Deletes an AWS IAM role. Any separate policies are detached from the role, and any inline policies are deleted. |
Creates an AWS IAM role. Any separate policies are detached from the role, and any inline policies are deleted. |
Initialization of an action collection, an action collection contains allowed Actions and NotActions |
Combines two action collections |
Check whether given set of actions are a subset of another given set of actions, returns true if they are |
Takes a permission and checks whether it's contained within a list of given permissions |
Given a policy document, go through each statement and create an AllowedActionCollection representing the |
Go through all attached policy documents and create an AllowedActionCollection representing granted permissions. |
Returns a dictionary containing a list of all aws actions allowed for a given role. |
Collect all of the actions allowed by the given policy documents into one AllowedActionCollection. |
Gets all allowed actions for a user given by user_name, returns a dictionary, keyed by resource, |
Gets all allowed actions for a group given by group_name, returns a dictionary, keyed by resource, |
Returns an action collection containing lists of all permission grant patterns keyed by resource |
Returns AWS account num |
Module Contents¶
- = ['iam:CreateRole', 'iam:CreateInstanceProfile', 'iam:TagInstanceProfile', 'iam:DeleteRole',...¶
-, region=None, quiet=True)¶
-, region=None, quiet=True)¶
Deletes an AWS IAM role. Any separate policies are detached from the role, and any inline policies are deleted.
-, assume_role_policy_document, policies, region=None)¶
Creates an AWS IAM role. Any separate policies are detached from the role, and any inline policies are deleted.
Initialization of an action collection, an action collection contains allowed Actions and NotActions by resource, these are patterns containing wildcards, an Action explicitly allows a matched pattern, eg ec2:* will explicitly allow all ec2 permissions
A NotAction will explicitly allow all actions that don’t match a specific pattern eg iam:* allows all non iam actions
- Return type:
-, b)¶
Combines two action collections
- Parameters:
a (AllowedActionCollection)
b (AllowedActionCollection)
- Return type:
-, required_permissions=[])¶
Check whether given set of actions are a subset of another given set of actions, returns true if they are otherwise false and prints a warning.
-, list_perms)¶
Takes a permission and checks whether it’s contained within a list of given permissions Returns True if it is otherwise False
Given a policy document, go through each statement and create an AllowedActionCollection representing the permissions granted in the policy document.
- Parameters:
policy_doc (mypy_boto3_iam.type_defs.PolicyDocumentDictTypeDef) – A policy document to examine
- Return type:
-, attached_policies)¶
Go through all attached policy documents and create an AllowedActionCollection representing granted permissions.
- Parameters:
iam (mypy_boto3_iam.IAMClient) – IAM client to use
attached_policies (list[mypy_boto3_iam.type_defs.AttachedPolicyTypeDef]) – Attached policies
- Return type:
-, policy_names, role_name)¶
Returns a dictionary containing a list of all aws actions allowed for a given role. This dictionary is keyed by resource and gives a list of policies allowed on that resource.
Collect all of the actions allowed by the given policy documents into one AllowedActionCollection.
-, policy_names, user_name)¶
Gets all allowed actions for a user given by user_name, returns a dictionary, keyed by resource, with a list of permissions allowed for each given resource.
-, policy_names, group_name)¶
Gets all allowed actions for a group given by group_name, returns a dictionary, keyed by resource, with a list of permissions allowed for each given resource.
Returns an action collection containing lists of all permission grant patterns keyed by resource that they are allowed upon. Requires AWS credentials to be associated with a user or assumed role.
- Parameters:
zone – AWS zone to connect to
region (str)
- Return type: