Source code for toil.common

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
import warnings
from argparse import (
from functools import lru_cache
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urlparse

import requests
from configargparse import ArgParser, YAMLConfigFileParser
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap

from toil import logProcessContext, lookupEnvVar
from toil.batchSystems.options import set_batchsystem_options
from toil.bus import (
from toil.fileStores import FileID
from toil.lib.compatibility import deprecated
from import AtomicFileCreate, try_path
from toil.lib.retry import retry
from toil.lib.threading import ensure_filesystem_lockable
from toil.options.common import JOBSTORE_HELP, add_base_toil_options
from toil.options.cwl import add_cwl_options
from toil.options.runner import add_runner_options
from toil.options.wdl import add_wdl_options
from toil.provisioners import add_provisioner_options, cluster_factory
from toil.realtimeLogger import RealtimeLogger
from toil.statsAndLogging import add_logging_options, set_logging_from_options
from toil.version import dockerRegistry, dockerTag, version

    from toil.batchSystems.abstractBatchSystem import AbstractBatchSystem
    from toil.batchSystems.options import OptionSetter
    from toil.job import AcceleratorRequirement, Job, JobDescription, TemporaryID
    from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import AbstractJobStore
    from toil.provisioners.abstractProvisioner import AbstractProvisioner
    from toil.resource import ModuleDescriptor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: should this use an XDG config directory or ~/.config to not clutter the
# base home directory?
TOIL_HOME_DIR: str = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".toil")
DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE: str = os.path.join(TOIL_HOME_DIR, "default.yaml")

[docs] class Config: """Class to represent configuration operations for a toil workflow run.""" logFile: Optional[str] logRotating: bool cleanWorkDir: str max_jobs: int max_local_jobs: int manualMemArgs: bool run_local_jobs_on_workers: bool coalesceStatusCalls: bool mesos_endpoint: Optional[str] mesos_framework_id: Optional[str] mesos_role: Optional[str] mesos_name: str kubernetes_host_path: Optional[str] kubernetes_owner: Optional[str] kubernetes_service_account: Optional[str] kubernetes_pod_timeout: float kubernetes_privileged: bool tes_endpoint: str tes_user: str tes_password: str tes_bearer_token: str aws_batch_region: Optional[str] aws_batch_queue: Optional[str] aws_batch_job_role_arn: Optional[str] scale: float batchSystem: str batch_logs_dir: Optional[str] """The backing scheduler will be instructed, if possible, to save logs to this directory, where the leader can read them.""" statePollingWait: int state_polling_timeout: int disableAutoDeployment: bool # Core options workflowID: Optional[str] """This attribute uniquely identifies the job store and therefore the workflow. It is necessary in order to distinguish between two consecutive workflows for which self.jobStore is the same, e.g. when a job store name is reused after a previous run has finished successfully and its job store has been clean up.""" workflowAttemptNumber: int jobStore: str logLevel: str colored_logs: bool workDir: Optional[str] coordination_dir: Optional[str] noStdOutErr: bool stats: bool # Because the stats option needs the jobStore to persist past the end of the run, # the clean default value depends the specified stats option and is determined in setOptions clean: Optional[str] clusterStats: str # Restarting the workflow options restart: bool # Batch system options # File store options caching: Optional[bool] symlinkImports: bool moveOutputs: bool symlink_job_store_reads: bool # Autoscaling options provisioner: Optional[str] nodeTypes: list[tuple[set[str], Optional[float]]] minNodes: list[int] maxNodes: list[int] targetTime: float betaInertia: float scaleInterval: int preemptibleCompensation: float nodeStorage: int nodeStorageOverrides: list[str] metrics: bool assume_zero_overhead: bool # Parameters to limit service jobs, so preventing deadlock scheduling scenarios maxPreemptibleServiceJobs: int maxServiceJobs: int deadlockWait: Union[float, int] deadlockCheckInterval: Union[float, int] # Resource requirements defaultMemory: int defaultCores: Union[float, int] defaultDisk: int defaultPreemptible: bool # TODO: These names are generated programmatically in # Requirer._fetchRequirement so we can't use snake_case until we fix # that (and add compatibility getters/setters?) defaultAccelerators: list["AcceleratorRequirement"] maxCores: int maxMemory: int maxDisk: int # Retrying/rescuing jobs retryCount: int enableUnlimitedPreemptibleRetries: bool doubleMem: bool maxJobDuration: int rescueJobsFrequency: int job_store_timeout: float # Log management maxLogFileSize: int writeLogs: str writeLogsGzip: str writeLogsFromAllJobs: bool write_messages: Optional[str] realTimeLogging: bool # Misc environment: dict[str, str] disableChaining: bool disableJobStoreChecksumVerification: bool sseKey: Optional[str] servicePollingInterval: int useAsync: bool forceDockerAppliance: bool statusWait: int disableProgress: bool readGlobalFileMutableByDefault: bool # Debug options debugWorker: bool disableWorkerOutputCapture: bool badWorker: float badWorkerFailInterval: float kill_polling_interval: int # CWL cwl: bool memory_is_product: bool def __init__(self) -> None: # only default options that are not CLI options defined here (thus CLI options are centralized) self.cwl = False # will probably remove later self.workflowID = None self.kill_polling_interval = 5 self.set_from_default_config()
[docs] def set_from_default_config(self) -> None: # get defaults from a config file by simulating an argparse run # as Config often expects defaults to already be instantiated parser = ArgParser() addOptions(parser, jobstore_as_flag=True, cwl=self.cwl) # The parser already knows about the default config file ns = parser.parse_args("") self.setOptions(ns)
[docs] def prepare_start(self) -> None: """ After options are set, prepare for initial start of workflow. """ self.workflowAttemptNumber = 0
[docs] def prepare_restart(self) -> None: """ Before restart options are set, prepare for a restart of a workflow. Set up any execution-specific parameters and clear out any stale ones. """ self.workflowAttemptNumber += 1 # We should clear the stored message bus path, because it may have been # auto-generated and point to a temp directory that could no longer # exist and that can't safely be re-made. self.write_messages = None
