Unspecified run-time error. |
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions. |
Wait until the specified EC2 resource (instance, image, volume, ...) transitions from any |
Wait until no instance in the given iterable is 'pending'. Yield every instance that |
Wait until no spot request in the given iterator is in the 'open' state or, optionally, |
Create instances on the spot market. |
Requests the RunInstances EC2 API call but accounts for the race between recently created |
Increase the default HTTP hop limit, as we are running Toil and Kubernetes inside a Docker container, so the default |
Prune entries in the given dict with false-y values. |
Replaces create_ondemand_instances. Uses boto3 and returns a list of Boto3 instance dicts. |
Creates a launch template with the given name for launching instances with the given parameters. |
Create a new Auto Scaling Group with the given name (which is also its |
Module Contents¶
- toil.lib.ec2.a_short_time = 5¶
- toil.lib.ec2.a_long_time = 3600¶
- toil.lib.ec2.logger¶
- exception toil.lib.ec2.UserError(message=None, cause=None)¶
Unspecified run-time error.
- toil.lib.ec2.not_found(e)¶
- toil.lib.ec2.inconsistencies_detected(e)¶
- toil.lib.ec2.retry_ec2(t=a_short_time, retry_for=10 * a_short_time, retry_while=not_found)¶
- exception toil.lib.ec2.UnexpectedResourceState(resource, to_state, state)¶
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
- toil.lib.ec2.wait_transition(boto3_ec2, resource, from_states, to_state, state_getter=lambda x: ...)¶
Wait until the specified EC2 resource (instance, image, volume, …) transitions from any of the given ‘from’ states to the specified ‘to’ state. If the instance is found in a state other that the to state or any of the from states, an exception will be thrown.
- Parameters:
resource (mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.InstanceTypeDef) – the resource to monitor
from_states ([str]) – a set of states that the resource is expected to be in before the transition occurs
to_state (str) – the state of the resource when this method returns
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client)
state_getter (Callable[[mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.InstanceTypeDef], str])
- toil.lib.ec2.wait_instances_running(boto3_ec2, instances)¶
Wait until no instance in the given iterable is ‘pending’. Yield every instance that entered the running state as soon as it does.
- Parameters:
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client) – the EC2 connection to use for making requests
instances ([mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.InstanceTypeDef]) – the instances to wait on
- Return type:[mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.InstanceTypeDef, None, None]
- toil.lib.ec2.wait_spot_requests_active(boto3_ec2, requests, timeout=None, tentative=False)¶
Wait until no spot request in the given iterator is in the ‘open’ state or, optionally, a timeout occurs. Yield spot requests as soon as they leave the ‘open’ state.
- Parameters:
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client) – ec2 client
requests ([mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.SpotInstanceRequestTypeDef]) – The requests to wait on.
timeout (float) – Maximum time in seconds to spend waiting or None to wait forever. If a timeout occurs, the remaining open requests will be cancelled.
tentative (bool) – if True, give up on a spot request at the earliest indication of it not being fulfilled immediately
- Return type:[list[mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.SpotInstanceRequestTypeDef]]
- toil.lib.ec2.create_spot_instances(boto3_ec2, price, image_id, spec, num_instances=1, timeout=None, tentative=False, tags=None)¶
Create instances on the spot market.
- Parameters:
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client)
- Return type:[mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.DescribeInstancesResultTypeDef, None, None]
- toil.lib.ec2.create_ondemand_instances(boto3_ec2, image_id, spec, num_instances=1)¶
Requests the RunInstances EC2 API call but accounts for the race between recently created instance profiles, IAM roles and an instance creation that refers to them.
- Parameters:
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client)
image_id (str)
spec ([str, Any])
num_instances (int)
- Return type:
- toil.lib.ec2.increase_instance_hop_limit(boto3_ec2, boto_instance_list)¶
Increase the default HTTP hop limit, as we are running Toil and Kubernetes inside a Docker container, so the default hop limit of 1 will not be enough when grabbing metadata information with ec2_metadata
Must be called after the instances are guaranteed to be running.
- Parameters:
boto_instance_list (list[mypy_boto3_ec2.type_defs.InstanceTypeDef]) – List of boto instances to modify
boto3_ec2 (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- toil.lib.ec2.prune(bushy)¶
Prune entries in the given dict with false-y values. Boto3 may not like None and instead wants no key.
- toil.lib.ec2.iam_client¶
- toil.lib.ec2.wait_until_instance_profile_arn_exists(instance_profile_arn)¶
- Parameters:
instance_profile_arn (str)
- toil.lib.ec2.create_instances(ec2_resource, image_id, key_name, instance_type, num_instances=1, security_group_ids=None, user_data=None, block_device_map=None, instance_profile_arn=None, placement_az=None, subnet_id=None, tags=None)¶
Replaces create_ondemand_instances. Uses boto3 and returns a list of Boto3 instance dicts.
- See “create_instances” (returns a list of ec2.Instance objects):
- Not to be confused with “run_instances” (same input args; returns a dictionary):
Tags, if given, are applied to the instances, and all volumes.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- toil.lib.ec2.create_launch_template(ec2_client, template_name, image_id, key_name, instance_type, security_group_ids=None, user_data=None, block_device_map=None, instance_profile_arn=None, placement_az=None, subnet_id=None, tags=None)¶
Creates a launch template with the given name for launching instances with the given parameters.
We only ever use the default version of any launch template.
Internally calls
- Parameters:
tags (Optional[dict[str, str]]) – Tags, if given, are applied to the template itself, all instances, and all volumes.
user_data (Optional[Union[str, bytes]]) – non-base64-encoded user data to pass to the instances.
ec2_client (mypy_boto3_ec2.client.EC2Client)
template_name (str)
image_id (str)
key_name (str)
instance_type (str)
security_group_ids (Optional[list])
instance_profile_arn (Optional[str])
placement_az (Optional[str])
subnet_id (Optional[str])
- Returns:
the ID of the launch template.
- Return type:
- toil.lib.ec2.create_auto_scaling_group(autoscaling_client, asg_name, launch_template_ids, vpc_subnets, min_size, max_size, instance_types=None, spot_bid=None, spot_cheapest=False, tags=None)¶
Create a new Auto Scaling Group with the given name (which is also its unique identifier).
- Parameters:
autoscaling_client (mypy_boto3_autoscaling.client.AutoScalingClient) – Boto3 client for autoscaling.
asg_name (str) – Unique name for the autoscaling group.
launch_template_ids (dict[str, str]) – ID of the launch template to make instances from, for each instance type.
vpc_subnets (list[str]) – One or more subnet IDs to place instances in the group into. Determine the availability zone(s) instances will launch into.
min_size (int) – Minimum number of instances to have in the group at all times.
max_size (int) – Maximum number of instances to allow in the group at any time.
instance_types (Optional[[str]]) – Use a pool over the given instance types, instead of the type given in the launch template. For on-demand groups, this is a prioritized list. For spot groups, we let AWS balance according to spot_strategy. Must be 20 types or shorter.
spot_bid (Optional[float]) – If set, the ASG will be a spot market ASG. Bid is in dollars per instance hour. All instance types in the group are bid on equivalently.
spot_cheapest (bool) – If true, use the cheapest spot instances available out of instance_types, instead of the spot instances that minimize eviction probability.
tags (Optional[dict[str, str]]) – Tags to apply to the ASG only. Tags for the instances should be added to the launch template instead.
- Return type:
The default version of the launch template is used.