# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import errno
import logging
import os
import pickle
import random
import re
import shutil
import stat
import time
import uuid
from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import IO, Literal, Optional, Union, overload
from urllib.parse import ParseResult, quote, unquote
from toil.fileStores import FileID
from toil.job import TemporaryID
from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import (
from toil.lib.io import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FileJobStore(AbstractJobStore):
A job store that uses a directory on a locally attached file system. To be compatible with
distributed batch systems, that file system must be shared by all worker nodes.
# Valid chars for the creation of temporary "spray" directories.
validDirs = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
validDirsSet = set(validDirs)
# What prefix should be on the per-job job directories, to distinguish them
# from the spray directories?
JOB_DIR_PREFIX = "instance-"
# What prefix do we put on the per-job-name directories we sort jobs into?
# 10Mb RAM chunks when reading/writing files
BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760 # 10Mb
# When a log file is still being written, what will its name end with?
# All log files start with this prefix
LOG_PREFIX = "stats"
def default_caching(self) -> bool:
Jobstore's preference as to whether it likes caching or doesn't care about it.
Some jobstores benefit from caching, however on some local configurations it can be flaky.
see https://github.com/DataBiosphere/toil/issues/4218
return False
def __init__(self, path: str, fanOut: int = 1000) -> None:
:param path: Path to directory holding the job store
:param fanOut: Number of items to have in a directory before making
self.jobStoreDir = os.path.abspath(path)
logger.debug("Path to job store directory is '%s'.", self.jobStoreDir)
# Directory where actual job files go, and their job-associated temp files
self.jobsDir = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, "jobs")
# Directory where stats files go
self.statsDir = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, "stats")
# Which has subdirectories for new and seen stats files
self.stats_inbox = os.path.join(self.statsDir, "inbox")
self.stats_archive = os.path.join(self.statsDir, "archive")
# Directory where non-job-associated files for the file store go
self.filesDir = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, "files/no-job")
# Directory where job-associated files for the file store go.
# Each per-job directory in here will have separate directories for
# files to clean up and files to not clean up when the job is deleted.
self.jobFilesDir = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, "files/for-job")
# Directory where shared files go
self.sharedFilesDir = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, "files/shared")
self.fanOut = fanOut
self.linkImports = None
self.moveExports = None
self.symlink_job_store_reads = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"FileJobStore({self.jobStoreDir})"
def initialize(self, config):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
raise JobStoreExistsException(self.jobStoreDir, "file")
os.makedirs(self.jobsDir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.statsDir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.stats_inbox, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.stats_archive, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.filesDir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.jobFilesDir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(self.sharedFilesDir, exist_ok=True)
self.linkImports = config.symlinkImports
self.moveExports = config.moveOutputs
self.symlink_job_store_reads = config.symlink_job_store_reads
def resume(self):
if not os.path.isdir(self.jobStoreDir):
raise NoSuchJobStoreException(self.jobStoreDir, "file")
# TODO: Unify with initialize() configuration
self.linkImports = self.config.symlinkImports
self.moveExports = self.config.moveOutputs
self.symlink_job_store_reads = self.config.symlink_job_store_reads
def destroy(self):
if os.path.exists(self.jobStoreDir):
# The following methods deal with creating/loading/updating/writing/checking for the
# existence of jobs
def assign_job_id(self, job_description):
# Get the job's name. We want to group jobs with the same name together.
# This will be e.g. the function name for wrapped-function jobs.
# Make sure to render it filename-safe
usefulFilename = self._make_string_filename_safe(job_description.jobName)
# Make a unique temp directory under a directory for this job name,
# possibly sprayed across multiple levels of subdirectories.
absJobDir = mkdtemp(
job_description.jobStoreID = self._get_job_id_from_dir(absJobDir)
def create_job(self, job_description):
if hasattr(self, "_batchedUpdates") and self._batchedUpdates is not None:
# Save it later
# Save it now
return job_description
def batch(self):
self._batchedUpdates = []
for jobDescription in self._batchedUpdates:
self._batchedUpdates = None
def _wait_for_exists(self, jobStoreID, maxTries=35, sleepTime=1):
Spin-wait and block for a job to appear before returning
False if it does not.
return self._wait_for_file(
self._get_job_file_name(jobStoreID), maxTries=maxTries, sleepTime=sleepTime
def _wait_for_file(self, fileName, maxTries=35, sleepTime=1):
Spin-wait and block for a file or directory to appear before returning
False if it does not.
