




A literal iterable to combine sequence literals (lists, set) with generators or list comprehensions.



Flatten an iterable, except for string elements.

Module Contents


Flatten an iterable, except for string elements.


iterables ([IT])

Return type:[IT]

class toil.lib.iterables.concat(*args)[source]

A literal iterable to combine sequence literals (lists, set) with generators or list comprehensions.

Instead of

>>> [ -1 ] + [ x * 2 for x in range( 3 ) ] + [ -1 ]
[-1, 0, 2, 4, -1]

you can write

>>> list( concat( -1, ( x * 2 for x in range( 3 ) ), -1 ) )
[-1, 0, 2, 4, -1]

This is slightly shorter (not counting the list constructor) and does not involve array construction or concatenation.

Note that concat() flattens (or chains) all iterable arguments into a single result iterable:

>>> list( concat( 1, range( 2, 4 ), 4 ) )
[1, 2, 3, 4]

It only does so one level deep. If you need to recursively flatten a data structure, check out crush().

If you want to prevent that flattening for an iterable argument, wrap it in concat():

>>> list( concat( 1, concat( range( 2, 4 ) ), 4 ) )
[1, range(2, 4), 4]

Some more example.

>>> list( concat() ) # empty concat
>>> list( concat( 1 ) ) # non-iterable
>>> list( concat( concat() ) ) # empty iterable
>>> list( concat( concat( 1 ) ) ) # singleton iterable
>>> list( concat( 1, concat( 2 ), 3 ) ) # flattened iterable
[1, 2, 3]
>>> list( concat( 1, [2], 3 ) ) # flattened iterable
[1, 2, 3]
>>> list( concat( 1, concat( [2] ), 3 ) ) # protecting an iterable from being flattened
[1, [2], 3]
>>> list( concat( 1, concat( [2], 3 ), 4 ) ) # protection only works with a single argument
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list( concat( 1, 2, concat( 3, 4 ), 5, 6 ) )
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> list( concat( 1, 2, concat( [ 3, 4 ] ), 5, 6 ) )
[1, 2, [3, 4], 5, 6]

Note that while strings are technically iterable, concat() does not flatten them.

>>> list( concat( 'ab' ) )
>>> list( concat( concat( 'ab' ) ) )

args (Any)

args = ()
Return type:[Any]