[docs] def setOptions(self, options: Namespace) -> None: """Creates a config object from the options object.""" def set_option(option_name: str, old_names: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> None: """ Determine the correct value for the given option. Priority order is: 1. options object under option_name 2. options object under old_names Selected option value is run through parsing_funtion if it is set. Then the parsed value is run through check_function to check it for acceptability, which should raise AssertionError if the value is unacceptable. If the option gets a non-None value, sets it as an attribute in this Config. """ option_value = getattr(options, option_name, None) if old_names is not None: for old_name in old_names: # If the option is already set with the new name and not the old name # prioritize the new name over the old name and break if ( option_value is not None and option_value != [] and option_value != {} ): break # Try all the old names in case user code is setting them # in an options object. # This does assume that all deprecated options have a default value of None if getattr(options, old_name, None) is not None: warnings.warn( f"Using deprecated option field {old_name} to " f"provide value for config field {option_name}", DeprecationWarning, ) option_value = getattr(options, old_name) if option_value is not None or not hasattr(self, option_name): setattr(self, option_name, option_value) # Core options set_option("jobStore") # TODO: LOG LEVEL STRING set_option("workDir") set_option("coordination_dir") set_option("noStdOutErr") set_option("stats") set_option("cleanWorkDir") set_option("clean") set_option("clusterStats") set_option("restart") # Batch system options set_option("batchSystem") set_batchsystem_options( None, cast("OptionSetter", set_option) ) # None as that will make set_batchsystem_options iterate through all batch systems and set their corresponding values # File store options set_option("symlinkImports", old_names=["linkImports"]) set_option("moveOutputs", old_names=["moveExports"]) set_option("caching", old_names=["enableCaching"]) set_option("symlink_job_store_reads") # Autoscaling options set_option("provisioner") set_option("nodeTypes") set_option("minNodes") set_option("maxNodes") set_option("targetTime") set_option("betaInertia") set_option("scaleInterval") set_option("metrics") set_option("assume_zero_overhead") set_option("preemptibleCompensation") set_option("nodeStorage") set_option("nodeStorageOverrides") if self.cwl is False: # Parameters to limit service jobs / detect deadlocks set_option("maxServiceJobs") set_option("maxPreemptibleServiceJobs") set_option("deadlockWait") set_option("deadlockCheckInterval") set_option("defaultMemory") set_option("defaultCores") set_option("defaultDisk") set_option("defaultAccelerators") set_option("maxCores") set_option("maxMemory") set_option("maxDisk") set_option("defaultPreemptible") # Retrying/rescuing jobs set_option("retryCount") set_option("enableUnlimitedPreemptibleRetries") set_option("doubleMem") set_option("maxJobDuration") set_option("rescueJobsFrequency") set_option("job_store_timeout") # Log management set_option("maxLogFileSize") set_option("writeLogs") set_option("writeLogsGzip") set_option("writeLogsFromAllJobs") set_option("write_messages") if self.write_messages is None: # The user hasn't specified a place for the message bus so we # should make one. # pass in coordination_dir for toil-cwl-runner; we want to obey --tmpdir-prefix # from cwltool and we change the coordination_dir when detected. we don't want # to make another config attribute so put the message bus in the already prefixed dir # if a coordination_dir is provided normally, we can still put the bus in there # as the coordination dir should serve a similar purpose to the tmp directory self.write_messages = gen_message_bus_path(self.coordination_dir) # Misc set_option("environment") set_option("disableChaining") set_option("disableJobStoreChecksumVerification") set_option("statusWait") set_option("disableProgress") set_option("sseKey") set_option("servicePollingInterval") set_option("forceDockerAppliance") # Debug options set_option("debugWorker") set_option("disableWorkerOutputCapture") set_option("badWorker") set_option("badWorkerFailInterval") set_option("logLevel") set_option("colored_logs") set_option("memory_is_product") # Apply overrides as highest priority # Override workDir with value of TOIL_WORKDIR_OVERRIDE if it exists if os.getenv("TOIL_WORKDIR_OVERRIDE") is not None: self.workDir = os.getenv("TOIL_WORKDIR_OVERRIDE") # Override coordination_dir with value of TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR_OVERRIDE if it exists if os.getenv("TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR_OVERRIDE") is not None: self.coordination_dir = os.getenv("TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR_OVERRIDE") self.check_configuration_consistency()
[docs] def check_configuration_consistency(self) -> None: """Old checks that cannot be fit into an action class for argparse""" if self.writeLogs and self.writeLogsGzip: raise ValueError( "Cannot use both --writeLogs and --writeLogsGzip at the same time." ) if self.writeLogsFromAllJobs and not self.writeLogs and not self.writeLogsGzip: raise ValueError( "To enable --writeLogsFromAllJobs, either --writeLogs or --writeLogsGzip must be set." ) for override in self.nodeStorageOverrides: tokens = override.split(":") if not any(tokens[0] in n[0] for n in self.nodeTypes): raise ValueError( "Instance type in --nodeStorageOverrides must be in --nodeTypes" ) if self.stats: if self.clean != "never" and self.clean is not None: logger.warning( "Contradicting options passed: Clean flag is set to %s " "despite the stats flag requiring " "the jobStore to be intact at the end of the run. " "Setting clean to 'never'." % self.clean ) self.clean = "never"
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.__dict__.__hash__() # type: ignore
[docs] def check_and_create_toil_home_dir() -> None: """ Ensure that TOIL_HOME_DIR exists. Raises an error if it does not exist and cannot be created. Safe to run simultaneously in multiple processes. """ dir_path = try_path(TOIL_HOME_DIR) if dir_path is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot create or access Toil configuration directory {TOIL_HOME_DIR}" )
[docs] def check_and_create_default_config_file() -> None: """ If the default config file does not exist, create it in the Toil home directory. Create the Toil home directory if needed Raises an error if the default config file cannot be created. Safe to run simultaneously in multiple processes. If this process runs this function, it will always see the default config file existing with parseable contents, even if other processes are racing to create it. No process will see an empty or partially-written default config file. """ check_and_create_toil_home_dir() # The default config file did not appear to exist when we checked. # It might exist now, though. Try creating it. check_and_create_config_file(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
[docs] def check_and_create_config_file(filepath: str) -> None: """ If the config file at the filepath does not exist, try creating it. The parent directory should be created prior to calling this :param filepath: path to config file :return: None """ if not os.path.exists(filepath): generate_config(filepath)
[docs] def generate_config(filepath: str) -> None: """ Write a Toil config file to the given path. Safe to run simultaneously in multiple processes. No process will see an empty or partially-written file at the given path. Set include to "cwl" or "wdl" to include cwl options and wdl options respectfully """ # this is placed in rather than to prevent circular imports # configargparse's write_config function does not write options with a None value # Thus, certain CLI options that use None as their default won't be written to the config file. # it also does not support printing config elements in nonalphabetical order # Instead, mimic configargparser's write_config behavior and also make it output arguments with # a default value of None # To do this, iterate through the options # Skip --help and --config as they should not be included in the config file # Skip deprecated/redundant options # Various log options are skipped as they are store_const arguments that are redundant to --logLevel # linkImports, moveExports, disableCaching, are deprecated in favor of --symlinkImports, --moveOutputs, # and --caching respectively # Skip StoreTrue and StoreFalse options that have opposite defaults as including it in the config would # override those defaults deprecated_or_redundant_options = ( "help", "config", "logCritical", "logDebug", "logError", "logInfo", "logOff", "logWarning", "linkImports", "noLinkImports", "moveExports", "noMoveExports", "enableCaching", "disableCaching", "version", ) def