Source code for toil.statsAndLogging

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import gzip
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union

from toil.lib.conversions import strtobool
from toil.lib.expando import Expando
from toil.lib.resources import ResourceMonitor

    from toil.common import Config
    from toil.jobStores.abstractJobStore import AbstractJobStore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
toil_logger = logging.getLogger("toil")

__loggingFiles = []

# We have some logging that belongs at a TRACE level, below DEBUG
TRACE = logging.DEBUG - 5

logging.addLevelName(TRACE, "TRACE")

[docs] class StatsAndLogging: """A thread to aggregate statistics and logging.""" def __init__(self, jobStore: "AbstractJobStore", config: "Config") -> None: self._stop = Event() self._worker = Thread( target=self.statsAndLoggingAggregator, args=(jobStore, self._stop, config), daemon=True, )
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Start the stats and logging thread.""" self._worker.start()
[docs] @classmethod def formatLogStream( cls, stream: Union[IO[str], IO[bytes]], stream_name: str ) -> str: """ Given a stream of text or bytes, and the job name, job itself, or some other optional stringifyable identity info for the job, return a big text string with the formatted job log, suitable for printing for the user. We don't want to prefix every line of the job's log with our own logging info, or we get prefixes wider than any reasonable terminal and longer than the messages. :param stream: The stream of text or bytes to print for the user. """ lines = [f"{stream_name} follows:", "=========>"] for line in stream: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") lines.append("\t" + line.rstrip("\n")) lines.append("<=========") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] @classmethod def logWithFormatting( cls, stream_name: str, jobLogs: Union[IO[str], IO[bytes]], method: Callable[[str], None] = logger.debug, message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if message is not None: method(message) # Format and log the logs, identifying the stream with the given name. method(cls.formatLogStream(jobLogs, stream_name))
[docs] @classmethod def writeLogFiles( cls, jobNames: list[str], jobLogList: list[str], config: "Config", failed: bool = False, ) -> None: def createName( logPath: str, jobName: str, logExtension: str, failed: bool = False ) -> str: logName = jobName.replace("-", "--") logName = logName.replace("/", "-") logName = logName.replace(" ", "_") logName = logName.replace("'", "") logName = logName.replace('"', "") # Add a "failed_" prefix to logs from failed jobs. logName = ("failed_" if failed else "") + logName counter = 0 while True: suffix = "_" + str(counter).zfill(3) + logExtension fullName = os.path.join(logPath, logName + suffix) # The maximum file name size in the default HFS+ file system is 255 UTF-16 encoding units, so basically 255 characters if len(fullName) >= 255: return fullName[: (255 - len(suffix))] + suffix if not os.path.exists(fullName): return fullName counter += 1 mainFileName = jobNames[0] extension = ".log" writeFn: Callable[..., Any] if config.writeLogs: path = config.writeLogs writeFn = open elif config.writeLogsGzip: path = config.writeLogsGzip writeFn = extension += ".gz" else: # we don't have anywhere to write the logs, return now return # Make sure the destination exists os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) fullName = createName(path, mainFileName, extension, failed) with writeFn(fullName, "wb") as f: for l in jobLogList: if isinstance(l, bytes): l = l.decode("utf-8") if not l.endswith("\n"): l += "\n" f.write(l.encode("utf-8")) for alternateName in jobNames[1:]: # There are chained jobs in this output - indicate this with a symlink # of the job's name to this file name = createName(path, alternateName, extension, failed) if not os.path.exists(name): os.symlink(os.path.relpath(fullName, path), name)
[docs] @classmethod def statsAndLoggingAggregator( cls, jobStore: "AbstractJobStore", stop: Event, config: "Config" ) -> None: """ The following function is used for collating stats/reporting log messages from the workers. Works inside of a thread, collates as long as the stop flag is not True. """ # Overall timing startTime = time.time() startClock = ResourceMonitor.get_total_cpu_time() def callback(fileHandle: Union[IO[bytes], IO[str]]) -> None: statsStr = if not isinstance(statsStr, str): statsStr = statsStr.decode() stats = json.loads(statsStr, object_hook=Expando) if not stats: return try: # Handle all the log_to_leader messages logs = stats.workers.logs_to_leader except AttributeError: # To be expected if there were no calls to log_to_leader() pass else: for message in logs: logger.log( int(message.level), "Got message from job at time %s: %s", time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"), message.text, ) try: # Handle all the user-level text streams reported back (command output, etc.) user_logs = stats.workers.logging_user_streams except AttributeError: # To be expected if there were no calls to log_user_stream() pass else: for stream_entry in user_logs: try: # Unpack the stream name and text. name, text =, stream_entry.text except AttributeError: # Doesn't have a user-provided stream name and stream # text, so skip it. continue # Since this is sent as inline text we need to pretend to stream it. # TODO: Save these as individual files if they start to get too big? cls.logWithFormatting(name, io.StringIO(text), # Save it as a log file, as if it were a Toil-level job. cls.writeLogFiles([name], [text], config=config) try: logs = stats.logs except AttributeError: pass else: # we may have multiple jobs per worker jobNames = logs.names messages = logs.messages cls.logWithFormatting( f'Log from job "{jobNames[0]}"', messages, message="Received Toil worker log. Disable debug level logging to hide this output", ) cls.writeLogFiles(jobNames, messages, config=config) while True: # This is a indirect way of getting a message to the thread to exit if stop.is_set(): jobStore.read_logs(callback) break if jobStore.read_logs(callback) == 0: time.sleep(0.5) # Avoid cycling too fast # Finish the stats file text = json.dumps( dict( total_time=str(time.time() - startTime), total_clock=str(ResourceMonitor.get_total_cpu_time() - startClock), ), ensure_ascii=True, ) jobStore.write_logs(text)
[docs] def check(self) -> None: """ Check on the stats and logging aggregator. :raise RuntimeError: If the underlying thread has quit. """ if not self._worker.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError("Stats and logging thread has quit")
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """Finish up the stats/logging aggregation thread.""" logger.debug("Waiting for stats and logging collator thread to finish ...") startTime = time.time() self._stop.set() self._worker.join() logger.debug( "... finished collating stats and logs. Took %s seconds", time.time() - startTime, )
# in addition to cleaning on exceptions, onError should clean if there are any failed jobs
[docs] def set_log_level(level: str, set_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None: """Sets the root logger level to a given string level (like "INFO").""" level = "CRITICAL" if level.upper() == "OFF" else level.upper() set_logger = set_logger if set_logger else root_logger set_logger.setLevel(level) # Suppress any random loggers introduced by libraries we use. # Especially boto/boto3. They print too much. -__- suppress_exotic_logging(__name__)
[docs] def install_log_color(set_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None: """Make logs colored.""" # Most of this code is taken from miniwdl # delayed import import coloredlogs # type: ignore[import-untyped] level_styles = dict(coloredlogs.DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES) level_styles["trace"] = dict(level_styles["debug"]) # TODO: What if these fixed colors aren't right for the terminal background? # It might be light or dark or even grey. level_styles["trace"]["color"] = 242 level_styles["debug"]["color"] = 242 level_styles["notice"] = {"color": "green", "bold": True} level_styles["error"]["bold"] = True level_styles["warning"]["bold"] = True level_styles["info"] = {} field_styles = dict(coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES) field_styles["asctime"] = {"color": "blue"} field_styles["name"] = {"color": "magenta"} field_styles["levelname"] = {"color": "blue"} field_styles["threadName"] = {"color": "blue"} fmt = "[%(asctime)s] [%(threadName)s] [%(levelname).1s] [%(name)s] %(message)s" # mimic old toil logging format set_logger = set_logger if set_logger else root_logger coloredlogs.install( level=set_logger.getEffectiveLevel(), logger=set_logger, level_styles=level_styles, field_styles=field_styles, datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", # mimic old toil date format fmt=fmt, )
