Common base class for all non-exit exceptions. |
Interface for provisioning worker nodes to use in a Toil cluster. |
Matches errors that we expect to occur during shutdown, and which indicate |
This decorator retries the wrapped function if aws throws unexpected errors. |
Collapse tags from boto3 format to node format |
Module Contents¶
Matches errors that we expect to occur during shutdown, and which indicate that we need to wait or try again.
Should not match any errors which indicate that an operation is impossible or unnecessary (such as errors resulting from a thing not existing to be deleted).
This decorator retries the wrapped function if aws throws unexpected errors.
It should wrap any function that makes use of boto
- Parameters:
f (Callable[Ellipsis, F])
- Return type:
Callable[Ellipsis, F]
-, boto3_ec2)¶
- exception¶
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Collapse tags from boto3 format to node format :param instance_tags: tags as a list :return: Dict of tags
- class, clusterType, zone, nodeStorage, nodeStorageOverrides, sseKey, enable_fuse)¶
Interface for provisioning worker nodes to use in a Toil cluster.
- Parameters:
- cloud = 'aws'¶
- aws¶
- s3_bucket_name = 'default-toil-cluster-name--internal'¶
- supportedClusterTypes()¶
Get all the cluster types that this provisioner implementation supports.
- createClusterSettings()¶
Create a new set of cluster settings for a cluster to be deployed into AWS.
- Return type:
- readClusterSettings()¶
Reads the cluster settings from the instance metadata, which assumes the instance is the leader.
- Return type:
- launchCluster(leaderNodeType, leaderStorage, owner, keyName, botoPath, userTags, vpcSubnet, awsEc2ProfileArn, awsEc2ExtraSecurityGroupIds, **kwargs)¶
Starts a single leader node and populates this class with the leader’s metadata.
- Parameters:
leaderNodeType (str) – An AWS instance type, like “t2.medium”, for example.
leaderStorage (int) – An integer number of gigabytes to provide the leader instance with.
owner (str) – Resources will be tagged with this owner string.
keyName (str) – The ssh key to use to access the leader node.
botoPath (str) – The path to the boto credentials directory.
userTags (dict[str, str] | None) – Optionally provided user tags to put on the cluster.
vpcSubnet (str | None) – Optionally specify the VPC subnet for the leader.
awsEc2ProfileArn (str | None) – Optionally provide the profile ARN.
awsEc2ExtraSecurityGroupIds (list[str] | None) – Optionally provide additional security group IDs.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- getKubernetesAutoscalerSetupCommands(values)¶
Get the Bash commands necessary to configure the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler for AWS.
- getKubernetesCloudProvider()¶
Use the “aws” Kubernetes cloud provider when setting up Kubernetes.
- Return type:
str | None
- getNodeShape(instance_type, preemptible=False)¶
Get the Shape for the given instance type (e.g. ‘t2.medium’).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- static retryPredicate(e)¶
Return true if the exception e should be retried by the cluster scaler. For example, should return true if the exception was due to exceeding an API rate limit. The error will be retried with exponential backoff.
- destroyCluster()¶
Terminate instances and delete the profile and security group.
- Return type:
- terminateNodes(nodes)¶
Terminate the nodes represented by given Node objects
- Parameters:
nodes (list[toil.provisioners.node.Node]) – list of Node objects
- Return type:
- addNodes(nodeTypes, numNodes, preemptible, spotBid=None)¶
Used to add worker nodes to the cluster
- Parameters:
- Returns:
number of nodes successfully added
- Return type:
- addManagedNodes(nodeTypes, minNodes, maxNodes, preemptible, spotBid=None)¶
Add a group of managed nodes of the given type, up to the given maximum. The nodes will automatically be launched and terminated depending on cluster load.
Raises ManagedNodesNotSupportedException if the provisioner implementation or cluster configuration can’t have managed nodes.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- getProvisionedWorkers(instance_type=None, preemptible=None)¶
Gets all nodes, optionally of the given instance type or preemptability, from the provisioner. Includes both static and autoscaled nodes.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
list of Node objects
- Return type:
- getLeader(wait=False)¶
Get the leader for the cluster as a Toil Node object.
- Parameters:
wait (bool)
- Return type:
- full_policy(resource)¶
Produce a dict describing the JSON form of a full-access-granting AWS IAM policy for the service with the given name (e.g. ‘s3’).
- kubernetes_policy()¶
Get the Kubernetes policy grants not provided by the full grants on EC2 and IAM. See <> and <>.
These are mostly needed to support Kubernetes’ AWS CloudProvider, and some are for the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler’s AWS integration.
Some of these are really only needed on the leader.