create_config_dict_from_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> CommentedMap: """ Creates a CommentedMap of the config file output from a given parser. This will put every parser action and it's default into the output :param parser: parser to generate from :return: CommentedMap of what to put into the config file """ data = CommentedMap() # to preserve order group_title_key: dict[str, str] = dict() for action in parser._actions: if any( s.replace("-", "") in deprecated_or_redundant_options for s in action.option_strings ): continue # if action is StoreFalse and default is True then don't include if isinstance(action, _StoreFalseAction) and action.default is True: continue # if action is StoreTrue and default is False then don't include if isinstance(action, _StoreTrueAction) and action.default is False: continue if len(action.option_strings) == 0: continue option_string = ( action.option_strings[0] if action.option_strings[0].find("--") != -1 else action.option_strings[1] ) option = option_string[2:] default = action.default data[option] = default # store where each argparse group starts group_title = action.container.title # type: ignore[attr-defined] group_title_key.setdefault(group_title, option) # add comment for when each argparse group starts for group_title, key in group_title_key.items(): data.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(key, group_title) return data all_data = [] parser = ArgParser(YAMLConfigFileParser()) add_base_toil_options(parser, jobstore_as_flag=True, cwl=False) toil_base_data = create_config_dict_from_parser(parser) toil_base_data.yaml_set_start_comment( "This is the configuration file for Toil. To set an option, uncomment an " "existing option and set its value. The current values are the defaults. " "If the default configuration file is outdated, it can be refreshed with " "`toil config ~/.toil/default.yaml`.\n\nBASE TOIL OPTIONS\n" ) all_data.append(toil_base_data) parser = ArgParser(YAMLConfigFileParser()) add_runner_options(parser) toil_cwl_data = create_config_dict_from_parser(parser) toil_cwl_data.yaml_set_start_comment("\nTOIL SHARED CWL AND WDL RUNNER OPTIONS") all_data.append(toil_cwl_data) parser = ArgParser(YAMLConfigFileParser()) add_cwl_options(parser) toil_cwl_data = create_config_dict_from_parser(parser) toil_cwl_data.yaml_set_start_comment("\nTOIL CWL RUNNER OPTIONS") all_data.append(toil_cwl_data) parser = ArgParser(YAMLConfigFileParser()) add_wdl_options(parser) toil_wdl_data = create_config_dict_from_parser(parser) toil_wdl_data.yaml_set_start_comment("\nTOIL WDL RUNNER OPTIONS") all_data.append(toil_wdl_data) # Now we need to put the config file in place at filepath. # But someone else may have already created a file at that path, or may be # about to open the file at that path and read it before we can finish # writing the contents. So we write the config file at a temporary path and # atomically move it over. There's still a race to see which process's # config file actually is left at the name in the end, but nobody will ever # see an empty or partially-written file at that name (if there wasn't one # there to begin with). with AtomicFileCreate(filepath) as temp_path: with open(temp_path, "w") as f: f.write("config_version: 1.0\n") yaml = YAML(typ="rt") for data in all_data: data.pop("config_version", None) yaml.dump( data, f, transform=lambda s: re.sub(r"^(.)", r"#\1", s, flags=re.MULTILINE), )
[docs] def parser_with_common_options( provisioner_options: bool = False, jobstore_option: bool = True, prog: Optional[str] = None, default_log_level: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ArgParser: parser = ArgParser( prog=prog or "Toil", formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) if provisioner_options: add_provisioner_options(parser) if jobstore_option: parser.add_argument("jobStore", type=str, help=JOBSTORE_HELP) # always add these add_logging_options(parser, default_log_level) parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=version) parser.add_argument( "--tempDirRoot", dest="tempDirRoot", type=str, default=tempfile.gettempdir(), help="Path to where temporary directory containing all temp files are created, " "by default generates a fresh tmp dir with 'tempfile.gettempdir()'.", ) return parser
[docs] def addOptions( parser: ArgumentParser, jobstore_as_flag: bool = False, cwl: bool = False, wdl: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Add all Toil command line options to a parser. Support for config files if using configargparse. This will also check and set up the default config file. :param jobstore_as_flag: make the job store option a --jobStore flag instead of a required jobStore positional argument. :param cwl: Whether CWL options are expected. If so, CWL options won't be suppressed. :param wdl: Whether WDL options are expected. If so, WDL options won't be suppressed. """ if cwl and wdl: raise RuntimeError( "CWL and WDL cannot both be true at the same time when adding options." ) if not (isinstance(parser, ArgumentParser) or isinstance(parser, _ArgumentGroup)): raise ValueError( f"Unanticipated class: {parser.__class__}. Must be: argparse.ArgumentParser or ArgumentGroup." ) if isinstance(parser, ArgParser): # in case the user passes in their own configargparse instance instead of calling getDefaultArgumentParser() # this forces configargparser to process the config file in YAML rather than in it's own format parser._config_file_parser = YAMLConfigFileParser() # type: ignore[misc] parser._default_config_files = [DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE] # type: ignore[misc] else: # configargparse advertises itself as a drag and drop replacement, and running the normal argparse ArgumentParser # through this code still seems to work (with the exception of --config and environmental variables) warnings.warn( f"Using deprecated library argparse for options parsing." f"This will not parse config files or use environment variables." f"Use configargparse instead or call Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser()", DeprecationWarning, ) check_and_create_default_config_file() # Check on the config file to make sure it is sensible config_status = os.stat(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) if config_status.st_size == 0: # If we have an empty config file, someone has to manually delete # it before we will work again. raise RuntimeError( f"Config file {DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE} exists but is empty. Delete it! Stat says: {config_status}" ) try: with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) as f: yaml = YAML(typ="safe") s = yaml.load(f) logger.debug("Initialized default configuration: %s", json.dumps(s)) except: # Something went wrong reading the default config, so dump its # contents to the log."Configuration file contents: %s", open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE).read()) raise # Add base toil options add_base_toil_options(parser, jobstore_as_flag, cwl) # Add CWL and WDL options # This is done so the config file can hold all available options add_cwl_options(parser, suppress=not cwl) add_wdl_options(parser, suppress=not wdl) # Add shared runner options add_runner_options(parser, cwl=cwl, wdl=wdl) def check_arguments(typ: str) -> None: """ Check that the other opposing runner's options are not on the command line. Ex: if the parser is supposed to be a CWL parser, ensure that WDL commands are not on the command line :param typ: string of either "cwl" or "wdl" to specify which runner to check against :return: None, raise parser error if option is found """ check_parser = ArgParser() if typ == "wdl": add_cwl_options(check_parser) if typ == "cwl": add_wdl_options(check_parser) for action in check_parser._actions: action.default = SUPPRESS other_options, _ = check_parser.parse_known_args( sys.argv[1:], ignore_help_args=True ) if len(vars(other_options)) != 0: raise parser.error( f"{'WDL' if typ == 'cwl' else 'CWL'} options are not allowed on the command line." ) # if cwl is set, format the namespace for cwl and check that wdl options are not set on the command line if cwl: # So we can manually write out the help for this and the inputs # file/workflow options in the argument parser description, we suppress # help for this option. parser.add_argument("cwltool", metavar="WORKFLOW", type=str, help=SUPPRESS) # We also need a "cwljob" command line argument, holding possibly a # positional input file and possibly a whole string of option flags # only known to the workflow. # # We don't want to try and parse out the positional argument here # since, on Python 3.12, we can grab what's really supposed to be an # argument to a workflow-defined option. # # We don't want to use the undocumented argparse.REMAINDER, since that # will eat any Toil-defined option flags after the first positional # argument. # # So we just use parse_known_args and dump all unknown args into it, # and manually write help text in the argparse description. So don't # define it here. check_arguments(typ="cwl") # if wdl is set, format the namespace for wdl and check that cwl options are not set on the command line if wdl: parser.add_argument("wdl_uri", type=str, help="WDL document URI") # We want to have an inputs_url that can be either a positional or a flag. # We can't just have them share a single-item dest in Python 3.12; # argparse does not guarantee that will work, and we can get the # positional default value clobbering the flag. See # <>. # So we make them accumulate to the same list. # Note that we will get a None in the list when there's no positional inputs. parser.add_argument( "inputs_uri", type=str, nargs='?', action="append", help="WDL input JSON URI" ) parser.add_argument( "--input", "--inputs", "-i", dest="inputs_uri", type=str, action="append", help="WDL input JSON URI", ) check_arguments(typ="wdl")
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def getNodeID() -> str: """ Return unique ID of the current node (host). The resulting string will be convertible to a uuid.UUID. Tries several methods until success. The returned ID should be identical across calls from different processes on the same node at least until the next OS reboot. The last resort method is uuid.getnode() that in some rare OS configurations may return a random ID each time it is called. However, this method should never be reached on a Linux system, because reading from /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id will be tried prior to that. If uuid.getnode() is reached, it will be called twice, and exception raised if the values are not identical. """ for idSourceFile in ["/var/lib/dbus/machine-id", "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id"]: if os.path.exists(idSourceFile): try: with open(idSourceFile) as inp: nodeID = inp.readline().strip() except OSError: logger.warning( f"Exception when trying to read ID file {idSourceFile}. " f"Will try next method to get node ID.", exc_info=True, ) else: if len(nodeID.split()) == 1: logger.debug(f"Obtained node ID {nodeID} from file {idSourceFile}") break else: logger.warning( f"Node ID {nodeID} from file {idSourceFile} contains spaces. " f"Will try next method to get node ID." ) else: nodeIDs = [] for i_call in range(2): nodeID = str(uuid.getnode()).strip() if len(nodeID.split()) == 1: nodeIDs.append(nodeID) else: logger.warning(f"Node ID {nodeID} from uuid.getnode() contains spaces") nodeID = "" if len(nodeIDs) == 2: if nodeIDs[0] == nodeIDs[1]: nodeID = nodeIDs[0] else: logger.warning( f"Different node IDs {nodeIDs} received from repeated calls to uuid.getnode(). " f"You should use another method to generate node ID." ) logger.debug(f"Obtained node ID {nodeID} from uuid.getnode()") if not nodeID: logger.warning( "Failed to generate stable node ID, returning empty string. If you see this message with a " "work dir on a shared file system when using workers running on multiple nodes, you might " "experience cryptic job failures" ) if len(nodeID.replace("-", "")) < UUID_LENGTH: # Some platforms (Mac) give us not enough actual hex characters. # Repeat them so the result is convertible to a uuid.UUID nodeID = nodeID.replace("-", "") num_repeats = UUID_LENGTH // len(nodeID) + 1 nodeID = nodeID * num_repeats nodeID = nodeID[:UUID_LENGTH] return nodeID
[docs] class Toil(ContextManager["Toil"]): """ A context manager that represents a Toil workflow. Specifically the batch system, job store, and its configuration. """ config: Config _jobStore: "AbstractJobStore" _batchSystem: "AbstractBatchSystem" _provisioner: Optional["AbstractProvisioner"]
[docs] def __init__(self, options: Namespace) -> None: """ Initialize a Toil object from the given options. Note that this is very light-weight and that the bulk of the work is done when the context is entered. :param options: command line options specified by the user """ super().__init__() self.options = options self._jobCache: dict[Union[str, "TemporaryID"], "JobDescription"] = {} self._inContextManager: bool = False self._inRestart: bool = False
[docs] def __enter__(self) -> "Toil": """ Derive configuration from the command line options. Then load the job store and, on restart, consolidate the derived configuration with the one from the previous invocation of the workflow. """ set_logging_from_options(self.options) config = Config() config.setOptions(self.options) logger.debug("Loaded configuration: %s", vars(self.options)) if config.jobStore is None: raise RuntimeError("No jobstore provided!") jobStore = self.getJobStore(config.jobStore) if config.caching is None: config.caching = jobStore.default_caching() # Set the caching option because it wasn't set originally, resuming jobstore rebuilds config from CLI options self.options.caching = config.caching if not config.restart: config.prepare_start() jobStore.initialize(config) else: jobStore.resume() # Merge configuration from job store with command line options config = jobStore.config config.prepare_restart() config.setOptions(self.options) jobStore.write_config() self.config = config self._jobStore = jobStore self._inContextManager = True # This will make sure `self.__exit__()` is called when we get a SIGTERM signal. signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *_: sys.exit(1)) return self
[docs] def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> Literal[False]: """ Clean up after a workflow invocation. Depending on the configuration, delete the job store. """ try: if ( exc_type is not None and self.config.clean == "onError" or exc_type is None and self.config.clean == "onSuccess" or self.config.clean == "always" ): try: if self.config.restart and not self._inRestart: pass else: self._jobStore.destroy() "Successfully deleted the job store: %s" % str(self._jobStore) ) except: "Failed to delete the job store: %s" % str(self._jobStore) ) raise except Exception as e: if exc_type is None: raise else: logger.exception("The following error was raised during clean up:") self._inContextManager = False self._inRestart = False return False # let exceptions through