[docs] def add_logging_options( parser: ArgumentParser, default_level: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """ Add logging options to set the global log level. :param default_level: A logging level, like logging.INFO, to use as the default. """ if default_level is None: # Make sure we have a log levle to make the default default_level = DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL default_level_name = logging.getLevelName(default_level) group = parser.add_argument_group("Logging Options") levels = ["Critical", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Trace"] for level in levels: group.add_argument( f"--log{level}", dest="logLevel", default=default_level_name, action="store_const", const=level, help=f"Set logging level to {level}. Default: {default_level_name}.", ) levels += [l.lower() for l in levels] + [l.upper() for l in levels] group.add_argument( "--logOff", dest="logLevel", default=default_level_name, action="store_const", const="CRITICAL", help="Same as --logCritical.", ) # Maybe deprecate the above in favor of --logLevel? group.add_argument( "--logLevel", dest="logLevel", default=default_level_name, choices=levels, help=f"Set the log level. Default: {default_level_name}. Options: {levels}.", ) group.add_argument("--logFile", dest="logFile", help="File to log in.") group.add_argument( "--rotatingLogging", dest="logRotating", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on rotating logging, which prevents log files from getting too big.", ) group.add_argument( "--logColors", dest="colored_logs", default=True, type=strtobool, metavar="BOOL", help="Enable or disable colored logging. Default: %(default)s", )
[docs] def configure_root_logger() -> None: """ Set up the root logger with handlers and formatting. Should be called before any entry point tries to log anything, to ensure consistent formatting. """ logging.basicConfig( format="[%(asctime)s] [%(threadName)-10s] [%(levelname).1s] [%(name)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", ) root_logger.setLevel(DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL)
[docs] def log_to_file(log_file: Optional[str], log_rotation: bool) -> None: if log_file and log_file not in __loggingFiles: logger.debug(f"Logging to file '{log_file}'.") __loggingFiles.append(log_file) handler: Union[RotatingFileHandler, logging.FileHandler] if log_rotation: handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=1) else: handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) root_logger.addHandler(handler)
[docs] def set_logging_from_options(options: Union["Config", Namespace]) -> None: configure_root_logger() options.logLevel = options.logLevel or logging.getLevelName( root_logger.getEffectiveLevel() ) set_log_level(options.logLevel) if options.colored_logs: install_log_color() logger.debug( f"Root logger is at level '{logging.getLevelName(root_logger.getEffectiveLevel())}', " f"'toil' logger at level '{logging.getLevelName(toil_logger.getEffectiveLevel())}'." ) # start logging to log file if specified log_to_file(options.logFile, options.logRotating)
[docs] def suppress_exotic_logging(local_logger: str) -> None: """ Attempts to suppress the loggers of all non-Toil packages by setting them to CRITICAL. For example: 'requests_oauthlib', 'google', 'boto', 'websocket', 'oauthlib', etc. This will only suppress loggers that have already been instantiated and can be seen in the environment, except for the list declared in "always_suppress". This is important because some packages, particularly boto3, are not always instantiated yet in the environment when this is run, and so we create the logger and set the level preemptively. """ never_suppress = ["toil", "__init__", "__main__", "toil-rt", "cwltool"] always_suppress = [ "boto3", "boto", "botocore", ] # ensure we suppress even before instantiated top_level_loggers: list[str] = [] # Due to for pkg_logger in list(logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.keys()) + always_suppress: if pkg_logger != local_logger: # many sub-loggers may exist, like "boto.a", "boto.b", "boto.c"; we only want the top_level: "boto" top_level_logger = ( pkg_logger.split(".")[0] if "." in pkg_logger else pkg_logger ) if top_level_logger not in top_level_loggers + never_suppress: top_level_loggers.append(top_level_logger) logging.getLogger(top_level_logger).setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logger.debug(f"Suppressing the following loggers: {set(top_level_loggers)}")