The total max wait time is maxTries * sleepTime. The current default is
tuned to match Linux NFS defaults where the client's cache of the directory
listing on the server is supposed to become coherent within 30 sec.
Delayes beyond that would probably indicate a pathologically slow file system
that just should not be used for the jobStore.
The warning will be sent to the log only on the first retry.
In practice, the need for retries happens rarely, but it does happen
over the course of large workflows with a jobStore on a busy NFS.
for iTry in range(1, maxTries + 1):
if os.path.exists(fileName):
return True
if iTry >= maxTries:
return False
elif iTry == 1:
"Path `{}` does not exist (yet). We will try #{} more times with {}s "
).format(fileName, maxTries - iTry, sleepTime)
return False
def job_exists(self, job_id):
return os.path.exists(self._get_job_file_name(job_id))
def get_public_url(self, jobStoreFileID):
jobStorePath = self._get_file_path_from_id(jobStoreFileID)
if os.path.exists(jobStorePath):
return "file:" + jobStorePath
raise NoSuchFileException(jobStoreFileID)
def get_shared_public_url(self, sharedFileName):
jobStorePath = os.path.join(self.sharedFilesDir, sharedFileName)
if not os.path.exists(jobStorePath):
raise NoSuchFileException(sharedFileName)
return "file:" + jobStorePath
def load_job(self, job_id):
# If the job obviously doesn't exist, note that.
# Try to load a valid version of the job.
jobFile = self._get_job_file_name(job_id)
with open(jobFile, "rb") as fileHandle:
job = pickle.load(fileHandle)
except FileNotFoundError:
# We were racing a delete on a non-POSIX-compliant filesystem.
# This is the good case; the delete arrived in time.
# If it didn't, we might go on to re-execute the already-finished job.
# Anyway, this job doesn't really exist after all.
raise NoSuchJobException(job_id)
# Pass along the current config, which is the JobStore's responsibility.
# The following cleans up any issues resulting from the failure of the
# job during writing by the batch system.
if os.path.isfile(jobFile + ".new"):
logger.warning("There was a .new file for the job: %s", job_id)
os.remove(jobFile + ".new")
return job
def update_job(self, job):
assert job.jobStoreID is not None, f"Tried to update job {job} without an ID"
assert not isinstance(
job.jobStoreID, TemporaryID
), f"Tried to update job {job} without an assigned ID"
dest_filename = self._get_job_file_name(job.jobStoreID)
# The job is serialised to a file suffixed by ".new"
# We insist on creating the file; an existing .new file indicates
# multiple simultaneous attempts to update the job, which will lose
# updates.
# The file is then moved to its correct path.
# Atomicity guarantees use the fact the underlying file system's "move"
# function is atomic.
with open(dest_filename + ".new", "xb") as f:
pickle.dump(job, f)
# This should be atomic for the file system
os.rename(dest_filename + ".new", dest_filename)
def delete_job(self, job_id):
# The jobStoreID is the relative path to the directory containing the job,
# removing this directory deletes the job.
if self.job_exists(job_id):
# Remove the job-associated files in need of cleanup, which may or
# may not live under the job's directory.
# Remove the job's directory itself.
def jobs(self):
# Walk through list of temporary directories searching for jobs.
# Jobs are files that start with 'job'.
# Note that this also catches jobWhatever.new which exists if an update
# is in progress.
for tempDir in self._job_directories():
for i in os.listdir(tempDir):
if i.startswith(self.JOB_DIR_PREFIX):
# This is a job instance directory
jobId = self._get_job_id_from_dir(os.path.join(tempDir, i))
if self.job_exists(jobId):
yield self.load_job(jobId)
except NoSuchJobException:
# An orphaned job may leave an empty or incomplete job file which we can safely ignore
# Functions that deal with temporary files associated with jobs
def _copy_or_link(self, src_path, dst_path, hardlink=False, symlink=False):
# linking is not done be default because of issue #1755
# TODO: is hardlinking ever actually done?
src_path = self._extract_path_from_url(src_path)
if self.linkImports and not hardlink and symlink:
os.symlink(os.path.realpath(src_path), dst_path)
atomic_copy(src_path, dst_path)
