Source code for toil.provisioners

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import logging
from difflib import get_close_matches
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

    from import AWSProvisioner
    from toil.provisioners.gceProvisioner import GCEProvisioner

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def cluster_factory( provisioner: str, clusterName: Optional[str] = None, clusterType: str = "mesos", zone: Optional[str] = None, nodeStorage: int = 50, nodeStorageOverrides: Optional[list[str]] = None, sseKey: Optional[str] = None, enable_fuse: bool = False, ) -> Union["AWSProvisioner", "GCEProvisioner"]: """ Find and instantiate the appropriate provisioner instance to make clusters in the given cloud. Raises ClusterTypeNotSupportedException if the given provisioner does not implement clusters of the given type. :param provisioner: The cloud type of the cluster. :param clusterName: The name of the cluster. :param clusterType: The type of cluster: 'mesos' or 'kubernetes'. :param zone: The cloud zone :return: A cluster object for the the cloud type. """ if provisioner == "aws": try: from import AWSProvisioner except ImportError: logger.error("The aws extra must be installed to use this provisioner") raise return AWSProvisioner( clusterName, clusterType, zone, nodeStorage, nodeStorageOverrides, sseKey, enable_fuse, ) elif provisioner == "gce": try: from toil.provisioners.gceProvisioner import GCEProvisioner except ImportError: logger.error("The google extra must be installed to use this provisioner") raise return GCEProvisioner( clusterName, clusterType, zone, nodeStorage, nodeStorageOverrides, sseKey, enable_fuse, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid provisioner '%s'" % provisioner)
[docs] def add_provisioner_options(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: group = parser.add_argument_group("Provisioner Options.") provisioner_choices = ["aws", "gce"] # TODO: Better consolidate this provisioner arg and the one in group.add_argument( "--provisioner", "-p", dest="provisioner", choices=provisioner_choices, default="aws", help=f"The provisioner for cluster auto-scaling. This is the '--provisioner' option set for " f"Toil utils like launch-cluster and destroy-cluster, which always require a provisioner, " f"and so this defaults to: %(default)s. Choices: {provisioner_choices}.", ) group.add_argument( "-z", "--zone", dest="zone", required=False, default=None, help="The availability zone of the leader. This parameter can also be set via the 'TOIL_X_ZONE' " "environment variable, where X is AWS or GCE, or by the ec2_region_name parameter " "in your .boto file, or derived from the instance metadata if using this utility on an " "existing EC2 instance.", ) group.add_argument( "clusterName", help="The name that the cluster will be identifiable by. " "Must be lowercase and may not contain the '_' character.", )
[docs] def parse_node_types( node_type_specs: Optional[str], ) -> list[tuple[set[str], Optional[float]]]: """ Parse a specification for zero or more node types. Takes a comma-separated list of node types. Each node type is a slash-separated list of at least one instance type name (like 'm5a.large' for AWS), and an optional bid in dollars after a colon. Raises ValueError if a node type cannot be parsed. Inputs should look something like this: >>> parse_node_types('c5.4xlarge/c5a.4xlarge:0.42,t2.large') [({'c5.4xlarge', 'c5a.4xlarge'}, 0.42), ({'t2.large'}, None)] :param node_type_specs: A string defining node types :returns: a list of node types, where each type is the set of instance types, and the float bid, or None. """ # Collect together all the node types parsed = [] if node_type_specs: # Some node types were actually specified for node_type_spec in node_type_specs.split(","): try: # Types are comma-separated # Then we have the colon and the bid parts = node_type_spec.split(":") if len(parts) > 2: # Only one bid allowed raise ValueError( f'Cound not parse node type "{node_type_spec}": multiple bids' ) # Instance types are slash-separated within an equivalence # class instance_types = set(parts[0].split("/")) for instance_type in instance_types: if instance_type == "": # No empty instance types allowed raise ValueError( f'Cound not parse node type "{node_type_spec}": empty instance type' ) # Build the node type tuple parsed.append( (instance_types, float(parts[1]) if len(parts) > 1 else None) ) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, ValueError): raise else: raise ValueError(f'Cound not parse node type "{node_type_spec}"') return parsed
[docs] def check_valid_node_types( provisioner, node_types: list[tuple[set[str], Optional[float]]] ): """ Raises if an invalid nodeType is specified for aws or gce. :param str provisioner: 'aws' or 'gce' to specify which cloud provisioner used. :param node_types: A list of node types. Example: [({'t2.micro'}, None), ({'t2.medium'}, 0.5)] :return: Nothing. Raises if any instance type in the node type isn't real. """ # check if a valid node type for aws from toil.lib.generatedEC2Lists import E2Instances, regionDict if provisioner == "aws": from import get_current_aws_region current_region = get_current_aws_region() or "us-west-2" # check if instance type exists in this region for node_type in node_types: for instance_type_name in node_type[0]: if instance_type_name not in regionDict[current_region]: # They probably misspelled it and can't tell. close = get_close_matches( instance_type_name, regionDict[current_region], 1 ) if len(close) > 0: helpText = " Did you mean " + close[0] + "?" else: helpText = "" raise RuntimeError( f"Invalid instance type ({instance_type_name}) specified for AWS in " f"region: {current_region}.{helpText}" ) elif provisioner == "gce": for node_type in node_types: for instance_type_name in node_type[0]: if instance_type_name in E2Instances: raise RuntimeError( f"It looks like you've specified an AWS nodeType with the {provisioner} " f"provisioner. Please specify a nodeType for {provisioner}." ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid provisioner: {provisioner}")
[docs] class NoSuchClusterException(Exception): """Indicates that the specified cluster does not exist.""" def __init__(self, cluster_name: str) -> None: super().__init__(f"The cluster '{cluster_name}' could not be found")
[docs] class NoSuchZoneException(Exception): """Indicates that a valid zone could not be found.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(f"No valid zone could be found!")
[docs] class ClusterTypeNotSupportedException(Exception): """Indicates that a provisioner does not support a given cluster type.""" def __init__(self, provisioner_class, cluster_type): super().__init__( f"The {provisioner_class} provisioner does not support making {cluster_type} clusters" )
[docs] class ClusterCombinationNotSupportedException(Exception): """Indicates that a provisioner does not support making a given type of cluster with a given architecture.""" def __init__( self, provisioner_class: type, cluster_type: str, architecture: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, ): message = ( f"The {provisioner_class} provisioner does not support making {cluster_type} clusters " f"using nodes with the {architecture} architecture." ) if reason is not None: message += f" This is because: {reason}" super().__init__(message)