Running WDL with Toil

Toil has beta support for running WDL workflows, using the toil-wdl-runner command. This command comes with the [wdl] extra; see Installing Toil with Extra Features for how to install it if you do not have it.

You can run WDL workflows with toil-wdl-runner. Currently, toil-wdl-runner works by using MiniWDL to parse and interpret the WDL workflow, and has support for workflows in WDL 1.0 or later (which are required to declare a version, and which use inputs and outputs sections).


The last release of Toil that supported unversioned, draft-2 WDL workflows was 5.12.0.

Toil is, for compatible workflows, a drop-in replacement for the Cromwell WDL runner. Instead of running a workflow with Cromwell:

java -jar Cromwell.jar run myWorkflow.wdl --inputs myWorkflow_inputs.json

You can run the workflow with toil-wdl-runner:

toil-wdl-runner myWorkflow.wdl --input myWorkflow_inputs.json

(We’re here running Toil with --input, but it can also accept the Cromwell-style --inputs.)

This will default to executing on the current machine, with a job store in an automatically determined temporary location, but you can add a few Toil options to use other Toil-supported batch systems, such as Kubernetes:

toil-wdl-runner --jobStore aws:us-west-2:wdl-job-store --batchSystem kubernetes myWorkflow.wdl --input myWorkflow_inputs.json

For Toil, the --input is optional, and inputs can be passed as a positional argument:

toil-wdl-runner myWorkflow.wdl myWorkflow_inputs.json

You can also run workflows from URLs. For example, to run the MiniWDL self test workflow, you can do:


Toil WDL Runner Options

--jobStore: Specifies where to keep the Toil state information while running the workflow. Must be accessible from all machines.

-o or --outputDirectory: Specifies the output folder or URI prefix to save workflow output files in. Defaults to a new directory in the current directory.

-m or --outputFile: Specifies a JSON file name or URI to save workflow output values at. Defaults to standard output.

-i, --input, or --inputs: Alternative to the positional argument for the input JSON file, for compatibility with other WDL runners.

--outputDialect: Specifies an output format dialect. Can be cromwell to just return the workflow’s output values as JSON or miniwdl to nest that under an outputs key and includes a dir key.

--referenceInputs: Specifies whether input files to Toil should be passed around by URL reference instead of being imported into Toil’s storage. Defaults to off. Can be True or False or other similar words.

--container: Specifies the container engine to use to run tasks. By default this is auto, which tries Singularity if it is installed and Docker if it isn’t. Can also be set to docker or singularity explicitly.

--allCallOutputs: Specifies whether outputs from all calls in a workflow should be included alongside the outputs from the output section, when an output section is defined. For strict WDL spec compliance, should be set to False. Usually defaults to False. If the workflow includes metadata for the Cromwell Output Organizer (croo), will default to True.

Any number of other Toil options may also be specified. For defined Toil options, see Commandline Options.

Managing Workflow Logs

At the default settings, if a WDL task succeeds, the standard output and standard error will be printed in the toil-wdl-runner output, unless they are captured by the workflow (with the stdout() and stderr() WDL built-in functions). If a WDL task fails, they will be printed whether they were meant to be captured or not. Complete logs from Toil for failed jobs will also be printed.

If you would like to save the logs organized by WDL task, you can use the --writeLogs or --writeLogsGzip options to specify a directory where the log files should be saved. Log files will be named after the same dotted, hierarchical workflow and task names used to set values from the input JSON, except that scatters will add an additional numerical component. In addition to the logs for WDL tasks, Toil job logs for failed jobs will also appear here when running at the default log level.

For example, if you run:

toil-wdl-runner --writeLogs logs

You will end up with a logs/ directory containing:


The final number is a sequential counter: if a step has to be retried, or if you run the workflow multiple times without clearing out the logs directory, it will increment.