def _import_file(
self, otherCls, uri, shared_file_name=None, hardlink=False, symlink=True
# symlink argument says whether the caller can take symlinks or not.
# ex: if false, it means the workflow cannot work with symlinks and we need to hardlink or copy.
# TODO: Do we ever actually hardlink?
# default is true since symlinking everything is ideal
uri_path = unquote(uri.path)
if issubclass(otherCls, FileJobStore):
if os.path.isdir(uri_path):
# Don't allow directories (unless someone is racing us)
raise IsADirectoryError(
f"URI {uri} points to a directory but a file was expected"
if shared_file_name is None:
executable = os.stat(uri_path).st_mode & stat.S_IXUSR != 0
# use this to get a valid path to write to in job store
absPath = self._get_unique_file_path(uri_path)
self._copy_or_link(uri, absPath, hardlink=hardlink, symlink=symlink)
# TODO: os.stat(absPath).st_size consistently gives values lower than
# getDirSizeRecursively()
return FileID(
path = self._get_shared_file_path(shared_file_name)
self._copy_or_link(uri, path, hardlink=hardlink, symlink=symlink)
return None
return super()._import_file(
otherCls, uri, shared_file_name=shared_file_name
def _export_file(self, otherCls, file_id, uri):
if issubclass(otherCls, FileJobStore):
srcPath = self._get_file_path_from_id(file_id)
destPath = self._extract_path_from_url(uri)
# Make sure we don't need to worry about directories when exporting
# to local files, just like for cloud storage.
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destPath), exist_ok=True)
executable = getattr(file_id, "executable", False)
if self.moveExports:
self._move_and_linkback(srcPath, destPath, executable=executable)
atomic_copy(srcPath, destPath, executable=executable)
super()._default_export_file(otherCls, file_id, uri)
def _move_and_linkback(self, srcPath, destPath, executable):
"moveExports option, Moving src=%s to dest=%s ; then symlinking dest to src",
shutil.move(srcPath, destPath)
os.symlink(destPath, srcPath)
if executable:
os.chmod(destPath, os.stat(destPath).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
def _url_exists(cls, url: ParseResult) -> bool:
return os.path.exists(cls._extract_path_from_url(url))
def _get_size(cls, url):
return os.stat(cls._extract_path_from_url(url)).st_size
def _read_from_url(cls, url, writable):
Writes the contents of a file to a source (writes url to writable)
using a ~10Mb buffer.
:param str url: A path as a string of the file to be read from.
:param object writable: An open file object to write to.
# we use a ~10Mb buffer to improve speed
with cls._open_url(url) as readable:
shutil.copyfileobj(readable, writable, length=cls.BUFFER_SIZE)
# Return the number of bytes we read when we reached EOF.
executable = os.stat(readable.name).st_mode & stat.S_IXUSR
return readable.tell(), executable
def _open_url(cls, url: ParseResult) -> IO[bytes]:
Open a file URL as a binary stream.
return open(cls._extract_path_from_url(url), "rb")
def _write_to_url(cls, readable, url, executable=False):
Writes the contents of a file to a source (writes readable to url)
using a ~10Mb buffer.
:param str url: A path as a string of the file to be written to.
:param object readable: An open file object to read from.
# we use a ~10Mb buffer to improve speed
def _list_url(cls, url: ParseResult) -> list[str]:
path = cls._extract_path_from_url(url)
listing = []
for p in os.listdir(path):
# We know there are no slashes in these
component = quote(p)
# Return directories with trailing slashes and files without
(component + "/") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, p)) else component
return listing
def _get_is_directory(cls, url: ParseResult) -> bool:
path = cls._extract_path_from_url(url)
return os.path.isdir(path)
def _extract_path_from_url(url):
:return: local file path of file pointed at by the given URL
if url.netloc != "" and url.netloc != "localhost":
raise RuntimeError("The URL '%s' is invalid" % url.geturl())
return unquote(url.path)
def _supports_url(cls, url, export=False):
return url.scheme.lower() == "file"
def _make_string_filename_safe(self, arbitraryString, maxLength=240):
Given an arbitrary string, produce a filename-safe though not
necessarily unique string based on it.
The input string may be discarded altogether and replaced with any
other nonempty filename-safe string.