[docs] def start(self, rootJob: "Job") -> Any: """ Invoke a Toil workflow with the given job as the root for an initial run. This method must be called in the body of a ``with Toil(...) as toil:`` statement. This method should not be called more than once for a workflow that has not finished. :param rootJob: The root job of the workflow :return: The root job's return value """ self._assertContextManagerUsed() from toil.job import Job # Check that the rootJob is an instance of the Job class if not isinstance(rootJob, Job): raise RuntimeError("The type of the root job is not a job.") # Check that the rootJob has been initialized rootJob.check_initialized() # Write shared files to the job store self._jobStore.write_leader_pid() self._jobStore.write_leader_node_id() if self.config.restart: raise ToilRestartException( "A Toil workflow can only be started once. Use " "Toil.restart() to resume it." ) self._batchSystem = self.createBatchSystem(self.config) self._setupAutoDeployment(rootJob.getUserScript()) try: self._setBatchSystemEnvVars() self._serialiseEnv() self._cacheAllJobs() # Pickle the promised return value of the root job, then write the pickled promise to # a shared file, where we can find and unpickle it at the end of the workflow. # Unpickling the promise will automatically substitute the promise for the actual # return value. with self._jobStore.write_shared_file_stream("rootJobReturnValue") as fH: rootJob.prepareForPromiseRegistration(self._jobStore) promise = rootJob.rv() pickle.dump(promise, fH, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Setup the first JobDescription and cache it rootJobDescription = rootJob.saveAsRootJob(self._jobStore) self._cacheJob(rootJobDescription) self._setProvisioner() return self._runMainLoop(rootJobDescription) finally: self._shutdownBatchSystem()
[docs] def restart(self) -> Any: """ Restarts a workflow that has been interrupted. :return: The root job's return value """ self._inRestart = True self._assertContextManagerUsed() # Write shared files to the job store self._jobStore.write_leader_pid() self._jobStore.write_leader_node_id() if not self.config.restart: raise ToilRestartException( "A Toil workflow must be initiated with Toil.start(), " "not restart()." ) from toil.job import JobException try: self._jobStore.load_root_job() except JobException: logger.warning( "Requested restart but the workflow has already been completed; allowing exports to rerun." ) return self._jobStore.get_root_job_return_value() self._batchSystem = self.createBatchSystem(self.config) self._setupAutoDeployment() try: self._setBatchSystemEnvVars() self._serialiseEnv() self._cacheAllJobs() self._setProvisioner() rootJobDescription = self._jobStore.clean(jobCache=self._jobCache) return self._runMainLoop(rootJobDescription) finally: self._shutdownBatchSystem()
def _setProvisioner(self) -> None: if self.config.provisioner is None: self._provisioner = None else: self._provisioner = cluster_factory( provisioner=self.config.provisioner, clusterName=None, zone=None, # read from instance meta-data nodeStorage=self.config.nodeStorage, nodeStorageOverrides=self.config.nodeStorageOverrides, sseKey=self.config.sseKey, ) self._provisioner.setAutoscaledNodeTypes(self.config.nodeTypes)
[docs] @classmethod def getJobStore(cls, locator: str) -> "AbstractJobStore": """ Create an instance of the concrete job store implementation that matches the given locator. :param str locator: The location of the job store to be represent by the instance :return: an instance of a concrete subclass of AbstractJobStore """ name, rest = cls.parseLocator(locator) if name == "file": from toil.jobStores.fileJobStore import FileJobStore return FileJobStore(rest) elif name == "aws": from import AWSJobStore return AWSJobStore(rest) elif name == "google": from toil.jobStores.googleJobStore import GoogleJobStore return GoogleJobStore(rest) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown job store implementation '%s'" % name)
[docs] @staticmethod def parseLocator(locator: str) -> tuple[str, str]: if locator[0] in "/." or ":" not in locator: return "file", locator else: try: name, rest = locator.split(":", 1) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Invalid job store locator syntax.") else: return name, rest
[docs] @staticmethod def buildLocator(name: str, rest: str) -> str: if ":" in name: raise ValueError(f"Can't have a ':' in the name: '{name}'.") return f"{name}:{rest}"
[docs] @classmethod def resumeJobStore(cls, locator: str) -> "AbstractJobStore": jobStore = cls.getJobStore(locator) jobStore.resume() return jobStore
[docs] @staticmethod def createBatchSystem(config: Config) -> "AbstractBatchSystem": """ Create an instance of the batch system specified in the given config. :param config: the current configuration :return: an instance of a concrete subclass of AbstractBatchSystem """ kwargs = dict( config=config, maxCores=config.maxCores, maxMemory=config.maxMemory, maxDisk=config.maxDisk, ) from toil.batchSystems.registry import get_batch_system, get_batch_systems try: batch_system = get_batch_system(config.batchSystem) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( f"Unrecognized batch system: {config.batchSystem} " f'(choose from: {", ".join(get_batch_systems())})' ) if config.caching and not batch_system.supportsWorkerCleanup(): raise RuntimeError( f"{config.batchSystem} currently does not support shared caching, because it " "does not support cleaning up a worker after the last job finishes. Set " "--caching=false" ) logger.debug( "Using the %s" % re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\g<1> \g<2>", batch_system.__name__).lower() ) return batch_system(**kwargs)
def _setupAutoDeployment( self, userScript: Optional["ModuleDescriptor"] = None ) -> None: """ Determine the user script, save it to the job store and inject a reference to the saved copy into the batch system. Do it such that the batch system can auto-deploy the resource on the worker nodes. :param userScript: the module descriptor referencing the user script. If None, it will be looked up in the job store. """ if userScript is not None: # This branch is hit when a workflow is being started if userScript.belongsToToil: logger.debug( "User script %s belongs to Toil. No need to auto-deploy it.", userScript, ) userScript = None else: if ( self._batchSystem.supportsAutoDeployment() and not self.config.disableAutoDeployment ): # Note that by saving the ModuleDescriptor, and not the Resource we allow for # redeploying a potentially modified user script on workflow restarts. with self._jobStore.write_shared_file_stream("userScript") as f: pickle.dump(userScript, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) else: from toil.batchSystems.singleMachine import SingleMachineBatchSystem if not isinstance(self._batchSystem, SingleMachineBatchSystem): logger.warning( "Batch system does not support auto-deployment. The user script " "%s will have to be present at the same location on every worker.", userScript, ) userScript = None else: # This branch is hit on restarts if ( self._batchSystem.supportsAutoDeployment() and not self.config.disableAutoDeployment ): # We could deploy a user script from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import NoSuchFileException try: with self._jobStore.read_shared_file_stream("userScript") as f: userScript = safeUnpickleFromStream(f) except NoSuchFileException: logger.debug( "User script neither set explicitly nor present in the job store." ) userScript = None if userScript is None: logger.debug("No user script to auto-deploy.") else: logger.debug("Saving user script %s as a resource", userScript) userScriptResource = userScript.saveAsResourceTo(self._jobStore) logger.debug( "Injecting user script %s into batch system.", userScriptResource ) self._batchSystem.setUserScript(userScriptResource)
[docs] def url_exists(self, src_uri: str) -> bool: return self._jobStore.url_exists(self.normalize_uri(src_uri))
# Importing a file with a shared file name returns None, but without one it # returns a file ID. Explain this to MyPy. @overload def importFile( self, srcUrl: str, sharedFileName: str, symlink: bool = True ) -> None: ... @overload def importFile( self, srcUrl: str, sharedFileName: None = None, symlink: bool = True ) -> FileID: ...
