
Module Contents



Interface used to allow user code run by Toil to read and write files.



toil.fileStores.nonCachingFileStore.logger: logging.Logger
class toil.fileStores.nonCachingFileStore.NonCachingFileStore(jobStore, jobDesc, file_store_dir, waitForPreviousCommit)[source]

Bases: toil.fileStores.abstractFileStore.AbstractFileStore

digraph inheritance21667dcb04 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "ABC" [fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",tooltip="Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using"]; "AbstractFileStore" [URL="../abstractFileStore/index.html#toil.fileStores.abstractFileStore.AbstractFileStore",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Interface used to allow user code run by Toil to read and write files."]; "ABC" -> "AbstractFileStore" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "NonCachingFileStore" [URL="#toil.fileStores.nonCachingFileStore.NonCachingFileStore",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "AbstractFileStore" -> "NonCachingFileStore" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; }

Interface used to allow user code run by Toil to read and write files.

Also provides the interface to other Toil facilities used by user code, including:

  • normal (non-real-time) logging

  • finding the correct temporary directory for scratch work

  • importing and exporting files into and out of the workflow

Stores user files in the jobStore, but keeps them separate from actual jobs.

May implement caching.

Passed as argument to the method.

Access to files is only permitted inside the context manager provided by

Also responsible for committing completed jobs back to the job store with an update operation, and allowing that commit operation to be waited for.

static check_for_coordination_corruption(coordination_dir)[source]

Make sure the coordination directory hasn’t been deleted unexpectedly.

Slurm has been known to delete XDG_RUNTIME_DIR out from under processes it was promised to, so it is possible that in certain misconfigured environments the coordination directory and everything in it could go away unexpectedly. We are going to regularly make sure that the things we think should exist actually exist, and we are going to abort if they do not.


coordination_dir (Optional[str]) –

Return type



Make sure state tracking information hasn’t been deleted unexpectedly.

Return type



Create the context manager around tasks prior and after a job has been run.

File operations are only permitted inside the context manager.

Implementations must only yield from within with super().open(job):.


job (toil.job.Job) – The job instance of the toil job to run.

Return type

Generator[None, None, None]

writeGlobalFile(localFileName, cleanup=False)[source]

Upload a file (as a path) to the job store.

If the file is in a FileStore-managed temporary directory (i.e. from toil.fileStores.abstractFileStore.AbstractFileStore.getLocalTempDir()), it will become a local copy of the file, eligible for deletion by toil.fileStores.abstractFileStore.AbstractFileStore.deleteLocalFile().

If an executable file on the local filesystem is uploaded, its executability will be preserved when it is downloaded again.

  • localFileName (str) – The path to the local file to upload. The last path component (basename of the file) will remain associated with the file in the file store, if supported by the backing JobStore, so that the file can be searched for by name or name glob.

  • cleanup (bool) – if True then the copy of the global file will be deleted once the job and all its successors have completed running. If not the global file must be deleted manually.


an ID that can be used to retrieve the file.

Return type


readGlobalFile(fileStoreID, userPath=None, cache=True, mutable=False, symlink=False)[source]

Make the file associated with fileStoreID available locally.

If mutable is True, then a copy of the file will be created locally so that the original is not modified and does not change the file for other jobs. If mutable is False, then a link can be created to the file, saving disk resources. The file that is downloaded will be executable if and only if it was originally uploaded from an executable file on the local filesystem.

If a user path is specified, it is used as the destination. If a user path isn’t specified, the file is stored in the local temp directory with an encoded name.

The destination file must not be deleted by the user; it can only be deleted through deleteLocalFile.

Implementations must call logAccess() to report the download.

  • fileStoreID (str) – job store id for the file

  • userPath (Optional[str]) – a path to the name of file to which the global file will be copied or hard-linked (see below).

  • cache (bool) – Described in toil.fileStores.CachingFileStore.readGlobalFile()

  • mutable (bool) – Described in toil.fileStores.CachingFileStore.readGlobalFile()

  • symlink (bool) – True if caller can accept symlink, False if caller can only accept a normal file or hardlink


An absolute path to a local, temporary copy of the file keyed by fileStoreID.

Return type


readGlobalFileStream(fileStoreID, encoding=None, errors=None)[source]

Read a stream from the job store; similar to readGlobalFile.

The yielded file handle does not need to and should not be closed explicitly.

  • encoding (Optional[str]) – the name of the encoding used to decode the file. Encodings are the same as for decode(). Defaults to None which represents binary mode.

  • errors (Optional[str]) – an optional string that specifies how encoding errors are to be handled. Errors are the same as for open(). Defaults to ‘strict’ when an encoding is specified.

  • fileStoreID (str) –

Return type

Iterator[Union[IO[bytes], IO[str]]]

Implementations must call logAccess() to report the download.


a context manager yielding a file handle which can be read from.

  • fileStoreID (str) –

  • encoding (Optional[str]) –

  • errors (Optional[str]) –

Return type

Iterator[Union[IO[bytes], IO[str]]]

exportFile(jobStoreFileID, dstUrl)[source]
Return type


export_file(file_id, dst_uri)[source]
Return type



Delete local copies of files associated with the provided job store ID.

Raises an OSError with an errno of errno.ENOENT if no such local copies exist. Thus, cannot be called multiple times in succession.

The files deleted are all those previously read from this file ID via readGlobalFile by the current job into the job’s file-store-provided temp directory, plus the file that was written to create the given file ID, if it was written by the current job from the job’s file-store-provided temp directory.


fileStoreID (str) – File Store ID of the file to be deleted.

Return type



Delete local files and then permanently deletes them from the job store.

To ensure that the job can be restarted if necessary, the delete will not happen until after the job’s run method has completed.


fileStoreID (str) – the File Store ID of the file to be deleted.

Return type



Blocks while startCommit is running.

This function is called by this job’s successor to ensure that it does not begin modifying the job store until after this job has finished doing so.

Might be called when startCommit is never called on a particular instance, in which case it does not block.


Always returns True

Return type



Update the status of the job on the disk.

May start an asynchronous process. Call waitForCommit() to wait on that process.


jobState (bool) – If True, commit the state of the FileStore’s job, and file deletes. Otherwise, commit only file creates/updates.

Return type



Cleanup function that is run when destroying the class instance. Nothing to do since there are no async write events.

Return type


classmethod shutdown(shutdown_info)[source]

shutdown_info (str) – The coordination directory.

Return type