:param str arbitraryString: An arbitrary string
:param int maxLength: Maximum length of the result, to keep it plus
any prefix or suffix under the filesystem's
path component length limit
:return: A filename-safe string
# We will fill this in with the filename-safe parts we find.
parts = []
for substring in re.findall("[A-Za-z0-9._-]+", arbitraryString):
# Collect all the matching substrings
if len(parts) == 0:
# Glue it all together, and truncate to length
return "_".join(parts)[:maxLength]
def write_file(self, local_path, job_id=None, cleanup=False):
absPath = self._get_unique_file_path(local_path, job_id, cleanup)
relPath = self._get_file_id_from_path(absPath)
atomic_copy(local_path, absPath)
return relPath
def write_file_stream(
self, job_id=None, cleanup=False, basename=None, encoding=None, errors=None
if not basename:
basename = "stream"
absPath = self._get_unique_file_path(basename, job_id, cleanup)
relPath = self._get_file_id_from_path(absPath)
with open(
"wb" if encoding == None else "wt",
) as f:
# Don't yield while holding an open file descriptor to the temp
# file. That can result in temp files still being open when we try
# to clean ourselves up, somehow, for certain workloads.
yield f, relPath
def get_empty_file_store_id(self, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False, basename=None):
with self.write_file_stream(jobStoreID, cleanup, basename) as (
return jobStoreFileID
def update_file(self, file_id, local_path):
jobStoreFilePath = self._get_file_path_from_id(file_id)
if os.path.samefile(jobStoreFilePath, local_path):
# The files are already the same file. We can't copy on eover the other.
atomic_copy(local_path, jobStoreFilePath)
def read_file(self, file_id: str, local_path: str, symlink: bool = False) -> None:
jobStoreFilePath = self._get_file_path_from_id(file_id)
localDirPath = os.path.dirname(local_path)
executable = getattr(file_id, "executable", False)
if not symlink and os.path.islink(local_path):
# We had a symlink and want to clobber it with a hardlink or copy.
if os.path.exists(local_path) and os.path.samefile(
jobStoreFilePath, local_path
# The files are already the same: same name, hardlinked, or
# symlinked. There is nothing to do, and trying to shutil.copyfile
# one over the other will fail.
if symlink and self.symlink_job_store_reads:
# If the reader will accept a symlink, and we are willing to
# symlink into the jobstore, always give them one.
# There's less that can go wrong.
os.symlink(jobStoreFilePath, local_path)
# It worked!
except OSError as e:
# For the list of the possible errno codes, see: https://linux.die.net/man/2/symlink
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# Overwrite existing file, emulating shutil.copyfile().
# It would be very unlikely to fail again for same reason but possible
# nonetheless in which case we should just give up.
os.symlink(jobStoreFilePath, local_path)
# Now we succeeded and don't need to copy
elif e.errno == errno.EPERM:
# On some filesystems, the creation of symbolic links is not possible.
# In this case, we try to make a hard link.
f"Unexpected OSError when reading file '{jobStoreFilePath}' from job store"
# If we get here, symlinking isn't an option.
# Make sure we are working with the real source path, in case it is a
# symlinked import.
jobStoreFilePath = os.path.realpath(jobStoreFilePath)
if os.stat(jobStoreFilePath).st_dev == os.stat(localDirPath).st_dev:
# It is possible that we can hard link the file.
# Note that even if the device numbers match, we can end up trying
# to create a "cross-device" link.
os.link(jobStoreFilePath, local_path)
# It worked!
except OSError as e:
# For the list of the possible errno codes, see: https://linux.die.net/man/2/link
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# Overwrite existing file, emulating shutil.copyfile().
# It would be very unlikely to fail again for same reason but possible
# nonetheless in which case we should just give up.
os.link(jobStoreFilePath, local_path)
# Now we succeeded and don't need to copy
elif e.errno == errno.EXDEV:
# It's a cross-device link even though it didn't appear to be.
# Just keep going and hit the file copy case.
elif e.errno == errno.EPERM:
# On some filesystems, hardlinking could be disallowed by permissions.
# In this case, we also fall back to making a complete copy.
elif e.errno == errno.ELOOP:
# Too many symbolic links were encountered. Just keep going and hit the
# file copy case.
elif e.errno == errno.EMLINK:
# The maximum number of links to file is reached. Just keep going and
# hit the file copy case.
f"Unexpected OSError when reading file '{jobStoreFilePath}' from job store"