[docs] @deprecated(new_function_name="import_file") def importFile( self, srcUrl: str, sharedFileName: Optional[str] = None, symlink: bool = True ) -> Optional[FileID]: return self.import_file(srcUrl, sharedFileName, symlink)
@overload def import_file( self, src_uri: str, shared_file_name: str, symlink: bool = True, check_existence: bool = True, ) -> None: ... @overload def import_file( self, src_uri: str, shared_file_name: None = None, symlink: bool = True, check_existence: Literal[True] = True ) -> FileID: ... @overload def import_file( self, src_uri: str, shared_file_name: None = None, symlink: bool = True, check_existence: bool = True ) -> Optional[FileID]: ...
[docs] def import_file( self, src_uri: str, shared_file_name: Optional[str] = None, symlink: bool = True, check_existence: bool = True ) -> Optional[FileID]: """ Import the file at the given URL into the job store. By default, returns None if the file does not exist. :param check_existence: If true, raise FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist. If false, return None when the file does not exist. See :func:`toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore.AbstractJobStore.importFile` for a full description """ self._assertContextManagerUsed() full_uri = self.normalize_uri(src_uri, check_existence=check_existence) try: imported = self._jobStore.import_file( full_uri, shared_file_name=shared_file_name, symlink=symlink ) except FileNotFoundError: # TODO: I thought we refactored the different job store import # methods to not raise and instead return None, but that looks to # not currently be the case. if check_existence: raise else: # So translate the raise-based API if needed. # TODO: If check_existence is false but a shared file name is # specified, we have no way to report the lack of file # existence, since we also return None on success! return None if imported is None and shared_file_name is None and check_existence: # We need to protect the caller from missing files. # We think a file was missing, and we got None becasuse of it. # We didn't get None instead because of usign a shared file name. raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find file {src_uri}") return imported
[docs] @deprecated(new_function_name="export_file") def exportFile(self, jobStoreFileID: FileID, dstUrl: str) -> None: return self.export_file(jobStoreFileID, dstUrl)
[docs] def export_file(self, file_id: FileID, dst_uri: str) -> None: """ Export file to destination pointed at by the destination URL. See :func:`toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore.AbstractJobStore.exportFile` for a full description """ self._assertContextManagerUsed() dst_uri = self.normalize_uri(dst_uri) self._jobStore.export_file(file_id, dst_uri)
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_uri(uri: str, check_existence: bool = False) -> str: """ Given a URI, if it has no scheme, prepend "file:". :param check_existence: If set, raise FileNotFoundError if a URI points to a local file that does not exist. """ if urlparse(uri).scheme == "file": uri = unquote( urlparse(uri).path ) # this should strip off the local file scheme; it will be added back # account for the scheme-less case, which should be coerced to a local absolute path if urlparse(uri).scheme == "": abs_path = os.path.abspath(uri) if not os.path.exists(abs_path) and check_existence: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Could not find local file "{abs_path}" when importing "{uri}".\n' f'Make sure paths are relative to "{os.getcwd()}" or use absolute paths.\n' f"If this is not a local file, please include the scheme (s3:/, gs:/, ftp://, etc.)." ) return f"file://{quote(abs_path)}" return uri
def _setBatchSystemEnvVars(self) -> None: """Set the environment variables required by the job store and those passed on command line.""" for envDict in (self._jobStore.get_env(), self.config.environment): for k, v in envDict.items(): self._batchSystem.setEnv(k, v) def _serialiseEnv(self) -> None: """Put the environment in a globally accessible pickle file.""" # Dump out the environment of this process in the environment pickle file. with self._jobStore.write_shared_file_stream( "environment.pickle" ) as fileHandle: pickle.dump(dict(os.environ), fileHandle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) logger.debug("Written the environment for the jobs to the environment file") def _cacheAllJobs(self) -> None: """Download all jobs in the current job store into self.jobCache.""" logger.debug("Caching all jobs in job store") self._jobCache = { jobDesc.jobStoreID: jobDesc for jobDesc in } logger.debug(f"{len(self._jobCache)} jobs downloaded.") def _cacheJob(self, job: "JobDescription") -> None: """ Add given job to current job cache. :param job: job to be added to current job cache """ self._jobCache[job.jobStoreID] = job
[docs] @staticmethod def getToilWorkDir(configWorkDir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Return a path to a writable directory under which per-workflow directories exist. This directory is always required to exist on a machine, even if the Toil worker has not run yet. If your workers and leader have different temp directories, you may need to set TOIL_WORKDIR. :param configWorkDir: Value passed to the program using the --workDir flag :return: Path to the Toil work directory, constant across all machines """ workDir = ( os.getenv("TOIL_WORKDIR_OVERRIDE") or configWorkDir or os.getenv("TOIL_WORKDIR") or tempfile.gettempdir() ) if not os.path.exists(workDir): raise RuntimeError( f"The directory specified by --workDir or TOIL_WORKDIR ({workDir}) does not exist." ) return workDir
[docs] @classmethod def get_toil_coordination_dir( cls, config_work_dir: Optional[str], config_coordination_dir: Optional[str] ) -> str: """ Return a path to a writable directory, which will be in memory if convenient. Ought to be used for file locking and coordination. :param config_work_dir: Value passed to the program using the --workDir flag :param config_coordination_dir: Value passed to the program using the --coordinationDir flag :param workflow_id: Used if a tmpdir_prefix exists to create full directory paths unique per workflow :return: Path to the Toil coordination directory. Ought to be on a POSIX filesystem that allows directories containing open files to be deleted. """ # Go get a coordination directory, using a lot of short-circuiting of # or and the fact that and returns its second argument when it # succeeds. coordination_dir: Optional[str] = ( # First try an override env var os.getenv("TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR_OVERRIDE") or # Then the value from the config config_coordination_dir or # Then a normal env var # TODO: why/how would this propagate when not using single machine? os.getenv("TOIL_COORDINATION_DIR") or # Then try a `toil` subdirectory of the XDG runtime directory # (often /var/run/users/<UID>). But only if we are actually in a # session that has the env var set. Otherwise it might belong to a # different set of sessions and get cleaned up out from under us # when that session ends. # We don't think Slurm XDG sessions are trustworthy, depending on # the cluster's PAM configuration, so don't use them. ( "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" in os.environ and "SLURM_JOBID" not in os.environ and try_path(os.path.join(os.environ["XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"], "toil")) ) or # Try under /run/lock. It might be a temp dir style sticky directory. try_path("/run/lock") or # Try all possible temp directories, falling back to the current working # directory tempfile.gettempdir() or # Finally, fall back on the work dir and hope it's a legit filesystem. cls.getToilWorkDir(config_work_dir) ) if coordination_dir is None: raise RuntimeError( "Could not determine a coordination directory by any method!" ) return coordination_dir
