
If you want to run a Toil Python workflow in a distributed environment, on multiple worker machines, either in the cloud or on a bare-metal cluster, the Python code needs to be made available to those other machines. If the workflow’s main module imports other modules, those modules also need to be made available on the workers. Toil can automatically do that for you, with a little help on your part. We call this feature auto-deployment of a workflow.

Let’s first examine various scenarios of auto-deploying a workflow, which, as we’ll see shortly cannot be auto-deployed. Lastly, we’ll deal with the issue of declaring Toil as a dependency of a workflow that is packaged as a setuptools distribution.

Toil can be easily deployed to a remote host. First, assuming you’ve followed our Preparing your AWS environment section to install Toil and use it to create a remote leader node on (in this example) AWS, you can now log into this into using Ssh-Cluster Command and once on the remote host, create and activate a virtualenv (noting to make sure to use the --system-site-packages option!):

$ virtualenv --system-site-packages venv
$ . venv/bin/activate

Note the --system-site-packages option, which ensures that globally-installed packages are accessible inside the virtualenv. Do not (re)install Toil after this! The --system-site-packages option has already transferred Toil and the dependencies from your local installation of Toil for you.

From here, you can install a project and its dependencies:

$ tree
├── util
│   ├──
│   └── sort
│       ├──
│       └──
└── workflow

3 directories, 5 files
$ pip install matplotlib
$ cp -R workflow util venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages

Ideally, your project would have a file (see setuptools) which streamlines the installation process:

$ tree
├── util
│   ├──
│   └── sort
│       ├──
│       └──
├── workflow
│   ├──
│   └──

3 directories, 6 files
$ pip install .

Or, if your project has been published to PyPI:

$ pip install my-project

In each case, we have created a virtualenv with the --system-site-packages flag in the venv subdirectory then installed the matplotlib distribution from PyPI along with the two packages that our project consists of. (Again, both Python and Toil are assumed to be present on the leader and all worker nodes.)

We can now run our workflow:

$ python3 --batchSystem=kubernetes 


If workflow’s external dependencies contain native code (i.e. are not pure Python) then they must be manually installed on each worker.


Neither python3 develop nor pip install -e . can be used in this process as, instead of copying the source files, they create .egg-link files that Toil can’t auto-deploy. Similarly, python3 install doesn’t work either as it installs the project as a Python .egg which is also not currently supported by Toil (though it could be in the future).

Also note that using the --single-version-externally-managed flag with will prevent the installation of your package as an .egg. It will also disable the automatic installation of your project’s dependencies.

Auto Deployment with Sibling Python Files

This scenario applies if a Python workflow imports files that are its siblings:

$ cd my_project
$ ls
$ ./ --batchSystem=kubernetes 

Here imports additional functionality from Toil detects that has sibling Python files and copies them to the workers, alongside the main Python file. Note that sibling Python files will be auto-deployed regardless of whether they are actually imported by the workflow: all .py files residing in the same directory as the main workflow Python file will automatically be auto-deployed.

This structure is a suitable method of organizing the source code of reasonably complicated workflows.

Auto-Deploying a Package Hierarchy

Recall that in Python, a package is a directory containing one or more .py files, one of which must be called, and optionally other packages. For more involved workflows that contain a significant amount of code, this is the recommended way of organizing the source code. Because we use a package hierarchy, the main workflow file is actually a Python module. It is merely one of the modules in the package hierarchy. We need to inform Toil that we want to use a package hierarchy by invoking Python’s -m option. This enables Toil to identify the entire set of modules belonging to the workflow and copy all of them to each worker. Note that while using the -m option is optional in the scenarios above, it is mandatory in this one.

The following shell session illustrates this:

$ cd my_project
$ tree
├── utils
│   ├──
│   └── sort
│       ├──
│       └──
└── workflow

3 directories, 5 files
$ python3 -m workflow.main --batchSystem=kubernetes 

Here the workflow entry point module does not reside in the current directory, but is part of a package called util, in a subdirectory of the current directory. Additional functionality is in a separate module called util.sort.quick which corresponds to util/sort/ Because we invoke the workflow via python3 -m workflow.main, Toil can determine the root directory of the hierarchy–my_project in this case–and copy all Python modules underneath it to each worker. The -m option is documented here

When -m is passed, Python adds the current working directory to sys.path, the list of root directories to be considered when resolving a module name like workflow.main. Without that added convenience we’d have to run the workflow as PYTHONPATH="$PWD" python3 -m workflow.main. This also means that Toil can detect the root directory of the invoked module’s package hierarchy even if it isn’t the current working directory. In other words we could do this:

$ cd my_project
$ export PYTHONPATH="$PWD"
$ cd /some/other/dir
$ python3 -m workflow.main --batchSystem=kubernetes 

Also note that the root directory itself must not be package, i.e. must not contain an

Relying on Shared Filesystems

Bare-metal clusters typically mount a shared file system like NFS on each node. If every node has that file system mounted at the same path, you can place your project on that shared filesystem and run your Python workflow from there. Additionally, you can clone the Toil source tree into a directory on that shared file system and you won’t even need to install Toil on every worker. Be sure to add both your project directory and the Toil clone to PYTHONPATH. Toil replicates PYTHONPATH from the leader to every worker.

Using a shared filesystem

Toil currently only supports a tempdir set to a local, non-shared directory.

Toil Appliance

The term Toil Appliance refers to the Ubuntu-based Docker image that Toil uses for the machines in Toil-manages clusters, and for executing jobs on Kubernetes. It’s easily deployed, only needs Docker, and allows a consistent environment on all Toil clusters. To specify a different image, see the Toil Environment Variables section. For more information on the Toil Appliance, see the Running in AWS section.