# If we get here, neither a symlink nor a hardlink will work.
# Make a complete copy.
atomic_copy(jobStoreFilePath, local_path, executable=executable)
def delete_file(self, file_id):
if not self.file_exists(file_id):
def file_exists(self, file_id):
absPath = self._get_file_path_from_id(file_id)
if (
not absPath.startswith(self.jobsDir)
and not absPath.startswith(self.filesDir)
and not absPath.startswith(self.jobFilesDir)
# Don't even look for it, it is out of bounds.
raise NoSuchFileException(file_id)
st = os.stat(absPath)
except OSError:
return False
if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
raise NoSuchFileException(file_id)
return True
def get_file_size(self, file_id):
# Duplicate a bunch of fileExists to save on stat calls
absPath = self._get_file_path_from_id(file_id)
if (
not absPath.startswith(self.jobsDir)
and not absPath.startswith(self.filesDir)
and not absPath.startswith(self.jobFilesDir)
# Don't even look for it, it is out of bounds.
raise NoSuchFileException(file_id)
st = os.stat(absPath)
except OSError:
return 0
return st.st_size
def update_file_stream(self, file_id, encoding=None, errors=None):
# File objects are context managers (CM) so we could simply return what open returns.
# However, it is better to wrap it in another CM so as to prevent users from accessing
# the file object directly, without a with statement.
with open(
"wb" if encoding == None else "wt",
) as f:
yield f
def read_file_stream(
file_id: Union[str, FileID],
encoding: Literal[None] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Iterator[IO[bytes]]: ...
def read_file_stream(
self, file_id: Union[str, FileID], encoding: str, errors: Optional[str] = None
) -> Iterator[IO[str]]: ...
def read_file_stream(
file_id: Union[str, FileID],
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[Iterator[IO[bytes]], Iterator[IO[str]]]: ...
def read_file_stream(
file_id: Union[str, FileID],
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[Iterator[IO[bytes]], Iterator[IO[str]]]:
if encoding is None:
with open(
) as fb:
yield fb
with open(
buffering=1, # line buffering
) as ft:
yield ft
# The following methods deal with shared files, i.e. files not associated
# with specific jobs.
def _get_shared_file_path(self, sharedFileName):
return os.path.join(self.sharedFilesDir, sharedFileName)
def write_shared_file_stream(
self, shared_file_name, encrypted=None, encoding=None, errors=None
# the isProtected parameter has no effect on the fileStore
with AtomicFileCreate(
) as tmpSharedFilePath:
with open(
"wb" if encoding == None else "wt",
) as f:
yield f
def read_shared_file_stream(self, shared_file_name, encoding=None, errors=None):
with open(
"rb" if encoding == None else "rt",
) as f:
yield f
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise NoSuchFileException(shared_file_name)
def list_all_file_names(self, for_job: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterable[str]:
Get all the file names (not file IDs) of files stored in the job store.
Used for debugging.
:param for_job: If set, restrict the list to files for a particular job.
# TODO: Promote to AbstractJobStore.
# TODO: Include stats-and-logging files?
if for_job is not None:
# Run on one job
jobs = [for_job]
# Run on all the jobs
jobs = []
# But not all the jobs that exist, we want all the jobs that have
# files. So look at the file directories which mirror the job
# directories' structure.
for job_kind_dir in self._list_dynamic_spray_dir(self.jobFilesDir):
# First we sprayed all the job kinds over a tree
for job_instance_dir in self._list_dynamic_spray_dir(job_kind_dir):
# Then we sprayed the job instances over a tree
# And based on those we get the job name
job_id = self._get_job_id_from_files_dir(job_instance_dir)
yield from os.listdir(self.sharedFilesDir)
for file_dir_path in self._list_dynamic_spray_dir(self.filesDir):
# Run on all the no-job files
yield from os.listdir(file_dir_path)
for job_store_id in jobs:
# Files from _get_job_files_dir
job_files_dir = os.path.join(self.jobFilesDir, job_store_id)
if os.path.exists(job_files_dir):
for file_dir in os.listdir(job_files_dir):
# Each file is in its own directory
if file_dir == "cleanup":