[docs] @staticmethod def get_workflow_path_component(workflow_id: str) -> str: """ Get a safe filesystem path component for a workflow. Will be consistent for all processes on a given machine, and different for all processes on different machines. :param workflow_id: The ID of the current Toil workflow. """ return "toilwf-" + str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID(getNodeID()), workflow_id)).replace( "-", "" )
[docs] @classmethod def getLocalWorkflowDir( cls, workflowID: str, configWorkDir: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Return the directory where worker directories and the cache will be located for this workflow on this machine. :param configWorkDir: Value passed to the program using the --workDir flag :return: Path to the local workflow directory on this machine """ # Get the global Toil work directory. This ensures that it exists. base = cls.getToilWorkDir(configWorkDir=configWorkDir) # Create a directory unique to each host in case workDir is on a shared FS. # This prevents workers on different nodes from erasing each other's directories. workflowDir: str = os.path.join( base, cls.get_workflow_path_component(workflowID) ) try: # Directory creation is atomic os.mkdir(workflowDir) except OSError as err: if err.errno != 17: # The directory exists if a previous worker set it up. raise else: logger.debug( "Created the workflow directory for this machine at %s" % workflowDir ) return workflowDir
[docs] @classmethod def get_local_workflow_coordination_dir( cls, workflow_id: str, config_work_dir: Optional[str], config_coordination_dir: Optional[str], ) -> str: """ Return the directory where coordination files should be located for this workflow on this machine. These include internal Toil databases and lock files for the machine. If an in-memory filesystem is available, it is used. Otherwise, the local workflow directory, which may be on a shared network filesystem, is used. :param workflow_id: Unique ID of the current workflow. :param config_work_dir: Value used for the work directory in the current Toil Config. :param config_coordination_dir: Value used for the coordination directory in the current Toil Config. :return: Path to the local workflow coordination directory on this machine. """ # Start with the base coordination or work dir base = cls.get_toil_coordination_dir(config_work_dir, config_coordination_dir) # Make a per-workflow and node subdirectory subdir = os.path.join(base, cls.get_workflow_path_component(workflow_id)) # Make it exist os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) # TODO: May interfere with workflow directory creation logging if it's # the same directory. # Don't let it out if it smells like an unacceptable filesystem for locks ensure_filesystem_lockable( subdir, hint="Use --coordinationDir to provide a different location." ) # Return it return subdir
def _runMainLoop(self, rootJob: "JobDescription") -> Any: """ Run the main loop with the given job. :param rootJob: The root job for the workflow. """ logProcessContext(self.config) with RealtimeLogger( self._batchSystem, level=self.options.logLevel if self.options.realTimeLogging else "INFO", ): # FIXME: common should not import from leader from toil.leader import Leader return Leader( config=self.config, batchSystem=self._batchSystem, provisioner=self._provisioner, jobStore=self._jobStore, rootJob=rootJob, jobCache=self._jobCache, ).run() def _shutdownBatchSystem(self) -> None: """Shuts down current batch system if it has been created.""" startTime = time.time() logger.debug("Shutting down batch system ...") self._batchSystem.shutdown() logger.debug( "... finished shutting down the batch system in %s seconds." % (time.time() - startTime) ) def _assertContextManagerUsed(self) -> None: if not self._inContextManager: raise ToilContextManagerException()
[docs] class ToilRestartException(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: super().__init__(message)
[docs] class ToilContextManagerException(Exception): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( 'This method cannot be called outside the "with Toil(...)" context manager.' )
[docs] class ToilMetrics: def __init__( self, bus: MessageBus, provisioner: Optional["AbstractProvisioner"] = None ) -> None: clusterName = "none" region = "us-west-2" if provisioner is not None: clusterName = str(provisioner.clusterName) if provisioner._zone is not None: if == "aws": # lazy import to avoid AWS dependency if the aws extra is not installed from import zone_to_region # Remove AZ name region = zone_to_region(provisioner._zone) else: region = provisioner._zone registry = lookupEnvVar( name="docker registry", envName="TOIL_DOCKER_REGISTRY", defaultValue=dockerRegistry, ) self.mtailImage = f"{registry}/toil-mtail:{dockerTag}" self.grafanaImage = f"{registry}/toil-grafana:{dockerTag}" self.prometheusImage = f"{registry}/toil-prometheus:{dockerTag}" self.startDashboard(clusterName=clusterName, zone=region) # Always restart the mtail container, because metrics should start from scratch # for each workflow try: subprocess.check_call(["docker", "rm", "-f", "toil_mtail"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass try: self.mtailProc: Optional[subprocess.Popen[bytes]] = subprocess.Popen( [ "docker", "run", "--rm", "--interactive", "--net=host", "--name", "toil_mtail", "-p", "3903:3903", self.mtailImage, ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.warning("Couldn't start toil metrics server.") self.mtailProc = None except KeyboardInterrupt: self.mtailProc.terminate() # type: ignore[union-attr] # On single machine, launch a node exporter instance to monitor CPU/RAM usage. # On AWS this is handled by the EC2 init script self.nodeExporterProc: Optional[subprocess.Popen[bytes]] = None if not provisioner: try: self.nodeExporterProc = subprocess.Popen( [ "docker", "run", "--rm", "--net=host", "-p", "9100:9100", "-v", "/proc:/host/proc", "-v", "/sys:/host/sys", "-v", "/:/rootfs", "", "-collector.procfs", "/host/proc", "-collector.sysfs", "/host/sys", "-collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points", "^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc)($|/)", ] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.warning( "Couldn't start node exporter, won't get RAM and CPU usage for dashboard." