"%s\" but none are completely failed: %s", options.job, hits) sys.exit(1) elif len(completely_failed_hits) > 0: logger.critical("Multiple jobs matching \"%s\" are completely failed: %s", options.job, completely_failed_hits) sys.exit(1) else: # We found one completely failed job, they probably mean that one."There are %s jobs matching \"%s\"; assuming you mean the failed one: %s", options.job, completely_failed_hits[0]) job_id = completely_failed_hits[0].jobStoreID else: # We found one job with this name, so they must mean that one"Looked up job named \"%s\": %s", options.job, hits[0]) job_id = hits[0].jobStoreID if options.printJobInfo: # Report on the job if isinstance(jobStore, FileJobStore): # List all its files if we can printContentsOfJobStore(job_store=jobStore, job_id=job_id) # Print the job description itself job_desc = jobStore.load_job(job_id) print(f"Job: {job_desc}") pprint.pprint(job_desc.__dict__) else: # Run the job logger.debug(f"Running the following job locally: {job_id}") workerScript(jobStore, config, job_id, job_id, redirectOutputToLogFile=False) logger.debug(f"Finished running: {job_id}")
# TODO: Option to print list of successor jobs # TODO: Option to run job within python debugger, allowing step through of arguments # idea would be to have option to import pdb and set breakpoint at the start of the user's code