# Except the cleanup directory which we do later.
file_dir_path = os.path.join(job_files_dir, file_dir)
yield from os.listdir(file_dir_path)
# Files from _get_job_files_cleanup_dir
job_cleanup_files_dir = os.path.join(job_files_dir, "cleanup")
if os.path.exists(job_cleanup_files_dir):
for file_dir in os.listdir(job_cleanup_files_dir):
# Each file is in its own directory
file_dir_path = os.path.join(job_cleanup_files_dir, file_dir)
yield from os.listdir(file_dir_path)
def write_logs(self, msg):
# Temporary files are placed in the stats directory tree
tempStatsFileName = self.LOG_PREFIX + str(uuid.uuid4().hex) + self.LOG_TEMP_SUFFIX
tempStatsFile = os.path.join(self._get_arbitrary_stats_inbox_dir(), tempStatsFileName)
writeFormat = "w" if isinstance(msg, str) else "wb"
with open(tempStatsFile, writeFormat) as f:
os.rename(tempStatsFile, tempStatsFile[:-len(self.LOG_TEMP_SUFFIX)]) # This operation is atomic
def read_logs(self, callback, read_all=False):
files_processed = 0
# Holds pairs of a function to call to get directories to look at, and
# a flag for whether to archive the files found.
queries = []
if read_all:
# If looking at all logs, check the archive
queries.append((self._stats_archive_directories, False))
# Always check the inbox and archive from it. But do it after checking
# the archive to avoid duplicates in the same pass.
queries.append((self._stats_inbox_directories, True))
for to_call, should_archive in queries:
for log_dir in to_call():
for log_file in os.listdir(log_dir):
if not log_file.startswith(self.LOG_PREFIX):
# Skip anything not a log file (like the other spray
# directories)
if log_file.endswith(self.LOG_TEMP_SUFFIX):
# Skip partially-written files, always.
abs_log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, log_file)
if not os.path.isfile(abs_log_file):
# This can't be a log file.
opened_file = open(abs_log_file, "rb")
except FileNotFoundError:
# File disappeared before we could open it.
# Maybe someone else is reading logs?
with opened_file as f:
files_processed += 1
if should_archive:
# We need to move the stats file to the archive.
# Since we have UUID stats file names we don't need
# to worry about collisions when it gets there.
new_dir = self._get_arbitrary_stats_archive_dir()
new_abs_log_file = os.path.join(new_dir, log_file)
# Mark this item as read
os.rename(abs_log_file, new_abs_log_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
# File we wanted to archive disappeared.
# Maybe someone else is reading logs?
# TODO: Raise ConcurrentFileModificationException?
return files_processed
# Private methods
def _get_job_dir_from_id(self, jobStoreID):
Find the directory for a job, which holds its job file.
:param str jobStoreID: ID of a job, which is a relative to self.jobsDir.
:rtype : string, string is the absolute path to a job directory inside self.jobsDir.
return os.path.join(self.jobsDir, jobStoreID)
def _get_job_id_from_dir(self, absPath):
:param str absPath: The absolute path to a job directory under self.jobsDir which represents a job.
:rtype : string, string is the job ID, which is a path relative to self.jobsDir
return absPath[len(self.jobsDir) + 1 :]
def _get_job_id_from_files_dir(self, absPath: str) -> str:
:param str absPath: The absolute path to a job directory under self.jobFilesDir which holds a job's files.
:rtype : string, string is the job ID
return absPath[len(self.jobFilesDir) + 1 :]
def _get_job_file_name(self, jobStoreID):
Return the path to the file containing the serialised JobDescription instance for the given
:rtype: str
return os.path.join(self._get_job_dir_from_id(jobStoreID), "job")
def _get_job_files_dir(self, jobStoreID):
Return the path to the directory that should hold files made by the
given job that should survive its deletion.
This directory will only be created if files are to be put in it.
:rtype : string, string is the absolute path to the job's files
return os.path.join(self.jobFilesDir, jobStoreID)
def _get_job_files_cleanup_dir(self, jobStoreID):
Return the path to the directory that should hold files made by the
given job that will be deleted when the job is deleted.
This directory will only be created if files are to be put in it.
It may or may not be a subdirectory of the job's own directory.