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.nodeExporterProc is not None: self.nodeExporterProc.terminate() # When messages come in on the message bus, call our methods. # TODO: Just annotate the methods with some kind of @listener and get # their argument types and magically register them? # TODO: There's no way to tell MyPy we have a dict from types to # functions that take them. TARGETS = { ClusterSizeMessage: self.logClusterSize, ClusterDesiredSizeMessage: self.logClusterDesiredSize, QueueSizeMessage: self.logQueueSize, JobMissingMessage: self.logMissingJob, JobIssuedMessage: self.logIssuedJob, JobFailedMessage: self.logFailedJob, JobCompletedMessage: self.logCompletedJob, } # The only way to make this inteligible to MyPy is to wrap the dict in # a function that can cast. MessageType = TypeVar("MessageType") def get_listener( message_type: type[MessageType], ) -> Callable[[MessageType], None]: return cast(Callable[[MessageType], None], TARGETS[message_type]) # Then set up the listeners. self._listeners = [ bus.subscribe(message_type, get_listener(message_type)) for message_type in TARGETS.keys() ] @staticmethod def _containerRunning(containerName: str) -> bool: try: result = ( subprocess.check_output( ["docker", "inspect", "-f", "'{{.State.Running}}'", containerName] ).decode("utf-8") == "true" ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: result = False return result
[docs] def startDashboard(self, clusterName: str, zone: str) -> None: try: if not self._containerRunning("toil_prometheus"): try: subprocess.check_call(["docker", "rm", "-f", "toil_prometheus"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass subprocess.check_call( [ "docker", "run", "--name", "toil_prometheus", "--net=host", "-d", "-p", "9090:9090", self.prometheusImage, clusterName, zone, ] ) if not self._containerRunning("toil_grafana"): try: subprocess.check_call(["docker", "rm", "-f", "toil_grafana"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass subprocess.check_call( [ "docker", "run", "--name", "toil_grafana", "-d", "-p=3000:3000", self.grafanaImage, ] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.warning("Could not start prometheus/grafana dashboard.") return try: self.add_prometheus_data_source() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.debug( "Could not add data source to Grafana dashboard - no metrics will be displayed." )
[docs] @retry(errors=[requests.exceptions.ConnectionError]) def add_prometheus_data_source(self) -> None: "http://localhost:3000/api/datasources", auth=("admin", "admin"), data='{"name":"DS_PROMETHEUS","type":"prometheus", "url":"http://localhost:9090", "access":"direct"}', headers={"content-type": "application/json", "access": "direct"}, )
[docs] def log(self, message: str) -> None: if self.mtailProc: self.mtailProc.stdin.write((message + "\n").encode("utf-8")) # type: ignore[union-attr] self.mtailProc.stdin.flush() # type: ignore[union-attr]
# Note: The mtail configuration (dashboard/mtail/toil.mtail) depends on these messages # remaining intact
[docs] def logClusterSize(self, m: ClusterSizeMessage) -> None: self.log("current_size '%s' %i" % (m.instance_type, m.current_size))
[docs] def logClusterDesiredSize(self, m: ClusterDesiredSizeMessage) -> None: self.log("desired_size '%s' %i" % (m.instance_type, m.desired_size))
[docs] def logQueueSize(self, m: QueueSizeMessage) -> None: self.log("queue_size %i" % m.queue_size)
[docs] def logMissingJob(self, m: JobMissingMessage) -> None: self.log("missing_job")
[docs] def logIssuedJob(self, m: JobIssuedMessage) -> None: self.log("issued_job %s" % m.job_type)
[docs] def logFailedJob(self, m: JobFailedMessage) -> None: self.log("failed_job %s" % m.job_type)
[docs] def logCompletedJob(self, m: JobCompletedMessage) -> None: self.log("completed_job %s" % m.job_type)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: if self.mtailProc is not None: logger.debug("Stopping mtail") self.mtailProc.kill() logger.debug("Stopped mtail") if self.nodeExporterProc is not None: logger.debug("Stopping node exporter") self.nodeExporterProc.kill() logger.debug("Stopped node exporter") self._listeners = []
[docs] def cacheDirName(workflowID: str) -> str: """ :return: Name of the cache directory. """ return f"cache-{workflowID}"
[docs] def getDirSizeRecursively(dirPath: str) -> int: """ This method will return the cumulative number of bytes occupied by the files on disk in the directory and its subdirectories. If the method is unable to access a file or directory (due to insufficient permissions, or due to the file or directory having been removed while this function was attempting to traverse it), the error will be handled internally, and a (possibly 0) lower bound on the size of the directory will be returned. :param dirPath: A valid path to a directory or file. :return: Total size, in bytes, of the file or directory at dirPath. """ # du is often faster than using os.lstat(), sometimes significantly so. # The call: 'du -s /some/path' should give the number of 512-byte blocks # allocated with the environment variable: BLOCKSIZE='512' set, and we # multiply this by 512 to return the filesize in bytes. dirPath = os.path.abspath(dirPath) try: return ( int( subprocess.check_output( ["du", "-s", dirPath], env=dict(os.environ, BLOCKSIZE="512") ) .decode("utf-8") .split()[0] ) * 512 ) # The environment variable 'BLOCKSIZE'='512' is set instead of the much cleaner # --block-size=1 because Apple can't handle it. except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # Fallback to pure Python implementation, useful for when kernel limits # to argument list size are hit, etc.. total_size: int = 0 if os.path.isfile(dirPath): return os.lstat(dirPath).st_blocks * 512 for dir_path, dir_names, filenames in os.walk(dirPath): for name in filenames: total_size += os.lstat(os.path.join(dir_path, name)).st_blocks * 512 return total_size
[docs] def getFileSystemSize(dirPath: str) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Return the free space, and total size of the file system hosting `dirPath`. :param dirPath: A valid path to a directory. :return: free space and total size of file system """ if not os.path.exists(dirPath): raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find dir size for non-existent path: {dirPath}") diskStats = os.statvfs(dirPath) freeSpace = diskStats.f_frsize * diskStats.f_bavail diskSize = diskStats.f_frsize * diskStats.f_blocks return freeSpace, diskSize
[docs] def safeUnpickleFromStream(stream: IO[Any]) -> Any: string = return pickle.loads(string)