Source code for toil.test.src.workerTest

# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Regents of the University of California
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from toil.common import Config
from toil.job import CheckpointJobDescription, JobDescription
from toil.jobStores.fileJobStore import FileJobStore
from toil.test import ToilTest
from toil.worker import nextChainable

from typing import Optional

[docs] class WorkerTests(ToilTest): """Test miscellaneous units of the worker."""
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() path = self._getTestJobStorePath() self.jobStore = FileJobStore(path) self.config = Config() self.config.jobStore = 'file:%s' % path self.jobStore.initialize(self.config) self.jobNumber = 0
[docs] def testNextChainable(self): """Make sure chainable/non-chainable jobs are identified correctly.""" def createTestJobDesc(memory, cores, disk, preemptible: bool = True, checkpoint: bool = False, local: Optional[bool] = None): """ Create a JobDescription with no command (representing a Job that has already run) and return the JobDescription. """ name = 'job%d' % self.jobNumber self.jobNumber += 1 descClass = CheckpointJobDescription if checkpoint else JobDescription jobDesc = descClass( requirements={ 'memory': memory, 'cores': cores, 'disk': disk, 'preemptible': preemptible }, jobName=name, local=local ) # Assign an ID self.jobStore.assign_job_id(jobDesc) # Save and return the JobDescription return self.jobStore.create_job(jobDesc) for successorType in ['addChild', 'addFollowOn']: # Try with the branch point at both child and follow-on stages # Identical non-checkpoint jobs should be chainable. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) chainable = nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config) self.assertNotEqual(chainable, None) self.assertEqual(chainable.jobStoreID, jobDesc2.jobStoreID) # Identical checkpoint jobs should not be chainable. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, checkpoint=True) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, checkpoint=True) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # Changing checkpoint from false to true should make it not chainable. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, checkpoint=False) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, checkpoint=True) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # If there is no child we should get nothing to chain. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # If there are 2 or more children we should get nothing to chain. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) jobDesc3 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc3.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # If there is an increase in resource requirements we should get nothing to chain. base_reqs = {'memory': 1, 'cores': 2, 'disk': 3, 'preemptible': True, 'checkpoint': False} for increased_attribute in ('memory', 'cores', 'disk'): reqs = dict(base_reqs) jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(**reqs) reqs[increased_attribute] += 1 jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(**reqs) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # A change in preemptability from True to False should be disallowed. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, preemptible=True) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, preemptible=False) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # A change in local-ness from True to False should be disallowed. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, local=True) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, local=False) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) self.assertEqual(nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config), None) # A change in local-ness from False to True should be allowed, # since running locally is an optional optimization. jobDesc1 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, local=False) jobDesc2 = createTestJobDesc(1, 2, 3, local=True) getattr(jobDesc1, successorType)(jobDesc2.jobStoreID) chainable = nextChainable(jobDesc1, self.jobStore, self.config) self.assertNotEqual(chainable, None) self.assertEqual(chainable.jobStoreID, jobDesc2.jobStoreID)