:rtype : string, string is the absolute path to the job's cleanup
files directory
return os.path.join(self.jobFilesDir, jobStoreID, "cleanup")
def _check_job_store_id_assigned(self, jobStoreID):
Do nothing if the given job store ID has been assigned by
:meth:`assignID`, and the corresponding job has not yet been
deleted, even if the JobDescription hasn't yet been saved for the first
If the ID has not been assigned, raises a NoSuchJobException.
if not self._wait_for_file(self._get_job_dir_from_id(jobStoreID)):
raise NoSuchJobException(jobStoreID)
def _check_job_store_id_exists(self, jobStoreID):
Raises a NoSuchJobException if the job with ID jobStoreID does not exist.
if not self._wait_for_exists(jobStoreID, 30):
raise NoSuchJobException(jobStoreID)
def _get_file_path_from_id(self, jobStoreFileID):
:param str jobStoreFileID: The ID of a file
:rtype : string, string is the absolute path that that file should
appear at on disk, under either self.jobsDir if it is to be
cleaned up with a job, or self.filesDir otherwise.
# We just make the file IDs paths under the job store overall.
absPath = os.path.join(self.jobStoreDir, unquote(jobStoreFileID))
# Don't validate here, we are called by the validation logic
return absPath
def _get_file_id_from_path(self, absPath):
:param str absPath: The absolute path of a file.
:rtype : string, string is the file ID.
return quote(absPath[len(self.jobStoreDir) + 1 :])
def _check_job_store_file_id(self, jobStoreFileID):
:raise NoSuchFileException: if the file with ID jobStoreFileID does
not exist or is not a file
if not self.file_exists(jobStoreFileID):
raise NoSuchFileException(jobStoreFileID)
def _get_arbitrary_jobs_dir_for_name(self, jobNameSlug):
Gets a temporary directory in a multi-level hierarchy in self.jobsDir.
The directory is not unique and may already have other jobs' directories in it.
We organize them at the top level by job name, to be user-inspectable.
We make sure to prepend a string so that job names can't collide with
spray directory names.
:param str jobNameSlug: A partial filename derived from the job name.
Used as the first level of the directory hierarchy.
:rtype : string, path to temporary directory in which to place files/directories.
if len(os.listdir(self.jobsDir)) > self.fanOut:
# Make sure that we don't over-fill the root with too many unique job names.
# Go in a subdirectory tree, and then go by job name and make another tree.
return self._get_dynamic_spray_dir(
self.JOB_NAME_DIR_PREFIX + jobNameSlug,
# Just go in the root
return self._get_dynamic_spray_dir(
os.path.join(self.jobsDir, self.JOB_NAME_DIR_PREFIX + jobNameSlug)
def _get_arbitrary_stats_inbox_dir(self):
Gets a temporary directory in a multi-level hierarchy in
self.stats_inbox, where stats files not yet seen by the leader live.
The directory is not unique and may already have other stats files in it.
:rtype : string, path to temporary directory in which to place files/directories.
return self._get_dynamic_spray_dir(self.stats_inbox)
def _get_arbitrary_stats_archive_dir(self):
Gets a temporary directory in a multi-level hierarchy in
self.stats_archive, where stats files already seen by the leader live.
The directory is not unique and may already have other stats files in it.
:rtype : string, path to temporary directory in which to place files/directories.
return self._get_dynamic_spray_dir(self.stats_archive)
def _get_arbitrary_files_dir(self):
Gets a temporary directory in a multi-level hierarchy in self.filesDir.
The directory is not unique and may already have other user files in it.
:rtype : string, path to temporary directory in which to place files/directories.
return self._get_dynamic_spray_dir(self.filesDir)
def _get_dynamic_spray_dir(self, root):
Gets a temporary directory in a possibly multi-level hierarchy of
directories under the given root.
Each time a directory in the hierarchy starts to fill up, additional
hierarchy levels are created under it, and we randomly "spray" further
files and directories across them.
We can't actually enforce that we never go over our internal limit for
files in a directory, because any number of calls to this function can
be happening simultaneously. But we can enforce that, once too many
files are visible on disk, only subdirectories will be created.
The returned directory will exist, and may contain other data already.
The caller may not create any files or directories in the returned
directory with single-character names that are in self.validDirs.
:param str root : directory to put the hierarchy under, which will
fill first.
:rtype : string, path to temporary directory in which to place
tempDir = root
# Make sure the root exists
os.makedirs(tempDir, exist_ok=True)
while len(os.listdir(tempDir)) >= self.fanOut:
# We need to use a layer of directories under here to avoid over-packing the directory
tempDir = os.path.join(tempDir, random.choice(self.validDirs))
os.makedirs(tempDir, exist_ok=True)
# When we get here, we found a sufficiently empty directory
return tempDir
def _walk_dynamic_spray_dir(self, root):
Walks over a directory tree filled in by _getDynamicSprayDir.
Yields each directory _getDynamicSprayDir has ever returned, and no
directories it has not returned (besides the root).
If the caller looks in the directory, they must ignore subdirectories
with single-character names in self.validDirs.
:param str root : directory the hierarchy was put under
:rtype : an iterator over directories
# Always yield the root.
# The caller is responsible for dealing with it if it has gone away.
yield root
children = []
# Look for children
children = os.listdir(root)
# Don't care if they are gone
for child in children:
# Go over all the children
if child not in self.validDirsSet:
# Only look at our reserved names we use for fan-out
# We made this directory, so go look in it
childPath = os.path.join(root, child)
# Recurse
yield from self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(childPath)
def _list_dynamic_spray_dir(self, root):
For a directory tree filled in by _getDynamicSprayDir, yields each
highest-level file or or directory *not* created by _getDynamicSprayDir
(i.e. the actual contents).
for spray_dir in self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(root):
for child in os.listdir(spray_dir):
if child not in self.validDirsSet:
# This is a real content item we are storing
yield os.path.join(spray_dir, child)
def _job_directories(self):
:rtype : an iterator to the temporary directories containing job
files. They may also contain directories containing more
job files.
# Walking the job directories is more complicated.
# We have one layer of spray (which is sometimes bypassed, but that's OK), then a job name, then another layer.
# We can tell the job name directories from the spray directories because they start with self.JOB_NAME_DIR_PREFIX.
# We never look at the directories containing the job name directories,
# so they aren't mistaken for the leaf-level per-job job directories.
for jobHoldingDir in self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(self.jobsDir):
# For every directory in the first spray, look at children
children = []
children = os.listdir(jobHoldingDir)
for jobNameDir in children:
if not jobNameDir.startswith(self.JOB_NAME_DIR_PREFIX):
# Now we have only the directories that are named after jobs. Look inside them.
yield from self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(
os.path.join(jobHoldingDir, jobNameDir)
def _stats_inbox_directories(self):
:returns: an iterator to the temporary directories containing new stats
files. They may also contain directories containing more stats
return self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(self.stats_inbox)
def _stats_archive_directories(self):
:returns: an iterator to the temporary directories containing
previously observed stats files. They may also contain directories
containing more stats files.
return self._walk_dynamic_spray_dir(self.stats_archive)
def _get_unique_file_path(self, fileName, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False):
Create unique file name within a jobStore directory or tmp directory.
:param fileName: A file name, which can be a full path as only the
basename will be used.
:param jobStoreID: If given, the path returned will be in a directory including the job's ID as part of its path.
:param bool cleanup: If True and jobStoreID is set, the path will be in
a place such that it gets deleted when the job is deleted.
:return: The full path with a unique file name.
# Give the file a unique directory that either will be cleaned up with a job or won't.
directory = self._get_file_directory(jobStoreID, cleanup)
# And then a path under it
uniquePath = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(fileName))
# No need to check if it exists already; it is in a unique directory.
return uniquePath
def _get_file_directory(self, jobStoreID=None, cleanup=False):
Get a new empty directory path for a file to be stored at.
:param str jobStoreID: If the jobStoreID is not None, the file wil
be associated with the job with that ID.
:param bool cleanup: If cleanup is also True, this directory
will be cleaned up when the job is deleted.
:rtype :string, string is the absolute path to a directory to put the file in.
if jobStoreID != None:
# Make a temporary file within the job's files directory
# Make sure the job is legit
# Find where all its created files should live, depending on if
# they need to go away when the job is deleted or not.
jobFilesDir = (
if not cleanup
else self._get_job_files_cleanup_dir(jobStoreID)
# Lazily create the parent directory.
# We don't want our tree filled with confusingly empty directories.
os.makedirs(jobFilesDir, exist_ok=True)
# Then make a temp directory inside it
filesDir = os.path.join(jobFilesDir, "file-" + uuid.uuid4().hex)
return filesDir
# Make a temporary file within the non-job-associated files hierarchy
filesDir = os.path.join(
self._get_arbitrary_files_dir(), "file-" + uuid.uuid4().hex
return filesDir